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Suggested Readings | Detroit 2012. Understanding the Occupy Movement: Perspectives from the Social Sciences | Berkeley Journal of Sociology. Revealed: Obama administration told police to 'stand down' on Occupy protesters in Portland. General Services Administration told police not to arrest protesters on federal property in Portland - even though they may have broken lawsAdded that 25 arrests a week earlier should not have happenedIndicates Obama administration told agencies to 'go easy' on protestersBut GSA today disputed the advice in the emails and said officers on the ground made decisions about arrestsEmails obtained by under Freedom of Information Act By Daily Mail Reporter Published: 18:13 GMT, 8 August 2012 | Updated: 18:15 GMT, 8 August 2012 The Obama administration told law enforcement to 'stand down' and not arrest Occupy Wall Street protesters even though some may have broken the law, newly-obtained documents have revealed.

Emails show the General Services Administration told authorities in Portland, Oregon not to enforce curfews on protesters camped out on federal property, on the orders of the White House. Robert Peck, former commissioner at General Services Administration. Exclusive: U.S. banks told to make plans for preventing collapse. S ource: Chicago Tribune U.S. regulators directed five of the country’s biggest banks, including Bank of America Corp and Goldman Sachs Group Inc, to develop plans for staving off collapse if they faced serious problems, emphasizing that the banks could not count on government help.

The two-year-old program, which has been largely secret until now, is in addition to the “living wills” the banks crafted to help regulators dismantle them if they actually do fail. It shows how hard regulators are working to ensure that banks have plans for worst-case scenarios and can act rationally in times of distress. Officials like Lehman Brothers former Chief Executive Dick Fuld have been criticized for having been too hesitant to take bold steps to solve their banks’ problems during the financial crisis.

According to documents obtained by Reuters, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Spokespeople for the five banks declined to comment. Be Sociable, Share! Saifedean Ammous : Occupy Wall Street : Arab Spring : Keiser Report. GLOBAL FINANCIAL POWERS CHALLENGED IN THE CANADIAN FEDERAL COURT. Capitalism: Going, going, going.... | New World Every Day. Prosperity For America - Read The Report. Wp12202.pdf (application/pdf Object) Jonathan Chait on Liberal Disappointment. If we trace liberal disappointment with President Obama to its origins, to try to pinpoint the moment when his crestfallen supporters realized that this was Not Change They Could Believe In, the souring probably began on December 17, 2008, when Obama announced that conservative Evangelical pastor Rick Warren would speak at his inauguration.

“Abominable,” fumed John Aravosis on AmericaBlog. “Obama’s ‘inclusiveness’ mantra always seems to head only in one direction—an excuse to scorn progressives and embrace the Right,” seethed Salon’s Glenn Greenwald. On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow rode the story almost nightly: “I think the problem is getting larger for Barack Obama.” Negative 34 days into the start of the Obama presidency, the honeymoon was over. Since then, the liberal gloom has only deepened, as Obama compromise alternated with Obama failure. Liberals speak of Obama in unceasingly despairing terms. Why are liberals so desperately unhappy with the Obama presidency? New Politics... Peer2Politics. Meet... Ross Ashcroft, Director of "Four Horsemen" feature documentary.

What specific projects are you working on that relate to 'new ownership'? Buckminster Fuller said "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. " Those timeless words are relevant today so the most important thing to do when promoting new models of ownership is to lead by example and build an organisation based on the principles you advocate.

That way, it becomes practical not theoretical. This is what we have done with our employee-owned company, Motherlode. We feel shared ownership and collaboration is the 21st century model and it’s effective because it incentivises our people differently and gives customers and clients an experience or product that far surpasses market expectations. Creative and financial success at Motherlode is collective, not individual. We might think its “new” ownership because collectively we have forgotten about this way of organising ourselves to do business. Direct Democracy: The International IDEA Handbook. While many books on direct democracy have a regional or national approach, or simply focus on one of the many mechanisms associated with direct democracy, this Handbook delves into a global comparison of direct democracy mechanisms, including referendums, citizens’ initiatives, agenda initiatives and recall.

A detailed look into each of these instruments is discussed in a chapter by chapter analysis of each tool, including comprehensive definitions, how each instrument can be used to shape political decisions and an outline of the steps most often involved in planning any given procedure. Also included as a chapter in the Handbook are possible measures for best practices of implementation, designed for those who wish to tailor direct democracy instruments to their specific needs.

In order to further complement the best practices, a variety of global case studies detail the practical uses of direct democracy mechanisms in specific contexts.