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Moven Takes Its Mobile Banking App Out Of Beta. Moven, a mobile banking service similar in some respects to recently acquired Simple, exited from beta this week, meaning users no longer have to request an invite to sign up for an account. Now publicly available, the company is allowing users to open a bank account directly from their smartphone, which can be funded through external transfers and/or direct deposits. For background, like Simple, Moven is not a bank itself. Instead, its accounts and associated MasterCard debit card are backed by CBW Bank, an FDIC member based in Kansas.

Also like Simple, Moven’s focus is more so on the front-end of banking – that is, the consumer-facing user experience. You’re even able to see a map of your social events (courtesy of the Facebook integration) and how those coincide with spending behaviors. The company says around half its users connect with Facebook to tap into Moven’s social features. The Moven mobile application itself is not new to be clear. Moven is available for both iOS and Android. Meet Holvi. Video Archives. Presenter Profile How they describe themselves: Holvi replaces the plain old bank account with a current account built from the ground up for group activities.

We help our customers collect more money, better understand their finances, and save time for their core activities. Customers include event organisers, sports clubs, and student associations. Our customers can do all their banking with Holvi, without needing another bank account. We are regulated as a payment services provider by the Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA), and we have the necessary banking partnerships in place to operate payment accounts for our customers on a pan-European basis. How they describe their product/innovation: The group account is a merchant account, accounting software and a group current account, all rolled into one. With the Holvi account, our customers have an online banking service specifically targeted for their needs. Contacts: Bus. HD version of this video. Startup of the Week: Holvi. Holvi: Million Euro Investment and Green Light to Expand Abroad. Finnish online banking startup Holvi has announced both a million-scale capital investment led by Austrian investment company SpeedInvest and a EU-wide concession from the Financial Supervisory Authority that will allow the startup to start spreading its services across Europe.

Vienna-based Business angel fund Speedinvest specializes in early stage internet and mobile companies based in Central-Europe. This time, however, the VC has gone outside their comfort zone, indicating a good deal of interest as well as trust in Holvi. “We believe the finacial sector will go through tremendous changes during the digital era and Holvi is in the frontline of this change”, says SpeedInvest CEO Oliver Holle, explaining the decision for the million euro investment.

The fund was backed by many professionals from the finance sector, such as Wirecard board member and angel investor Stefan Klestil. Startup of the Week: Holvi. Holvi, un compte bancaire pour les groupes. Holvi, la start-up finlandaise qui veut remplacer les banques. Kristoffer Lawson, co-fondateur de Holvi, a accepté de nous parler de sa start-up dans le café du Cable Factory, à Helsinki. Kristoffer Lawson, co-fondateur de Holvi, n’a pas l’air d’un banquier. Les cheveux longs, il a fait de son képi et de son franc-parler sa marque de commerce. Pourtant, la start-up qu’il a fondée en 2011 est ni plus ni moins qu’une banque en ligne, qui se démarque en automatisant la comptabilité de ses clients. Même s’il a quitté Holvi au printemps, il a accepté de me parler de son bébé dans le café du Cable Factory, un immeuble d’Helsinki où Nokia fabriquait littéralement des câbles à une autre époque. Pour Kristoffer Lawson, le fait que les banques n’intègrent pas de logiciels de comptabilité à leur offre en ligne est une anomalie : « La seule raison pour laquelle ces deux activités sont distinctes est qu’elles ont été inventées avant l’ordinateur. » Le service bancaire est pour l’instant offert en Finlande, ainsi qu’en bêta en Irlande et en Autriche.

Holvi, un compte bancaire pour les groupes.