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Logo design

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Six things to keep in mind when designing a logo. So you fancy yourself a Paul Rand or Saul Bass and want to design some logos for iStock? Great! You've come to the right place! Logo design needs to begin with a great idea or concept, backed up with some jedi-like vector skills to bring it to life. In this article you'll find some design and technical tips to get you started and keep you on the right track.

I've included some important things for you to think about as you are creating, as well as some reminders on how to keep your files technically sound for submission to avoid the dreaded "Subpar" rejection. Thought and planning are a huge part of Logo design: preparation is key. We've prepared a set of considerations here for any illustrators ready to plunge into Logos. Please note: The 'good' versions of logo design seen below were each designed by some of our amazing logo contributors. It All Starts With a Great Idea Start by selecting a Business Category or something that inspires you.

Read more on how to sketch out your ideas here. Top Tips for Designing Logos. 7 Things to Think About Before Creating a Logo for your Startup. It doesn’t matter if you’re working with a top-tier design firm or going at it alone with dusty copy of CS5, creating a logo can be a challenging process for anyone. This is especially true if you’re designing for your own startup — it’s difficult enough to run a company, let alone break its entire identity down to a single logo. But every company needs a logo design, and you’ll want an attractive one if you’re interested in luring in customers. Before you embark on this journey, we’ve created a list of seven things to think about before creating a logo for your startup. Let us begin. 1. What’s in a name? In case you haven’t yet nailed down your name, user testing will help you finalize it before you’re stuck with something like Pen Island. 2.

Design trends come and go, and the Internet has only accelerated trend turnover. Instead of leaning on what’s hip, focus on classic design rules and build something that lasts. 3. 4. 5. Logomark and Logotype design by JacobParr 6. 7. 10 Questions to Ask When Designing Your Company's Logo. Great logos are recognizable in a blink. They also should make a lasting impression. Target hits the bullseye, Nike goes swoosh, and Apple catches the eye. All three company’s iconic logos are unique, memorable and stand the test of time. They instantly and consistently do what a potent logo should: Identify a brand, make it stand out and, ideally, drive customer interest and sales. We all know great logos, but we don’t all know that great logos aren’t easy to create. From concept to color to rollout, there’s much to consider when boiling your brand down to a single emblem.

Related: 5 Must-Haves for a Successful Logo “We have less time and less space to tell our stories in than ever before,” says Alina Wheeler, a Philadelphia-based branding expert and author of Designing Brand Identity (John Wiley and Sons, Inc., fourth edition, 2013). Here are 10 essential questions to ask when designing your company’s first logo: 1. Wheeler separates logos into four categories: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 8 Important Things to Consider When Creating a Logo | Agenda Marketing. We live in a visual world. We are judged on how we represent ourselves in milliseconds – and those perceptions either help us or hurt us. In the modern digital age, Businesses increasingly have to compete for attention and credibility as well. And the ways in which we have to compete are going far beyond the traditional confines of a business card and a brochure website.

Today, it’s about building your image through multiple visual touch points like the signs on your building and offices (because a business with no sign is a sign of no business), corporate and how-to videos, and the myriad of social media pages (Twitter, LinkedIn Business, Facebook, etc.). The list goes on, and its only getting longer. The first question to ask is: How does our logo identity represent us? We love to help businesses command attention and regain credibility. Here are some handy points to ponder when you’re company is ready to finally design or re-design your logo: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pens. 7. 8.