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Verzeichnis der Plattform für deutschsprachige Reiseblogger. Travelbook Blogstars - Reiseblogger berichten aus aller Welt - Powered by Boomads. Vorstellung unserer Co-Autorin Tina. Hi, schön dass Du hier bist!

Vorstellung unserer Co-Autorin Tina

Kennst Du schon meine Backpacking Packliste? Willst Du auch ortsunabhängig Arbeiten? Dann komm am 04.10. zu unserem Event in Berlin: DNX - Digitale Nomaden Konferenz! Für mehr Tipps werde Fan auf Facebook! Hi ich bin‘s Tina. Also: Hallo, ich bin Tina, 23 und reise seit 4 Jahren um die Welt. Backpacker - Reiseplanung für Individualisten & Tipps zum Thema Backpacking. Wandering Earl. Matt Kepnes travel site is a Top 100 Travel Blogs. Nomadic Matt’s travel site is one of the most popular in the world.

Matt Kepnes travel site is a Top 100 Travel Blogs

Matt’s been travelling and blogging longer than most others; in fact, he’s one of the original travel bloggers out there. His travel site features budget travel tips, destination reviews and personal stories. His consistent efforts over the years has cemented his site as one of top travel blogs in the world. Matt’s main goal with his site is to provide budget travel advice and tips that will allow his readers to travel on the cheap. Hailing from Boston, Massachusetts he didn’t really start traveling abroad until his mid twenties. Kepnes took a trip to Thailand in 2005 that changed his life and overall perspective on travel after meeting a group of backpackers leading a nomadic life.

A little know fact about Matt is that – prior to becoming successful with his travel blog -he worked as an ESL teacher in Asia. In his early travel days, he extended his journeys in Asia by teaching English in Taiwan and in Thailand. Top 100 Travel Blogs by Domain and Page Authority, SEMRush and Alexa. Tom, I will agree that it’s a shame that Sam and others buy FB Likes/Followers.

Top 100 Travel Blogs by Domain and Page Authority, SEMRush and Alexa

Sam doesn’t deny it, so I assume it’s true. I disagree with Jonny Blair’s everyone’s-is-doing-it argument below. Lots of people steal, so should I steal too? I hope that Sam and others stop this practice because it’s easy to spot anyway. Tom, you whined that Leave Your Daily Hell is not in the top 100. Indeed, if there is one flaw on Sam’s list it is that a blogger must submit his blog to be considered. SOLUTION: If Sam discovers a site that seems like it could make the list, he should proactively add it, without waiting for the owner to contact him. Tom, your suggestions on improving this are summed up with: don’t use Alexa and SEOMoz or anything with a toolbar. I live to travel, I travel to live. I want to travel for the rest of my life - 15 travel bloggers tell how to do it. After a lovely childhood in Upstate New York and four years spent living my big city dreams in Brooklyn, I finally succumbed to my vagabond fantasies and bought a one way ticket out the country.

I want to travel for the rest of my life - 15 travel bloggers tell how to do it

Two years later, and I'm still at it. I'm currently reporting from a small bungalow on the island of Gili Trawangan in Indonesia. When did you start traveling and why? I've always had the heart of a wanderer. My family didn't travel much internationally when I was young, though I did manage to con my parents into letting me plan a family vacation to Belize when I was thirteen (my parents used to call me "The Bulldozer" for my, ahem, negotiation skills.) 8 Steps To Freedom: How I Quit My Job And Traveled The World. Photo Credit © Edgar Moskopp "One day your life will flash before your eyes.

8 Steps To Freedom: How I Quit My Job And Traveled The World

Make sure it's worth watching. " Der Reiseblog über Backpacking, Weltreisen und Inselparadiese. Backpacker - Reiseplanung für Individualisten & Tipps zum Thema Backpacking. How can I afford to travel and how much money I earn from Travel Blogging. ÜBER MICH. Hey, ich bin Tanja!


Wenn du dich schon mal gefragt hast: - Wie plane ich eine Backpacking-Reise? - Was muss ich als Solo-Reisender beachten? - Was muss ich einpacken und mitnehmen? - Wie kann ich Geld für meine Reise sparen? Mediadaten, PR / Media - Sie möchten mit uns zusammenarbeiten?

Mediadaten, PR / Media -

Klasse! Im Mediakit können Sie alle Infos zu uns, dem Blog und den Werbemöglichkeiten nachlesen. >> Download Mediakit Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Anfragen über Schreiben Sie uns einfach an – gerne auch per “Du”. How to Do Laundry While Traveling. There’s just ONE chore from the real world that we can’t escape when we’re on the road: laundry.

How to Do Laundry While Traveling

The chore of all chores. (Well, you could technically escape the hassles of cleaning your wardrobe, but we’re big fans of hygiene.) Does anyone ever delight in laundry detergent, fabric softener, and waiting around for cycles to end? Probably not. We’re here to make it easier. Before you leave There’s no need for a dryer in Venice! Here’s a no-brainer: make sure most (if not ALL) of your laundry is clean and ready to wear before you hit the road. While you don’t want to increase the weight of your luggage too much, it doesn’t hurt to include at least a small, travel-sized packet of detergent before you go, or a reusable bar of laundry soap. A few other items that may be necessary to purchase include: A light, but durable clothesline: When you don’t have the option of a dryer, you’d be surprised how well a portable clothesline comes in handy (especially one with suction cups).

LandLopers. INTERVIEWS - Reiseblog BRAVEBIRD - Reiseberichte einer Globetrotterin. Traumberuf: Aussteiger. « Bedouin Writer. “Wenn ich mal groß bin, werde ich Aussteiger!”

Traumberuf: Aussteiger. « Bedouin Writer

Ja, es scheint fast schon ein Trend zu werden. Ute macht es bald, Christian immer wieder, Conni schon lange und wenn es so weiterläuft, bin ich irgendwann auch mit in dem Club. Was das für mich persönlich bedeutet, das weiß ich. Und auch warum ich es irgendwann machen muss: Ich habe Fragen, die nach Antworten verlangen. Ich habe Durst nach der Welt. Der Plan ist also nicht, irgendwann einsam und allein im Wald zu wohnen. Jeder Mensch ist ein Stück des Kontinents, ein Teil des Festlandes. Es fällt mir nach wie vor auch verdammt schwer, eine Definition für etwas zu finden, das am Ende doch nur mich ganz allein definieren soll. Wikipedia sagt: “Als Aussteiger bezeichnet man Menschen, die sich durch ihr Verhalten von gesellschaftlichen Normen zu befreien versuchen, indem sie aus ihrer konkreten Lebenswelt innerlich oder äußerlich „aussteigen“.”

Nun gut, innerlich bin ich ja schon längst raus. Mir persönlich gefällt der Trend ja ganz gut. Reiseblog BRAVEBIRD - Reiseberichte einer Globetrotterin - HOME. SMARACUJA. Tauchen, Trekking, Reisen und Natur › feel4nature.