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How To Build Your Credibility As An Expert While Blogging. By Guest Author This is a guest post by Eduard Ezeanu. If you want to guest post on this blog, check out the guidelines here. I don’t run ads on my blog; I don’t do a lot of affiliate marketing. The primary way of monetizing my blog is selling my own products and coaching services in the area of communication skills. I’ve learned that when your strategy for making money with your blog is to sell something you have created or something you do, then your credibility as an expert is crucial.

People have to trust that you are a professional and that you can provide them something of real value before they decide to buy from you. The good news is that there are specific ways of using your blog which reinforce your credibility as an expert. Here are the methods that have worked best for me and I believe will visibly benefit any blogger: 1. I think many bloggers skip a step in their search for a source of income. 2. Do the same and you’ll develop credibility as an expert. 3. 4. 5. 5 Ways to Sell Your Expertise Online. This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. As a small business owner or entrepreneur, the lessons you learn are valuable. Not only will those lessons help you succeed in your core business, but that expertise has value for your peers.

Sharing your expertise and becoming a thought leader in your industry can help you to attract new customers and develop lucrative, long-term business relationships. Beyond that, however, your expertise can also be utilized as a separate revenue stream in its own right. In 2008, the folks at software company 37signals announced that they had turned their expertise into revenue streams worth more than three quarters of a million dollars in just a couple of years. Here are five ways that you can follow in their footsteps and leverage your existing expertise too. 1. 2. One easy way to sell your advice is Ether. 3. 4. 5. Comment écrire pour le web en 7 points ? Edit 2015 - nous vous invitons à lire : Comment rédiger un article de blog... Lorsque nous prenons en charge la création d'un site Internet au sein de notre agence, une des réflexions que je fais souvent à nos clients est : « Concernant vos textes, je vais vous torturer un peu, mais plus tard, vous me remercierez sans doute ».

En effet, écrire pour le web est un exercice un peu particulier. Il faudra répondre à des attentes distinctes, car deux types de « lecteurs » vont passer sur vos pages. Les visiteurs : toujours pressés, ils ont pris l'habitude de gloutonner l'information sans la lire. La structuration de votre contenu est primordiale pour les intéresser.Les moteurs : ils lisent tout de A à Z, mais ce ne sont que des machines.

Ils ne comprennent rien à la poésie ou au second degré. Il faut les aider à comprendre vos textes. Sur le fond, ces deux publics ne sont pas si différents à satisfaire. Retenons tout de même que l'utilisateur final, c'est l'internaute, pas le moteur. About | zen habits. ‘Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves.’ -Thich Nhat Hanh Zen Habits is about finding simplicity and mindfulness in the daily chaos of our lives. It’s about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what’s important, create something amazing, find happiness.

My name is Leo Babauta. I live in Davis, California with my wife and six kids, where I eat vegan food, write, run, and read. More info: Contact: I’m not able to personally respond to emails, and I don’t take guest posts, advertising, or requests to promote anything. I’m not taking on new projects or speaking engagements because my plate is full. Otherwise: Problems with ebooks or membership: support@zenhabits.netFeedback or suggestions: submit here. Personal Development for Smart People - Steve Pavlina.

Pourquoi une PME doit avoir un blog : 10 raisons concrètes. D’accord, le sujet a été rebattu maintes et maintes fois ces dernières années dans les blogs et il semblerait que tout ait été dit. C’est justement pour cette raison que j’y reviens : depuis les balbutiements du web 2.0 (remember ?) On parle de blogs en entreprise, mais tout cela reste finalement assez conceptuel : D’accord, le sujet a été rebattu maintes et maintes fois ces dernières années dans les blogs et il semblerait que tout ait été dit.

C’est justement pour cette raison que j’y reviens : depuis les balbutiements du web 2.0 (remember ?) On parle de blogs en entreprise, mais tout cela reste finalement assez conceptuel : à part quelques grosses boîtes ou agences de buzz/RP qui ont bien compris l’intérêt d’un blog et qui disposent de moyens suffisants pour s’y investir, force est de reconnaître que les blogs n’ont pas encore fait une percée significative dans le tissu économique, et plus particulièrement dans les PME. Ces avantages sont nombreux, et voici pourquoi : 3 – Pour l’image.

