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56 Reasons You Should Move To Finland Immediately. Suomalaisten mielestä peruskoulu on suurempi ihme kuin talvisota. ”Suomalaiset ovat historiakansaa.

Suomalaisten mielestä peruskoulu on suurempi ihme kuin talvisota

Ehdottomasti”, valtiotieteiden tohtori Pilvi Torsti sanoo. Kolme neljästä suomalaisesta nostaa peruskoulun Suomenhistorian viiden merkittävimmän asian joukkoon. Kuva Esa Pyysalo. Häneltä ilmestyy lähiaikoina kirja Suomalaiset ja historia (Gaudeamus), joka perustuu useita vuosia kestäneen Historiatietoisuus Suomessa -hankkeen yhteydessä kerättyyn aineistoon. Helsingin yliopistossa tehdyn tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten suomalaiset saavat ja tulkitsevat menneisyyttä koskevia tietoja ja miten se heijastuu ihmisten asenteisiin ja odotuksiin. Torstin johtaman tutkimuksen pohjana ollut kysely lähetettiin 3 300 väestörekisteristä poimitulle suomalaiselle, joista runsaat 1 200 vastasi. ”Menneisyyden kanssa ollaan tekemisissä hyvin monipuolisesti, kansainvälisestikin vertaillen”, Torsti sanoo. Yllätys oli myös, kuinka suuren merkityksen vastaajat antoivat historialle. Tutkimuksen mukaan suomalaisia kiinnostaa eniten oman maan ja suvun menneisyys.

Kehutun koulumme unohdettu tausta - Pääkirjoitus. Päät­ty­vän vuo­den suo­ma­lai­nen me­nes­ty­jä maail­mal­la on jäl­leen ol­lut pe­rus­kou­lu.

Kehutun koulumme unohdettu tausta - Pääkirjoitus

Leh­dis­tä on voi­nut lu­kea jut­tu­ja, jot­ka ovat yleen­sä ma­kea se­koi­tus häm­mäs­te­lyä ja ihas­te­lua: ta­so­kas, il­mai­nen, ta­sa-ar­voi­nen ja mo­ni­puo­li­nen. Si­vus­sa ke­hu­taan ko­ko Suo­mi. Tois­tu­vat ke­hut saa­vat mit­ta­kaa­van ka­toa­maan. Tä­kä­läis­tä jat­ko­kes­kus­te­lua seu­ra­tes­sa syn­tyy vä­lil­lä vai­ku­tel­ma, et­tä ko­ko hy­vin­voin­ti­yh­teis­kun­ta oli­si kek­sit­ty 1960-lu­vul­la ja to­teu­tet­tu 1970-lu­vul­la. Kaik­ki kun­nia se­nai­kai­sil­le ajat­te­li­joil­le ja päät­tä­jil­le, mut­ta suu­ret muu­tok­set ei­vät syn­ny tyh­jäs­tä. Pa­rin vuo­den kes­kus­te­lu­jen jäl­keen edus­kun­ta hy­väk­syi op­pi­vel­vol­li­suus­lain, mut­ta kei­sa­ri kaa­toi sen eh­kä sik­si, et­tä pel­kä­si vaa­ral­li­sen aat­teen le­viä­mis­tä Ve­nä­jäl­lä.

Opintie kaikkien ulottuville - peruskoulu. Koulut kunnallistettiin ja kaikki lapset kävivät saman yhdeksänvuotisen koulun.

Opintie kaikkien ulottuville - peruskoulu

Alkuaikoina peruskoulu herätti suurta vastustusta ja etelää kohti tultaessa vastustus kiihtyi. Kuuntele peruskoulun historiaa vaihe vaiheelta Peruskoulun historia -radiosarjassa kerrotaan, miten peruskoulu syntyi ja miten siitä tuli menestystarina. Osa 1: Alkuvaiheet. Alexstubb. Julkaistu 18.4.2013 Dagens Industri 18.4.2013 Vilket tror du att är Finlands med kända varumärke?


Why Finland Leads in Education. Pasi Sahlberg I am now relaxing after an intensive but successful NZEI Te Riu Roa annual meeting and conference and I feel very honoured to have been elected onto our National Executive for another term.

Why Finland Leads in Education

We had three major reports presented, one on the future of the teaching profession, and the other two about educating Maori and Pasifika for success. We watched an amazing video that celebrated the success of some Maori siblings (three brothers and a sister) who have become leaders in Maori education because of the support of their parents. We had a sobering presentation from our Children's Commissioner, Russell Wills, who is adamant that more needs to be done to address child poverty. However, it was the presentation from Pasi Sahlberg, an internationally respected educationalist, that most impressed me.

