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12 Superfoods You Need to be Eating. About Dr. Perricone - Perricone MD. 10 Super Foods - A list of the Top Rated Super Foods. I'm not sure if Oprah Winfrey started the 10 Super Foods craze, but she's definitely had shows about them.

10 Super Foods - A list of the Top Rated Super Foods

Her site features them in Dr. Perricone's Nutrition Section, and we feature them here. We have found the list of Super foods to be slightly different from one nutritionist to the next. Therefore, we've included them all in the table below. (They're actually called Perfect Foods in some places.) Here's our disclaimer on the list of 10 Super foods - eating a can of Popeye's spinach doesn't count.

The Top 10 Super Foods And Why They Made The List Açai Berry Açai is the product of an Amazon palm tree. In it’s raw form, it is a berry that tastes like a blend of chocolate and berries. Açai is on the list of 10 super foods because of its pulp. Açai's health benefits are touted to be as an antibacterial, an anti-inflammatory, an antioxidant, and and antimutagenic. The bad part about açai is it deteriorates very quickly after being harvested. Barley Broccoli Extra Virgin Olive Oil (aka EVOO) Soy. 16 Superfoods You SHOULD Know About! (Part 1) (BeWellBuzz) Look up superfoods and you’re likely to find berries, broccoli and quinoa.

16 Superfoods You SHOULD Know About! (Part 1)

Great common foods, no question, but there’s more out there! We’ve compiled a list of superfoods that for some reason very few are talking about. Often we do know that something is good for us without knowing the reason why. Case in point maybe with superfoods. There are some of these amazing foods that have always been hailed as nutritious and good for health. Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that offer us many benefits at the same time so in effect you get more nutrition with lesser amount of food that you eat.

Superfoods are actually easily available and it’s only in recent times that they’ve been identified as superfoods with near super powers. Why should you eat superfoods? Obviously, it’s for the amazing health benefits that they offer. Superfoods to Keep Your Skin Looking Young At Any Age. Eat for A Sharper Mind: 5 Brain Boosting Foods. Smart food for every age.

Eat for A Sharper Mind: 5 Brain Boosting Foods

Are you getting enough of the right nutrients to support healthy cognitive function and improve memory? EatingWell’s quick guide to food solutions will show you how. Next: Go Fish » 7 Anti-Aging Superfoods. Add years to your life with these foods for healthy aging.

7 Anti-Aging Superfoods

Can you add years to your life by making smarter food choices? Yes! There are many variables involved in how long you live, but by following a healthy lifestyle, staying active and eating a nutrient-packed diet, you can help slow the aging process and perhaps even stave off age-related diseases, including osteoporosis, diabetes and heart disease. Start right now by including more of these 7 antioxidant-rich foods to your diet. We’ve included interesting facts and delicious EatingWell recipes for healthy aging. Best Superfoods for Weight Loss. Steak: Food & Diet. Superfood List. The superfood list would not be complete without one fruit.

Superfood List

There are quite a few fruits that can be called superfoods but I have chosen blueberries because I like them best. What is great about eating fruits is the fact that they can be eaten raw or turned into a fruit juice. No need for cooking and wasting time. So, Why Blueberries? Blueberries are a great source of antioxidants that help remove free radicals from our bodies.

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