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Your Gateway to Holistic Healing. Offer Ended | Unlimited Abundance. I’m making this as affordable as possible. Participants of the original Unlimited Abundance Program paid $999 for their spots. But I was only able to accept 400 people, and I was forced to turn away thousands. But as we’re entering a new phase of global spiritual awakening, I’ve decided to make this content available to everyone… at a fraction of the price. The Unlimited Abundance Home Training Program gives you the exact same content and the exact same results—but because it’s not a live session, it’s also a lot more affordable.

And so instead of $999, or $799, or even $599, your investment is now only $399. Imagine having an instinct for abundance. Imagine knowing exactly where to invest your money for maximum returns. How my intuition saved me from financial disaster I’ve been investing in the stock market for years. Create your blog for free with - Blog Directory. Genius Network Mastermind. Home - EFT Universe. How to Boost Sales from Facebook Ads by using Payment Plans. There is a lot of buzz going on nowadays about the profitability of Facebook Advertising – but is it all hype?

The simple answer is no! With over half a billion registered users, Facebook is THE platform to grab some high quality leads and unsuspectingly turn them into your most loyal customers. After a year-and-a-half of experimenting and innovating on our Facebook Advertising campaigns, we have cracked the code on how to recuperate costs and start making profit two months after your Facebook advertising investment. We have tons of material to share with you on how to turn Facebook Advertising into a sales machine. We’ll start with Tip #1 which will help put some “ompf” into your Facebook sales conversions and follow up with more tips in upcoming articles.

Tip #1: Make Payment Plans the Main Option on Order Menus Payment plans are usually done in two installments: first during the main transaction and the second after 30 days. . — Roland Mirabueno.