Why must our schools always be compared with Finland? – Washington Policy Watch. “It may sound like rainbows and lollipops… but the data is unambiguous.

Why must our schools always be compared with Finland? – Washington Policy Watch

This little country, with this simple idea, has made us look like the third world.” ~Dave Ross In every education survey, Finland seems to come out on top. Suomalaisopettajalle USA:ssa palkinto koulutusihmeen avaamisesta - Koulu. Suomalaisen koulumenestyksen perusteleminen on tuonut opettajanakin toimineelle Pasi Sahlbergille Yhdysvaltalaisen Louisvillen yliopiston palkinnon.

Suomalaisopettajalle USA:ssa palkinto koulutusihmeen avaamisesta - Koulu

Kansainvälisen liikkuvuuden ja yhteistyön keskuksen Cimon johtaja voitti Grawemeyer Award in Education 2013 -palkinnon kirjastaan, jossa hän avaa syitä koulujärjestelmämme toimivuuteen. Sahlbergin kirja on saanut joukon Yhdysvaltojen tärkeimpiä koulutusvaikuttajia kiinnostumaan Suomen esimerkistä. Ihmetystä on herättänyt muun muassa se, että Suomessa ala-asteella voi olla nelituntisia päiviä, vain vähän läksyjä ja kokeita vain harvoin. Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? (Series on School Reform) (The Series on School Reform) (9780807752579): Pasi Sahlberg.

UPDATES TO FINNISH LESSONS. Updated material to the book to be added… Links to key education institutions - Ministry of Education and Culture.


Le-Livre-review-2012. Pasi Sahlberg. English. C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: What Will Finland Do Next? "Finnish schools are fear-free places where children don't need to worry about competition, failure or performance that in many countries are fueled by standardized testing.

C. M. Rubin: The Global Search for Education: What Will Finland Do Next?

" -- Pasi Sahlberg Photo courtesy of Elvi Rista Systematic pursuit of children's wellbeing and happiness in secure environments takes precedence over measured academic achievements in Finnish schools, according to Pasi Sahlberg, author of the 2013 University of Louisville Grawemeyer Award winning book, Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn from Educational Change in Finland? It was the book many educators turned to last year to find ways to make their own schools better. Sahlberg explained to me that Finland will continue to work on the same mission it has had for over 40 years: to give access to high quality and safe schools for all children regardless of their family backgrounds, domiciles, mother tongues, or abilities. -- Pasi Sahlberg Photo courtesy of Liisa Takala. Finland's Formula for School Success (Education Everywhere Series) Finland's Revolutionary Education System. How do Finnish kids excel without rote learning and standardized testing?

One September morning in 2003, a group of engineers gathered for a marathon brainstorming session at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena, Calif.

How do Finnish kids excel without rote learning and standardized testing?

Their intent was ambitious; they wanted to dream up a new way to land spacecraft on Mars. The meeting stretched to three days of scribbling options on whiteboards, and the solution they came to for landing the SUV-sized rover Curiosity was radical. When Curiosity was 10 kilometres above ground, a contraption they called a sky crane would detach.

Why Are Finnish Kids So Smart? Update: TVOParents' Cheryl Jackson interviewed Dr. Pasi Sahlberg, quoted extensively in the blog post below, about the Finnish education system in November 2011. In the lead-up to TVO's Learning 2030 event in Kitchener-Waterloo this weekend, producer Eric Bombicino looks at an educational superstar: Finland. There’s No Homework in Finland. To some people, Finland isn’t a whole lot more than a chilly, northern country boasting a population of around 5 million people. First past Finnishing line. Look and learn … small class sizes are one of the keys to Finland's educational success. The country ranks near the top of the world in literacy and numeracy outcomes. Photo: iStock Public education need not be a political battlefield.

Explaining the Finnish Miracle – In Teachers We Trust. An interesting coincidence – having said at the end of yesterday’s blog that we’d next be posting on the subject of the education system in Finland, this morning we came across a tweet from Mike Baker advertising the Finnish Institute of London and a series of events which explore the way the Finns do education. “Finnish education has recently gained substantial interest among British politics and education experts, as well as the general public, mainly due to its top rankings in the OECD’s PISA (Programme for International Students Assessment) studies.Interestingly, Finland’s success seems to be based on principles that differ from the ideals of the British education.

