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Apps v Programs. HTML5 vs. Apps: Where The Debate Stands Now, And Why It Matters. Are Apps the New Textbook? Apple’s recent entry into the textbook market was a bit anticlimactic after news of a “major announcement” rippled through the internet. The news that Apple would soon enable teachers to create personalized and interactive textbooks was interesting if you’re merging old ed-thinking with modern tech-thinking. Textbooks have long been used as centralized information stores, allowing users to all be on the same page (literally), with the same content, and take the same tests.

Of course, after Carol Ann Tomlinson (among others) spent the last decade and a half trying to convince education to differentiate instruction—creating access to content, process, and product based on interest, readiness, and learning profile—we’ve seemingly skipped full integration of that step altogether in pursuit of modern ideas of individualized instruction and personalized learning. Like the textbook. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Of course, challenges remain. And they’re already here. Featured Image credit Ivywise. 12 Keys to Finding Quality Education Apps. Millions of apps vie for educators' attention. And with limited time and budgets, it's not always easy to find the ones that will keep students' attention and teach them at the same time. As school districts search for the few quality apps that will fit into their curriculum, instructional technology staff at three elementary school districts shared how they measure and find quality apps. What is a quality app? Not all apps are created equal. "It has to be engaging, but it has to be more than just fun, and it has to be content-related," Kliesen said.

Instructional Technology Coordinator Nadine Norris from Community Consolidated School District 15 — the third largest elementary school district in Illinois — defines quality apps as: stable; easy to use; flexible; integrating text and images; updated periodically; and integrating seamlessly with the cloud. When the apps integrate text and images, students communicate in a way that's engaging for them, Norris said. Checklist for app hunting. 20App%20Evaluation%20Rubric. SAMR model. How To Cite An App. How To Cite An App in APA Style After seeing the correct way to cite a tweet last year, it brought to mind the need to cite increasingly diverse media forms. No longer books, periodicals, and mere websites, information is becoming increasingly refracted from more nuanced media forms. So it was with great delight that I found out the correct way to cite an iTunes app in APA style, courtesy of a letter from Jeff Hume-Pratuch and Rebecca Raszweski.

It includes details on how to cite an app from iTunes. Times they are a’ changin’. “The general format is: Rightsholder, A. Where “Rightsholder, A. Skyscape. (2010). Hope this helps, Jeff Hume-Pratuch Editorial Supervisor APA Journals (Provided by Rebecca Raszewski, MS, AHIP Assistant Information Services Librarian & Assistant Professor Library of the Health Sciences University of Illinois)” Ipadkirjanen.pdf. APPitic - 1,800+ EDUapps. Maatuskan appsit | Maatuskan mitoissa | Blogit. Tarinani on varmaan aika tavallinen. Ennen ensimmäistä älypuhelinta, tuhahtelin vähätellen appseille.

Tyhmä nimikin, apps. Epäsana. Sitten aukesi uusi maailma. Ensimmäinen sovelluskaupasta lataamani ohjelmapala taisi olla Evernote. Kun aloitin Porin kaupungin juoksukoulun, alkoi minuuttien mittaaminen. Latasin koneelleni Zazen Lite´n. Ensimmäiset lenkkini olivat muutaman minuutin mittaisia, joten ajastin kellon plingahtamaan minuutin välein. Ääni on miellyttävä ja kuuluu hyvin takintaskustakin. Lenkkien pidentyessä harvensin äänimerkkiä. Tuntui juhlavalta, kun saatoin pidentää kellon hälyttämään VIIDEN MINUUTIN VÄLEIN! Kun juoksumatkan pituus nousi 20 minuuttiin, halusin taskuuni ohjelman, joka antaa enemmän tietoa. RunKeeper mittaa juoksemani matkan GPS:n avulla, piirtää reitin kartalle, laskee kulutetut kalorit ja lähettää kannustavia sähköposteja. No, niistä kannustusviesteistä viis. RunKeeper huutelee taskusta matkan etenemistä toiveideni mukaan. Ohjelma puhuu englantia.