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Facebook Twitter What does the color of your clothing tell others about you. Color Preference Personality Test. If you look closely -- very closely -- at your computer monitor, you will see that each pixel is made up of three cells.

Color Preference Personality Test

One cell illuminates in red, another in green and the third in blue. This is sometimes referred to as an RGB monitor. By varying the amount of each of these colors, the human eye can be tricked to see a spectrum of colors, including white and black. The human eye has color receptors called cones. It also has three sets which correspond to the red, blue and green light that fall on the retina. Because these primary colors occur frequently in nature, they have corresponding psychological properties that can change our behavior and emotions.

Red Because our blood is red, this color attracts our attention the most. The psychological value of red is associated with fear, anger, danger, heightened awareness, and increased sexual energy. Red is the color that is traditionally given to the lowest chakra, or energy vortex in the human body. Variations of Red. Color Psychology: The Psychological Effects of Colors. This is the last installment of our color therapy series: Psychological Effects of Color.

Color Psychology: The Psychological Effects of Colors

You can read the previous installments: Color Therapy & Healing, Color Meanings & Symbolism, and download our free Color Meaning & Symbolism Charts. For this last installment, we will be exploring the following topics: 1. What is Color Psychology? 2. What is Color Psychology? The psychology of color is based on the mental and emotional effects colors have on sighted people in all facets of life.

Applying Color Psychology to Everday Life Did you know your surroundings may be influencing your emotions and state of mind? In art therapy, color is often associated with a person’s emotions. There are also commonly noted psychological effects of color as it relates to two main categories: warm and cool. The concepts of color psychology can also be applied in everyday life. Psychological Effects of Cool Colors Need to be creative? Are you looking for a peaceful and calming environment?

Rites of Passage — Arts of Passage. The initiatory process, the creative process and the therapeutic process all have a tremendous amount in common.

Rites of Passage — Arts of Passage

They are all rites of passage. The archetypal structure of a rite of passage (which is used for initiation and for transitions in life) is threefold. The first phase is a separation -- a breaking away from the normal workaday world and entry into ritual space (also known as sacred space or, more technically, liminal space). Once within the ritual container, the second phase is the ordeal -- the confrontation with personal and archetypal materials that need to be integrated for the rite of passage to succeed.

Once the ordeal has been successfully navigated, the third phase is the return, where the initiate is blessed and received back into the larger culture, with a changed identity and all the gifts the initiate received during the process. This may sound archaic and daunting, until you learn to spot variants of this process. Infographic: What Does Your Handwriting Say About You? Graphology--the study of handwriting--has long been considered a pseudoscience, in the same family as phrenology (in which a lumpy forehead could mean you’re a psychopath) and astrology (in which Mercury makes you forget your keys).

Infographic: What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

But a new study by the National Pen Association (sure, consider your source) claims that the way you write can indicate more than 5,000 personality traits, as well as tendencies toward serious disorders like schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. The results are parsed in an infographic that may offend any intrusive, lazy, and impatient writers out there with narrowly spaced letters, short-crossed t’s, and slashed i’s. Good news for wide-loopers of l’s and e’s though: You are relaxed, spontaneous, and open-minded. If you write with heavy pressure, you might be good with commitments, too. The infographic also demonstrates that unlike phrenology, graphology hasn’t been completely snuffed out by skeptics.