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TOPS Infosolutions

Tops Infosolutions is a leading mobile app and software development company that offers services like CRM development, BLE/IoT solution, E-commerce solution and business intelligence serving the clientele all over the globe. Having years of experience, our teams of professionals shapes your idea into reality so, if you are looking to have the best solution for your next big project, connect with us today!

Custom CRM Software Development Company. Hire Top CodeIgniter Development Company for Rapid PHP Development. AngularJS to React Migration: Bridging the Gap between the “Old” and “New” World. Last month turned out quite an exciting one.

AngularJS to React Migration: Bridging the Gap between the “Old” and “New” World

I got to spend a day with our React development team. They were starting on a new project. It was AngularJS to React migration. I learned various practicalities on which projects are taken, learned the best practices, approaches to technology migration and how decisions are taken. In-app Messaging for On-demand Apps: Fix the Communication Gap. Tell me one Uber ride when the driver did not call you to confirm your location or to get directions to it. In on-demand app development, people often overlook the most important aspect—the human players. No matter the amount of technology that goes into on-demand app development, at the end of the spectrum are a set of humans connected over the app. On-demand apps acts as a platform that connects drivers, delivery persons, professionals, handymen, etc. with the customers. Migrate Your App from AngularJS to React.

Migrating from AngularJS: A Day at Our ReactJS Control Room. AngularJS to React Migration: Upgrade Your Interiors! - TOPS Infosolutions. Prologue AngularJS was a decent framework when you wanted to get an MVP live in no time although enforcing a robust architecture or securing great performance, AngularJS was never the first choice.

AngularJS to React Migration: Upgrade Your Interiors! - TOPS Infosolutions

The announcement of Angular as backward incompatible, complete rewrite of AngularJS killed the prospects of the framework and ruined the ecosystem around it. We realized AngularJS doesn’t deserve our time, efforts and money anymore; React was looking promising though. Migrations: An Untold Story Migrations are tricky whether it is moving from one home to another, one web browser to another or one development technology to another. Alexa Skill Development Company. Is ReactJS Better Than AngularJS? Should I Make The Migration? In June 2018, AngularJS entered 3 years’ maintenance mode.

Is ReactJS Better Than AngularJS? Should I Make The Migration?

Post the maintenance mode, your AngularJS application will be exposed to potential security threats and would have no safeguard from zero day vulnerabilities. Neither Google nor the AngularJS community has releases an upgrade documentation and chances are they will never. Why React is the Frontend Technology of Choice For Business Applications? Migrate from AngularJS to a Newer Technology While Retaining Backend.

If you have been following our blogs for a while, then you know we are a full-stack development company.

Migrate from AngularJS to a Newer Technology While Retaining Backend

That is, you come in with an idea and walk out with the app(s). We are an end-to-end solution provider for various industry verticals and work on every aspect of application development from conception to lifecycle support. However, not everyone coming to us has requirements this simple. Hire MERN Stack Developer to Build Next Generation Applications. Why Use Server Side Rendering To Boost Performance and User Experience?

Hire React.js Developers to Build Reusable UI Components. Why Real-time Features are Important to Drive Mobile App Engagement? How to Make Your Mobile App GDPR Compliant. Topsinfosolutions. Topsinfosolutions. Topsinfosolutions. Six Powerful Web Applications You Can Build with Node.js. How Node.js Pave the Way for Highly Scalable Apps? Topsinfosolutions. Best Node.js Frameworks to Choose from in 2019 - TOPS Infosolutions. How to Choose a Mobile App Development Company – A Comprehensive Guide. Custom Web Application Development Company. Full Stack Web Development Company. Why Choose React for Front-End Development? - TOPS Infosolutions.

The Pros and Cons of Node.js Web Application Development. Take an Innovative Leap with our Node.js Development Services. Secure Your Web App Against Modern Web Threats Using MEAN Stack? Building Modern and Scalable Enterprise Apps with MEAN Stack. Today, web programming being one of the challenging tasks, especially in case of enterprise applications, business owners look for the technology that provides high performance and scalability.

Building Modern and Scalable Enterprise Apps with MEAN Stack

Many enterprise leaders struggle to stand tall amongst competitors – so to deal with such requirements; web development companies have to deal with the host of technologies dealing with security, networking, databases and development of server-side and client-side components. Although there do exists much powerful communities that provide solutions for the enterprise applications but the one that enables the modern web development is the full stack solution – MEAN Stack.

