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Personality Development App. If People Had Honest First Date Conversations. Me: Oh my God, I just feel, like, instantly attracted to you.

If People Had Honest First Date Conversations

Him: Yeah, I totally want to fuck you, too. Me: And it’s so easy to talk to you! The conversation just flows. Do you have any wounds? Him: Wounds? Me: Like, deep psychological wounds. Him: Well, my father abandoned me when I was a child. Me: I knew it!!! Him: He left when I was 5, and we’ve been estranged ever since. Una Clave Mágica. Primero sé uno contigo mismo.

Una Clave Mágica

9 trabas psíquicas que sólo amargan y entorpecen tu existencia. La mente puede ser una de tus mejores herramientas o tu principal obstáculo.

9 trabas psíquicas que sólo amargan y entorpecen tu existencia

Puede suceder que en ti encuentres la fuerza para encarar un reto –y quizá superarlo– o, en otro sentido, el miedo que te impida acometerlo. Así como puedes entusiasmarte y poner toda tu energía en la prosecución de un objetivo, así también puedes sabotearte y trazar tú mismo la ruta de tu fracaso. ¿Es posible encontrar el aurea mediocritas de la vida psíquica, ese justo punto medio en que seamos capaces de ver las cosas como son, vivirlas en sus circunstancias, volverlas parte de nuestra existencia en su justo valor? No lo sabemos bien a bien, pero quizá podemos comenzar por abandonar algunos de estos nueve hábitos mentales que –consideramos– no hacen más que estorbar nuestro camino libre por la vida. No perdonar a los otros. Men's Secret Sex Problem. Ten Commandments to Stop Quick Ejaculation.

Stop Spectatoring: Mindfulness to Enhance Sexual Pleasure. Martin N. Seif, PH.D. Clinical Psychologist Anxiety Disorders Treatment - Resources. Intrusive Thoughts: The Intruders You Want to Kick Out.

Martin N. Seif, PH.D. Clinical Psychologist Anxiety Disorders Treatment - Resources

Every highly anxious person has to cope with intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts are frightening thoughts about what might happen to you or someone you care about, or what you might do to yourself or another person. They seem to come from outside of your control, and their content feels alien and threatening. For some people, intrusive thoughts are part and parcel of panic or intense anxiety. In these types of intrusive thoughts, it feels like the thoughts come about as a result of the anxiety, and they function to add more fear to the anxiety you are already experiencing. However, there is another class of intrusive thoughts that I call intrusive obsessive thoughts. People who experience intrusive obsessive thoughts are afraid that they might commit the acts they picture in their mind.

How to See Yourself As Others See You: 6 Steps. Edit Article Edited by bbyrd009, IngeborgK, Teresa, Flickety and 18 others It is common, and commendable, to be curious about how others see you in general, or in specific situations.

How to See Yourself As Others See You: 6 Steps

The more insight you have in this area, the less time you are apt to lie awake at night, wondering. And even when you may have acted differently in a specific situation, upon review, this insight generally provides the best answer for moving forward. It is quite possible to see yourself exactly as other people see you; however, this takes courage, and the development of some insight. "Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves. " Ad Steps. Dealing with Anxiety. Read why none of the traditional techniques work, and how to manage anxiety.

Dealing with Anxiety

Why is it so hard to manage anxiety? We know what to do; heard and read all about the breathing, meditating, visualization, etc. Impossible you say? Many people agree, as reflected by the increase in the use of anxiety medications. Has this crossed your mind? In treating anxiety, what I see common amongst many cases is a sense of disconnection from the self. Mindfulness training is an effective part of my work in the reconnection process. However, the anxiety reduction techniques in mindfulness training need to be cultivated on a daily basis. Warning: it is impossible to use these techniques once in the throws of an elevated anxiety level if you have not cultivated them already.


Security Check Required. How to connect deeply with anyone (in 5 minutes) 468k shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter I’m going to share a game with you.

How to connect deeply with anyone (in 5 minutes)

This game will reveal incredible things about whoever plays it; surprise, shock and delight complete strangers, and has kickstarted more friendships than I know how to count. Play along and you’ll see. I want you to imagine a desert, stretching out as far as your eyes can see. In this desert is a cube. Your first task is to describe the cube. There are no right answers here, only your answers. As you look at the desert and your cube, you notice there is also a ladder. Now imagine that in the scene there is a horse. We’re nearly there now. Final question. If you’ve been playing along, this is going to be fun. Ready? The cube is yourself. The size is ostensibly your ego: a large cube means you’re pretty sure of yourself, a small cube less so. La publicidad implanta memorias falsas en tu cerebro « Pijamasurf - Noticias e Información alternativa. ¿Recuerdas ese verano hace ya varios años?

La publicidad implanta memorias falsas en tu cerebro « Pijamasurf - Noticias e Información alternativa

La luz del sol hacía medios diamantes en la arena, una fresca brisa soplaba las hojas de tu libro, en la orilla un grupo de chicas —con las que por suerte habías viajado desde la gran urbe— jugaba con las olas y se correteaban entre sí por la playa, lanzando un ocasional frisbee que un labrador intentaba interceptar… sus bikinis estilo brasileño relumbraban entre el cielo y el mar. Tu amigo te pasaba una cerveza Sol con un guiño en el ojo y abría la suya con donaire. Esto es lo que se llama la buena vida, pensabas al tomar los primeros tragos de cebada helada… El pasado es una invención de la memoria: cómo la mente edita los recuerdos « Pijamasurf - Noticias e Información alternativa. Como bien supieron artistas como Marcel Proust o Wallace Stevens, la memoria es una forma de imaginación, y al recordar recreamos lo que vivimos a veces hasta el punto de almacenar recuerdos completamente falsos.

El pasado es una invención de la memoria: cómo la mente edita los recuerdos « Pijamasurf - Noticias e Información alternativa

Un ejemplo de esto es lo que le ocurrió al famoso escritor y médico Oliver Sacks, quien en su autobiografía relata vívidamente haber experimentado la explosión de una bomba en su patio trasero durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial en Londres. Un recuerdo que su hermano le hizo ver que era falso –o la reconstrucción dramática basada en otro recuerdo en el que ciertamente ninguna bomba explotó. Otro caso interesante es el de publicidad que logra invadir la psique para hacer pensar a los consumidores que una pauta que vieron en realidad es un recuerdo que vivieron, formando de esta forma una complicidad emocional inconsciente con un producto.

How to Rewire Your Brain for Success. The most recent edition of The New Yorker magazine contains an article about neuroscientists who study the way the brain retrieves memories.

How to Rewire Your Brain for Success

What they've found out is probably the most important breakthrough of all time in the field of success training. How the Brain Remembers Most people think about human memory as a videotape or computer memory. When you remember something, you're playing back the memory, which is vivid or vague depending on how good you are at remembering things. It turns out that human memory isn't like that at all. Rather than video playback, human memory is more like video editing. According to the latest research, it's possible to intentionally edit bad memories to remove the bad feelings associated with those memories. What This Means to You Your attitude and behavior--the two things that make you successful--are heavily influenced by your memories.