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Juanpablobravo!'s Photostream. Rich Media Portal. 3d heart vector, heart vector ai illustrator, photoshop heart design ai vector, love sign heart vector - Free Vector Art & Graphic. Public Domain Images. US Highways as Subway Map. The graphic language of the London Underground map is so iconic that "[insert any network or process here] visualized as a London Underground map" has become a design cliché.

US Highways as Subway Map

So why are we writing about the latest iteration, a Tube-style map of U.S. interstate highways, created by Cameron Booth? Because, clichéd or not, visualizing this particular system in this way is actually damned useful. The U.S. interstate system actually has a grid-like logic to it: Highways that go north/south are labeled with odd numbers, and highways that go east/west have even-numbered labels. Not that you’d be able to easily tell, though--much like the London Underground rail system, interstate highways look like an overturned plate of spaghetti when plotted on a geographically accurate map.

10 Awesome Animated Google+ Profiles [VIDEOS] Animated Profile Banners. A few days ago I published a small tutorial on creating banners for the Google+ profile page.

Animated Profile Banners

The core idea was to add a professional looking banner to the profile page which served two purposes. It first made the page look more professional. Instead of having no images or unrelated images displayed in the five banner spots, users could add a company logo or photo instead. The second benefit was that it distinguished that particular profile from all other profiles.


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