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Studietur 2014

Fartsapostlene – og 7 kjennetegn ved bedre utvikling av mennesker i en omskiftelig tid | Tinius Trust. Hva vil kjennetegne god organisasjonsutvikling, personlig utvikling og HR-ledelse de kommende årene? Schibsteds Andreas Thorsheims deler sine tanker i “Fartsapostlene”. Read in English: The apostles of speed Uten å forsøke meg som profet eller evangelist – jeg fikk lyst til å følge opp «Fartsevangliet», der jeg leker meg med læringen fra endringsledelsen Schibsted er i for tiden, med noen tanker om hva det betyr for folkene som skal trives og prestere i en mer omskiftelig verden. Vi lever i en gullalder for utvikling. Internett er i ferd med å gjøre seg ferdig med første ledd i å gjøre verden bedre, ved å digitalisere informasjon, og tar nå fart på andre omgang, ved å digitalisere vår interaksjon med tingene som omgir oss. Oppi dette skal vi le, leve og levere. 1. Erik Haugane, administrende direktør for innovasjonsfondet Siva, sa nylig at «Ingen har mer enn to års erfaring.

Erfaringer bør verdsettes høyere i bransjer med stor grad av stabilitet enn de som forvitrer og fornyes. 2. 3. 4. 5. Learning {RE}imagined | how the connected society is transforming learning. Teknologistøttet Læring | YtreVenstre. Hva skaper kvalitet i læring? | YtreVenstre. Vi bruker milliarder på læring i arbeidslivet, ofte uten å ha noen god formening om vi og våre kolleger faktisk lærer noe av dette. Det er litt som å spille rulett: Du kan ha flaks, men som regel har du det ikke. Hva er det man sier? : Hadde jeg hatt et godt svar på det spørsmålet ville jeg vært en rik mann. Kvalitet i læring er et fenomen som ikke lar seg fange så lett og som dessuten i sin natur er flyktig: Svaret avhenger av tid, kontekst, hva som skal læres og ikke minst hvem som skal lære og hva slags forutsetninger og motivasjon de har. Intensjonen med denne artikkelen er derfor ikke å forsøke å gi en oppskrift på veien til kvalitet, men å begynne på en momentliste, som kan og skal endres og utvides, og som forhåpentligvis er et utgangspunkt for diskusjon.

Aller først: Hva er kvalitet? En definisjon av kvalitet i læring vil neppe være helt den samme i utdanning som i arbeidsliv. Det siste punktet her er vel det som er mest grunn til å diskutere. Ground zero: Gjøre mindre, gjøre bedre. Hoyrup-pedersen.pdf.


Supporting self-managed team learning in the organisation. This is a post in a series that I am writing about how the future role of L&D is moving from “packaging learning” to “scaffolding learning”. In the first post I explained that “packaging learning” involves organizing and wrapping up everything an individual needs to learn in a neat parcel, delivering it to them on a plate, and making sure they do it, whilst “scaffolding” is about supporting learning in many other less top-down organized ways. In my last post I talked about a move from “packaging instruction” to “scaffolding instruction”. But what these both have in common is that they are still a “managed learning” process .

In this and my next post I am going to look at self-managed learning in an organization, and how that might be supported and scaffolded. Today I’m going to look at “supporting self-managed team learning”, and next time I will consider ”supporting self-managed personal and professional learning”. Exploring connected versus/and networked learning. On a very wet, Australia day long weekend I’m hoping to explore some of the differences, similarities and connections between networked and connected learning. This is all part of my attempt to participate in #etmooc which is currently looking at “Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogy”.

Networked learning is the term I’m most familiar with and it appears to have a longer history. I’m wondering where connected learning has come from, why and what does it offer as a concept? #etmooc and Connected Learning #etmooc’s connected learning introduction is hosted in a Google doc. It contains links to all of the resources, including the slides and a recording of the presentation.

I’ve skimmed the slides and need to find the time to watch the presentation, Alec’s always worth a listen. The “connected learning” term seems to derive from this infographic on connected learning and the folk who developed it. Networked learning . (the Wikipedia page adds Illich). References Ross, J. (2012). ADL Initiative. Training Myths Infographic.

INFOGRAPHIC: Best iOS Apps For Mobile Learning. The “problem” with having a smartphone is that there are simply too many apps to try out. Just as you’ve found 10 good apps to try, another 20 come along, demanding your time and attention. Suddenly, everything else in your life is put on hold, as you try out the latest new iOS game or the latest Android productivity app (ironic, I know). But which ones are the best in their respective categories? While iOS has a better selection in their store, because of their stricter submission criteria, the Google Play store also has a wide variety of good apps, making it difficult to decide which ones are better than others. If your time is short, you need help. Of course you could turn to MakeUseOf’s very own curated and constantly updated Best Of pages, such as best apps for iPhone, best apps for Android and best apps for Windows 7.

Which of the suggested apps have you tried? Infographic Source: Image Source: Icons Splash Out Of Black Phone via Shutterstock. What 100 Experts Think About The Future Of Learning. If you’re an educator, surely you know that technology has and will continue to have an incredible impact on learning. Whether it’s the Internet, innovative learning tools, or teaching technology itself, these two subjects are intertwined. In these talks, you will find essential information for educators concerned with technology. General Learn about making technology work in education and more in these talks. Rethinking the Student Experience in the 21st Century Public Research University: See how a diverse student body and technology can make a difference in the student experience today.

Sharing Education These talks explore the idea of open, shared education. Hector Ruiz on Connecting the World: Hector Ruiz lectures on Internet access for everyone. Creativity & Innovation Watch these talks to see how you can foster innovation and the creative spirit. Ken Robinson Says Schools Kill Creativity: Ken Robinson’s lecture makes a case for a more creative education system. Internet & New Media.