Finland's Secret Sauce: Its Teachers - Transforming Learning. Finland's Super Kids. Why are they smartest in the world? Actually their school system is what's super, and BC could learn a thing a two. Happy flying: Finnish children score highest on global tests and achievement gap between rich and poor is small. 1947 postage stamp image: Shutterstock. Peut-on exporter en France le modèle de formation des enseignants finlandais ? Les critiques qu’on entend parfois sur la Finlande ne doivent pas faire oublier les excellents résultats obtenus par ce « petit »pays. Así consigue Finlandia ser el número 1 en Educación en Europa. El país nórdico lidera el informe PISA con una enseñanza gratuita que pone en Primaria a los profesores más preparados. Finland has the best schools in the world, again. The study, written by the Economist Intelligence Unit, found that the top two performers develop high-quality teachers, value accountability and have a moral mission that underlies education efforts.

The report compared literacy rates, school attendance and university graduation rates. “[In Finland] kids start school later; school hours are shorter than most others; they don’t assign homework; their teachers are in front of kids less. By one estimate, Italians go to school three years longer,” said Robert Schwartz from the Harvard Graduate School of Education of the Finnish system.

The other Nordics lagged far behind Finland in the the global league table. Denmark ranked number 12, Sweden 21 and Norway 26. Suomi rankattiin jälleen ykköseksi kouluvertailussa. Suomi on arvioitu jälleen parhaaksi eri maiden koulujärjestelmiä vertailevassa tutkimuksessa. Launches The Learning Curve. Finland and South Korea top the table of education 'superpowers'New global education data bank drawn from fifty nations offers new insights into the “black box” of educational outcomes Pearson is today publishing The Learning Curve: a new landmark report designed to help policymakers, school leaders and academics identify the key factors which drive improved educational outcomes.

Finland's Education System Best In World. It turns out Finland and South Korea have the best education systems in the world. Globe © by stevecadman, used under Creative Commons license. According to a poll recently conducted by education firm Pearson, students in Finland and South Koren are receiving the best education in the world. Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore round out the top 5, while the United Kingdom is sixth, Canada checks in at 10th, and the United States comes in at 17th:

UK education sixth in global ranking. 27 November 2012Last updated at 03:31 ET By Sean Coughlan BBC News education correspondent Parents in South Korea, earlier this month, pray for their children's exam results The UK's education system is ranked sixth best in the developed world, according to a global league table published by education firm Pearson. The first and second places are taken by Finland and South Korea.

The rankings combine international test results and data such as graduation rates between 2006 and 2010. Sir Michael Barber, Pearson's chief education adviser, says successful countries give teachers a high status and have a "culture" of education. International comparisons in education have become increasingly significant - and this latest league table is based upon a series of global test results combined with measures of education systems, such as how many people go on to university. Finnish pupils score well in international comparison. The PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) and TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) assessments did, however, find that Finnish children can lack motivation even at young ages.

Suomalaislapset kärkisijoilla kouluosaamisessa, mutta motivaatio hukassa. Suomalaislasten kouluosaaminen on kansainvälisesti huipputasoa. Suomalaiskoululaiset menestyivät taas vertailussa. Kaksi kansainvälistä yli 40 maan tutkimusta: Suomalaisten oppilaiden kouluosaaminen kansainvälistä kärkeä. t111212. Suomalaislapset kärkisijoilla kouluosaamisessa, mutta motivaatio hukassa. Mikä tappaa oppilaiden motivaation nykykoulussa? - Mielipide. Suomalainen koulu kiinnostaa Yhdysvalloissa. What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success - Anu Partanen.

10 Surprising Features Of Finland’s Education System. Harvardin yliopistossa hehkutetaan Suomea! - Kotimaan uutiset. Finland offers lessons in equality for educators. Christinemccartney. Real lessons from Finland: Hard choices, rigorously implemented. Welfare: More for less. Benson shares education lessons from Finland > The Harvard Press. How Much Homework Does It Take to Educate a Nation? Tähti putosi koulutuskärjestä - Suomen kuntotesti. “It’s a bit old-fashioned that one teacher goes to a training and then comes back to the school. We need to have the training within the schools so that teachers learn together.” – Anneli Rautiainen, Finland. Teachers around the world. Who Has Access To Education? This Visualization Has The Answer. #finnedchat.

Inspired by Finland – 5 Goals I’m Setting Now. Future Learning Finland - Finpro. The Finland Phenomenon: Inside the World's Most Surprising School System.
