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HealthInsurancePortabilityandAccountabilityAct. Therese Borchard: The 4 Kinds Of Friends You Need In Your Life. You hear about peer pressure when you are in the sixth grade, but no one talks about it once you've graduated from college, have a job, and especially once you're mature enough to find a mate and make babies.

Therese Borchard: The 4 Kinds Of Friends You Need In Your Life

But the kind of folks you hang with influence you more than you think. Peer pressure never goes away. Multiple studies show that human beings unconsciously and consciously mimic the behaviors of those around them. Folks hanging out with optimists become optimists themselves. Dylan Ratigan: Why Keep Geithner? A year ago it was revealed to the American people that our banking system is a legalized Ponzi scheme in which bank and insurance CEOs pay themselves billions of dollars in personal compensation to lend and insure assets with money they don't have to customers who can't pay back the loans.

Dylan Ratigan: Why Keep Geithner?

In those dark days between the fall of Lehman Brothers and before the presidential election, we were often carried through that time by the small glimmer of hope that at least we would soon have a new leader who would hopefully fix this mess and punish those responsible. Yet in the past 9 months, not only has the administration failed to fix anything, they have actually made things much worse for anyone who isn't a Wall Street banker.

Therefore, we are past the point where anyone in power still gets the benefit of the doubt -- the process of taking back our country for all citizens must begin now. This is why I think we must ask if U.S. Citizen Action of New York - Action Center. Waiter Jon-Barrett Ingels Fired For Twittering About Hung Star J.