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Rendering and Manipulating 3D Virtual Images Right Before Your Eyes (This is Too Cool)! How would you like your student to be able to strap on a pair of special glasses and see and manipulate detailed renderings of multi-layered objects in 3D? Sound a little too much like those faked holographic displays and other imagined technologies we see in movies that don’t exist yet? Well the technology I’m talking about is here now. You need special technology to do this, but it’s available right now and while it is not inexpensive, it may be less costly than you think! So first, check out the zSpace: This is pretty cool too – here’s a video explaining how they used the 3D technology to make it look like you are seeing what the zSpace user is seeing, but from your angle: The zSpace technology is pretty awesome, isn’t it?

Where do I get one? The zSpace is sold through resellers, listed here. To better understand pricing, I reached out to one of the listed reseller, Computer Logic Group, and they were really helpful. Well, there you go … zSpace looks amazing. About Kelly Walsh. Making Learning Awesome! - Kahoot!

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