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Astrological Equations in the Sepher Yetsira/Sefer Yetzirah (Book of Formation) The Blue Pyramid. Spiritual Alchemy, Hermetism, Kundalini Awakening, Elemental Atlantis language. Crucified Serpent (Alchemical Cross) The Alchemy Web Site. The Alchemist's Cookbook. Fire! Earth! Wind! Water! No, this isn't another bad episode of Captain Planet. These four forces of nature from the Greek were once connected in a system of beliefs and rituals known as alchemy.

When you think of alchemy, you most likely think of old, long-bearded Nostradamus-like men mixing potions and elixirs. Well, it's partially true. Alchemy was a philosophy that investigated the mysteries of life, specifically inanimate objects of nature. The substance they believed that would transmute lead into gold was known as The Philosopher's Stone. There were also connections between days of the week, planets, and metals, as follows, The days of the week were named after the planets: Sunday for the Sun, Monday for "mooneday" (old English), Tuesday for Tyr (Mars), Wednesday for Woden (or Odin, Mercury), Thursday for Thor (Jupiter), Friday for Frigga (wife of Mercury), and Saturday for Saturn. Accordingly, different chemicals processes were associated with the 12 signs of the zodiac, References: