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Twitter in Education

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100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty. Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown.

100 Ways To Use Twitter In Education, By Degree Of Difficulty

These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. So we’ve revised our our original 2009 list to get you started or up to date. Whether you’re an academic or just interested in building your Twitter profile, keep reading to learn some tips and tricks that can help you take the first steps towards using Twitter for coursework, research, building a professional network, and beyond. The Basics. Five-Minute Film Festival: Twitter in Education. I think it's fair to say that Twitter can no longer be dismissed as a trivial passing fad.

Five-Minute Film Festival: Twitter in Education

Though I had dabbled with a personal account, my entire opinion changed when I started my @VideoAmy account and dove in to the conversations educators were engaged in. While some people certainly do tweet about what they're having for breakfast, teachers, administrators, and educational organizations use Twitter in a whole different way -- making smart use of those 140 characters to share resources, wisdom, and inspiration.

With the wealth of information out there, you have to cut through the noise a little to figure out how it will work best for you. PLN-building? Does Twitter Improve Education? Cc licensed ( BY SD ) flickr photo shared by Ed Yourdon There has been post after post acknowledging how educators love Twitter while also encouraging others to use it themselves.

Does Twitter Improve Education?

7 Ways Twitter Promotes 21st Century Learning. By Dr.

7 Ways Twitter Promotes 21st Century Learning

Justin Marquis, Ph.D. Twitter is one of those pieces of technology that people either love or hate. For the haters, it seems like a superfluous, narcissistic, even petty platform through which people who think they are more important than they really are share their most intimate details with the world. For those who love the medium, it is a way of filtering and digesting a vast world of digital information quickly and efficiently. Some even see it as a possible vehicle for changing the world. Teachers Roadmap to The Use of Twitter in Education.

Twitter is a social network of huge importance for us in education.

Teachers Roadmap to The Use of Twitter in Education

We have posted several articles about it here in Educational Technology and Mobile Learning and there is even a separate section where you can access all the educational tools you might need to effectively leverage Twitter in your teaching and learning. Our Biggest Twitter Tips For Teachers. For many teachers making a foray into the edtech world, Twitter is an excellent tool for consuming and learning.

There are a number of great resources out there to help teachers follow people who will be useful to them based on location, subject, grade level, and technology being used. Many are also harnessing Twitter as a part of their PLN (personal learning network) to connect, share, and network. So how do you bridge the gap from reading tweets in your feed to truly harnessing the power of Twitter in the edtech realm? What To Do On Twitter: 50 Ideas For Teachers. 100 Twitter Tips For Teachers.

Twitter may have started off as a fun social media site for keeping up with friends and sharing updates about daily life, but it’s become much more than that for many users over the past few years as the site has evolved and grown.

100 Twitter Tips For Teachers

These days, Twitter is a powerhouse for marketing, communication, business, and even education, letting people from around the world work together, share ideas, and gain exposure. It has become a staple at many online colleges and campuses as well, leaving many academics wondering just how and if they should be using Twitter both in the classroom and in their professional lives. Educators: Embrace Social Media. What is up with teacher development and the fear of social media?

Educators: Embrace Social Media

So many educators are soaring into the next advent of learning, while others continue to lecture and talk at the kids, avoiding the digital tools that are so readily available. Yesterday, in a passing conversation discussing sharing of great resources, I asked a colleague if they knew what a PLN is? ”Huh?” She said. 5 Great Cheat Sheets Teachers should Not Miss. After the Twitter Cheat Sheet I posted yesterday, I got emails from some of you asking If I have any other sheets to share post here . I do have some saved ones I bookmarked from different websites and in particular from Mashable. I personally love Cheat Sheets because they present information in a visually attractive way which can be very helpful especially for visual learners.And just like Infographics,Cheat Sheets can also give users a simple rundown of various features accompanied by an explanation on how to use them. Without any further ado, below is a set of some of the best Cheat Sheets online. Click on any title to download and access the original copy.

If you have other suggestions make sure you share them with us . 1- Google Plus Cheat Sheet. How I Use Twitter In My Classroom. My students hate writing, especially in math. To create a happy medium I decided to integrate the use of micro-blogging into my classroom to motivate my students to begin to at least use mathematical language in class. I thought this was going to be another project gone bad! To my surprise since teens love texting, they also loved micro-blogging! 25 Ways To Use Twitter In The Classroom, By Degree Of Difficulty. How Can We Stop Cheating In Online Courses?

6.11K Views 0 Likes While clearly not every student is trying hard to take the slacker route, it's worth noting that picking out the students trying to take this route gets a little more complicated when you move from taking classes in person to taking classes online. 5 Ways To Have A High-Tech Classroom With What You Already Have 11.45K Views 1 Likes There are a host of ways to use the technology you already have at your fingertips to create a Classroom 2.0. How Common Core Standards Mesh With Education Technology. Twenty Five Interesting Ways To Use Twitter in the Classroom.

Over 100 ideas for using Twitter in the Classroom. This handful of resources provide about 100 different ideas for, and examples of, using Twitter in the classroom.

Over 100 ideas for using Twitter in the Classroom

It’s been almost 8 months since I published the post, “6 Examples of Using Twitter in the Classroom”, about uses of the popular micro-blogging tool in the instructional setting. This post generated a lot of traffic, and continues to attract hundreds of viewers every week. 9 Simple Tips For Connecting With Your Students On Twitter. Why Students Should Use Twitter.

I must admit I was skeptical and originally questioned the validity of Twitter. I initially viewed Twitter as just a tedious free service that lets you send a 140-character message, or “tweet to your followers” of lackluster and hum-drum information. I was not really interested in reading about the location of someone checking in on Four Square or what he or she was eating for dinner. See Also: It’s Official: Using Twitter Makes Students More Engaged Yet, I was totally surprised at all the benefits that Twitter provides to high school and college students. It’s Official: Using Twitter Makes Students More Engaged. Further affirming what you probably already know, Twitter is evidently one of the best tools for learning and becoming an engaged student. We’ve covered the benefits of the social network ad nauseum for teachers and administrators over the past few years … but a new study solidifies the worth of Twitter for students.

Assistant Professor of Education at Michigan State University, Christine Greenhow, conducted a study titled “ Twitteracy: Tweeting is a New Literary Practice. ” In it, she found that college students who tweet as part of their instruction are more engaged with the course content, the teacher, other students, and they have higher grades. “Tweeting can be thought of as a new literary practice,” said Greenhow, who also studies the growing use of social media among high-schoolers. “It’s changing the way we experience what we read and what we write.”

Again; Relevance, Why Twitter. November 29, 2012 by tomwhitby Twitter has been a topic for educational Bloggers for several years now.

Again; Relevance, Why Twitter

I believe that those educators using Twitter are drawn to those posts, while other educators, not using Twitter, are driven away. Maybe the problem is the emphasis, or focus of the blog posts. Maybe the focus should be on relevance and no mention of twitter. Are educators relevant in our technology-driven society? I earned an advanced degree in Educational Technology over 30 years ago. Tweeting Your way to Academic Success. A l'école, Twitter parie sur cent ans de pédagogie. Temps de lecture: 7 min «Dans l'herbe fraîche, pendant l'hiver, un escargot rampe dans la neige blanche.»

A l'école, Twitter parie sur cent ans de pédagogie

Un poème en moins de 140 caractères. Contrat rempli pour Melissa, une petite brunette joufflue. Dans cette classe de CM1 du XIIIe arrondissement de Paris, le jeudi matin est réservé à l'atelier Twitter. What Teachers Need to Know about Hashtags. One of the secrets behind the power of Twitter as a social media platform is hashtags. The Teacher’s Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags.

The Teacher’s Quick Guide To Educational Twitter Hashtags Added by Jeff Dunn on 2012-10-18. The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags In Education. The 50 Best Education Twitter Hashtags. 50 Important Education Twitter Hashtags–With Meeting Times! Note: We are updating this list that is now going on two years old. Please suggest any revisions, additions, etc., in the comments below and we’ll make the changes.

300+ Educational Twitter Hashtags Being Used Right Now.