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Sébastien Lagarde | Random thoughts about graphics in game. Beginner's Guide to Custom Hat Models. Hello. I've written this guide in an effort to present a glossary of everything you need to know about importing a custom hat into Source regardless of your modeling experience. While this tutorial is geared specifically towards making hats, most of the information here can be applied to creating custom weapons/props/anything. If you need help, feel free to PM me or, better yet, simply ask for it in this thread. There is also a Troubleshooting section at the bottom of this post with some solutions to many of the common issues you're likely to face. Preparations Before you get started, you must get organized. If you do not have the Source SDK already, get it now. DecompilingNOTE: Since the character Source files were officially released, you do not need to follow this method to obtain decompiled models for any of the nine classes.

Open up GCFScape and find your way into the "team fortress 2 materials" file in steamapps. There are a few different modeling programs out there. Blender 3D: Noob to Pro/3D Geometry. If you haven't previously studied 3D graphics, technical drawing, or analytic geometry, you are about to learn a new way of visualizing the world, an ability that's fundamental to working with Blender or any 3D modeling tool. 3D modeling is based on geometry, the branch of mathematics concerned with spatial relationships, specifically analytical geometry, which expresses these relationships in terms of algebraic formulas.

You may have studied geometry in school, in which case, some of the terminology will seem familiar. Coordinates And Coordinate Systems[edit] Look around the room you’re in. Now imagine there’s a fly buzzing around the room. Now, there are an infinite number of ways—coordinate systems—in which we could come up with a convention for defining and measuring these numbers—the coordinates. Consider the south-west corner of your room, the point at floor level. . Values. Values, with and (where is the east-west dimension of your room, is its north-south dimension, and. Rendering Worlds With Two Triangles - rwwtt.pdf. Raymarching Beginners' Thread. Dabbling in raymarching is the new thing for everyone :] Post & discuss your stuff here, even if it's in its infancy. No making fun of newbies! Everybody needs encouragement.

Here's my first attempt, simple but clean: And here's how you define a cube in good old Java. Code: private Dist blackToWhiteCube(V v, double size) { double c = ((Math.max(-size, Math.min(size, v.y))/size)+1)/2; return new Dist(new RGB(c), cube(v, size)); } /* a cube centered at 0,0,0 with a length of size*2 in all 3 dimensions */ private double cube(V v, double size) { double x = Math.abs(v.x)-size, y = Math.abs(v.y)-size, z = Math.abs(v.z)-size; return new V(Math.max(x, 0), Math.max(y, 0), Math.max(z, 0)).len(); } Haha, no FPS counter but rather a "Next frame"-button :) Only Java makes it possible!

I'm really slow with that kinda stuff but I think I got the idea now. Sure not too complex. No, there's no marching in that description... iq: MUHAHAH, my first thought... Anyways - nice cube! My first attempt. Quote: Really? Iñigo Quilez - fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, demoscene and more. Intro The purpose of this article is not to generate such a function so that one gets an interesting landscape (see articles like the one on advanced perlin noise ), but how to render those with the simple raymarching algorithm. Once you have such a function f(x,z) , the goal is to use a raytracing setup to render the image and do other effects as shadows or reflections. That means that for a given ray with some starting point in space (like the camera position) and a direction (like the view direction) we want to compute the intersection of the ray and the terrain f .

The simplest approach is to slowly advance in the ray direction in small steps, and at each stepping point determine if we are above of below the terrain level. The image below shows the process. We start at some point in the ray close to the camera (the leftmost blue point in the image). The mint , maxt and delt constants should be adapted for every scene. As you can see the code is terribly simple. Iñigo Quilez :: fractals, computer graphics, mathematics, demoscene and more.