MEAN – the full-form for MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js which was possibly the much needed and awaited revolution for the technical sphere. This stack is crafted by diverse teams and considerable community of developers is also involved that pushes forward the development and documentation of each component. Tags. AngularJS Development Company. MEAN Stack Application Development Company. Hire Certified Magento Developers. React Native App Development Company. Finding New Dimensions in Classic Hybrid App Vs Native App Debate. JavaScript is mending the classic “Hybrid App vs.

Finding New Dimensions in Classic Hybrid App Vs Native App Debate

Native App” Debate In the past apps that were built using HTML/CSS and JavaScript wasn’t seen as a strong viable route due to not having that “native feel” or native mobile app development delivers. However, I’ve seen some real advances in the past couple of years specifically with Ionic that I’d like to think are closing the gap. As a .NET guy and brand new to mobile development I guess my question is, am I taking the easy way out by completely bypassing learning Swift and Java and just focusing on frameworks like Ionic in which case I should really start focusing on Swift and Java or even Xamarin or am I standing on solid ground taking the hybrid app path?

What has changed? About 2 years ago I would have said, “Absolutely, you have to be doing native development” that you should learn Java, you should learn at that time Objective C or Swift or you should go the Xamarin route. I’m not sure which way we’re going to go. On-Demand Mobile App Development Company. Why choose Angular for Web Application Development. Writing long lines of code, testing frequently to find a number of bugs, modifying and updating the things every time when something in the app changes etc. is always a tedious process, consumes much of the time and results into reduced productivity and unhappy customers.

Why choose Angular for Web Application Development

Hence, to refrain developers from these challenges, JavaScript frameworks came into existence. Although there are many JavaScript frameworks that have its own benefits, but Angular is the one that wins the battlefield of web application development. Benefits of using Node.js for Web Application Development.

A brief history….

Benefits of using Node.js for Web Application Development

Ryan Dahl is the creator of Node.js; He thought of this language after facing glitches in file upload progress bar on Flicker. The Browser lacked the capability to know how many files had been uploaded. During that time, Apache HTTP Server was unable to handle concurrent connections (up to 10,000 and more) and with sequential programming, the code either blocked the entire process or resulted in multiple execution stacks in case of simultaneous connections. Thus, he looked for the easy ways to get the things done faster. Node.js came into existence and major perks included were – reduced time-to-market, dynamic Node.js web applications, high agility, support for the development of highly functional mobile apps to name a few. About Node.js Node.js is an open-source cross-platform built on Google’s V8 JavaScript engine. Mobile App Development: Top 5 Things to Consider. The popularity of enterprise and consumer based mobile app development is dominating the market since last decade.

Mobile App Development: Top 5 Things to Consider

App Store and Play Store is flooded with millions of mobile apps covering countless industries; hence for the upcoming Appreneurs, it becomes difficult to stand tall and bolster their branding with mobile app. Choosing the right mobile app development platform and keeping up with the best strategies is not the only thing that makes a mobile app successful. Mobile apps are deemed successful by various parameters such user engagement, UI/UX, etc. But, how does that happen? Sustainable mobile apps are built by strategizing before laying the first brick of pillar.

Target Audience Before you invest in the mobile app development, do some research about the target audience. Angular 5: Top features To Watch Out For. Angular is developed by Google and is one of the widely used JavaScript framework which help developers to build web applications by using HTML as a template language.

Angular 5: Top features To Watch Out For

Angular’s data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code which you could otherwise have to write manually, that may result into a tedious task. In order to deliver the latest features, Google has been updating Angular consistently to make it light-weight, fast and easy-to-use. In November 2017, Google released Angular 5.0 with a number of features and bug fixes. Node.js Expertise with TOPS Infosolutions. Angular Expertise with TOPS. Hire Dedicated Angular Developer for AngularJS Development Services. Best AngularJS Web & Mobile App Development Services Company. Hire Dedicated Node.js Developer. Hire Dedicated MEAN Stack Developers - MEAN Stack Development Company. MEAN has gained popularity in the web industry in a short span of time and today, it has become the go-to technology in the Enterprise market, especially for those who are aiming reliable, responsive and scalable web apps.

Being one of the fastest growing open source development frameworks, this stack comprises of various JavaScript framework and a BigData i.e. MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS and Node.js. Simplify your Software Development needs with TOPS Infosolutions. TOPS Infosolutions is a leading mobile app and software development company that offers a long term reliable partnership with the cost effective solutions for your business requirements. We serve the client all over the globe by providing the solution that accelerates time to market, reduced operational cost and enable them to focus on core business activities by leveraging the potential from the best resources and technologies. We follow some of the proven methodology process to control research and development cost without compromising in the quality of solutions. IT Outsourcing & Software Development Company.