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Trusting Intuition. How do we become effective human beings?

Trusting Intuition

It takes the right combination of thinking, including thinking about others and action. And, often enough, the right ways of thinking. The ability to think, to reflect on ourselves and our behavior and to plan ahead, may be the feature that most defines us as humans, the crowning glory of evolution. But thinking is not an unmitigated blessing.

Sometimes people get stuck in it. Intuition can be thought of as almost the polar opposite of either. There are many ways to define intuition, but all present a kind of conundrum. Intuition Network. Intuition: Introduction. IntroductionAs a research psychologist and communicator of psychological science, I have spent a career pondering the connections between subjective and objective truth, between feeling and fact, between intuition and reality.

Intuition: Introduction

I'm predisposed to welcome unbidden hunches, creative ideas, the Spirit's workings. I once took an instant liking to a fellow teenager, to whom I've now been married for nearly forty years. The Power of Coincidence. E-SKEPTIC FOR SEPTEMBER 23, 2002 (Also appeared in Skeptic magazine)People around me have been both amused and aghast at the news that on 9-11 the New York State Lottery's evening number game popped up the numbers 9-1-1.

The Power of Coincidence

Is this a paranormal happening? A wink from God? Is there a message here? It's hardly the first improbable lottery event. "We print winning numbers in advance! " We've all marveled at such coincidences in our own lives. And then there are those remarkable coincidences that, with added digging, have been embellished into really fun stories, such as the familiar Lincoln-Kennedy coincidences (both with seven letters in their last names, elected 100 years apart, assassinated on a Friday while beside their wives, one in Ford's theater, the other in a Ford Motor Co. car, and so forth).

My favorite is this little known fact: In Psalm 46 of the King James Bible, published in the year that Shakespeare turned 46, the 46th word is "shake" and the 46th word from the end is "spear. " Understanding Synchronicity ~ The Power of Flow, Chapter One. The Power of Flow: Practical Ways to Transform Your Life With Meaningful Coincidence by Charlene Belitz and Meg Lundstrom Chapter 2 (c) All rights reserved Because our scientific worldview is built on the concept of cause and effect, as a culture we tend to doubt and deny aspects of experience that aren’t measurable and verifiable.

Understanding Synchronicity ~ The Power of Flow, Chapter One

Psi. David Myers - The Psychology of Intuition. APS Observer - What Was I Thinking?: Kahneman Explains How Intuition Leads Us Astray. Did You Hear That?

APS Observer - What Was I Thinking?: Kahneman Explains How Intuition Leads Us Astray

Specific Brain Activity Linked With Imagined Hearing Researchers find that activity in specific brain areas distinguishes words that we actually hear versus those we imagine, and may also signal proneness to auditory hallucination. More> The Taxman Cometh: Science Explains Why Some Pay and Others Evade Millions of Americans are making a mad dash to file their taxes by the April 15th deadline — but some aren't. Researchers Make Strides in Early Diagnosis for Autism This year's World Autism Awareness Day follows a new report showing a rise in the rate of autism diagnoses.

More> Current Directions in Psychological Science Read about the latest issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science. More> History on Display at the 2014 APS Convention Original uniforms, a billy club, and sunglasses from the historic Stanford Prison Experiment will be on display at the 2014 APS Convention in San Francisco, California. More> Young Children Form First Impressions From Faces. 4 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition. It’s almost a cliché: The telephone rings and you intuitively know who it is before answering.

4 Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition

Intuition often shows up this way, as a fleeting insight we'll probably dismiss as coincidence — or write off as “just imagination.” But as Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Experts in intuitive counseling say you can learn to develop your intuition and capture those insights to help you make decisions in your personal life — such as whether to agree to a blind date.

“Everyone has intuition. Professional intuitives use intuition to perceive information about you and provide guidance. Developing Intuition: Tapping Into Your Sixth Sense. EINSTEIN'S INTUITION. After reading Isaacson's book on Einstein, which I heartily recommend, I picked up a book I took out of the library a while ago and kept renewing.


It is called Einstein and the Poet: In Search of the Cosmic Man, by William Hermanns. Until Einstein came alive for me, came out from behind the myth thanks to Isaacson, I had no mental place for it. It consists of four interviews with Einstein by Dr. Hermanns, who was initially Einstein's fellow Berliner and then his fellow exile. Hermanns is a sociologist and poet, who has strong mystical leanings and little understanding of physics. The next three interviews take place in the United States during and after the war.

Intuition can take many different forms. After I finished the book, I copied down some quotes I found particularly moving or informative. Scientific Facts About Intuition - Developing Intuition.