Le blog de Madmagz » Livres blancs. Des photos libres de droits pour votre blog. Créez votre thème Wordpress de A à Z. 7 Types De Blogs Professionnels. Le site Technorati recense actuellement plus d’un milliard de blogs dans le monde. Le blog est outil de communication populaire tout indiqué pour maintenir un site internet. Longtemps utilisé à ses premières heures par les particuliers, il s’est installé durablement dans le paysage composant l’arsenal des techniques de communication des entreprises sur internet. Dans l’article d’aujourd’hui, j’aborde 7 types de blogs professionnels qui différent de par leurs rythmes de publication, le nombre d’auteurs qui y contribuent ou encore les objectifs à atteindre – cette dernière caractéristique fera l’objet d’un nouvel article. 1. Le blog de direction Un blog de direction est rédigé par un président, un directeur ou un cadre supérieur de l’entreprise.

Il est utilisé pour annoncer le lancement de nouveaux produits, discuter des prochaines évolutions de la société, commenter l’actualité en rapport avec un secteur d’activité ou encore partager des moments plus personnels de la vie de son auteur. 2. 9 Awesome Ways to Market a Business Blog. We are all impatient. We like instant gratification, and when it comes to blogging, these emotions are no different. Most business bloggers understand that it is important to create interesting content on a frequent and consistent basis. Bloggers understand that their reward for this content is increased traffic and leads from search engines, social media, and other sources. While content works, bloggers need to employ other tactics to help market their business blog to aid the achievement of their business objectives.

So if you feel like your blog has rocking content but aren’t yet happy with the reach and results of that content, try some of these ideas for marketing your business blog online. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What suggestions do you have for more blog marketing? Photo Credit: batmoo Webinar: Blogging for Business. Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write and 9 Tips To Get Started. 7 Things Your Blog’s Sidebar Can't Live Without. Here are seven essential elements you should include in your blog's sidebar: 1. Option to Subscribe Assuming you have remarkable content on your blog, which I know all you HubSpot blog readers do, your readers would be interested in coming back to your blog to read your latest posts. So make it easy for them! Add a subscribe button linking to your RSS feed URL. You can use Feedburner to create this URL from your original RSS feed URL, as Feedburner makes it easy for readers to add your feed to their RSS reader, like Google Reader . 2.

Often called “categories” or “topics,” this is a list that makes it easy for your readers to find content that they are interested in. 3. The sidebar is a great place to display your most popular (usually meaning the most highly trafficked) blog posts. 4. Including recent blog posts makes it easy for users who enter your site through a single blog post (rather than the homepage) to navigate to your most recent content. 5. 6. 7. Start Blogging - Blogging Tips - Create your blog. Why you must always write quality content. Thousands of blogs are created daily. Many hopeful bloggers believe this new found medium will bring financial gain. Many, see blogging as a hobby or as a creative funnel to express their: talents and harness any future opportunities. All these rewards have their prices. The reward of an established blogger is down to their communication and marketing skills.

Quality content is important In this article, I will reveal some of the most important lessons that bloggers must learn. People buy from people they: know; like and trust Money can only be made if your blog has these two important components: traffic and high quality content. Would you buy today’s newspaper and be expected to read last week’s news? You must develop quality content There are many other resources online – If your niche is related to: blogging; Internet Marketing; Social Media or web design you’ll always have competition. It’s very difficult for a new company to develop an original idea. Quality counts. Write an Article in 20 Minutes. 5 Essential Blogging Tips from the Father of Chinese Philosophy. 7 étapes pour dominer son écosystème | Creation d'entreprise ! | Guilhem Bertholet. Lorsque l’on crée sa boite, c’est un peu comme lorsqu’on arrive dans un nouveau pays ou une nouvelle ville : il faut nouer de nouvelles relations avec tout un tas de personnes si l’on veut rapidement avoir une vie normale, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel, et prendre de nouvelles habitudes.

Pour une entreprise, cela s’appelle « s’insérer dans son écosystème ». Et l’écosystème d’une start-up, c’est justement toutes les parties prenantes qui se trouvent sur son espace de jeu : clients, décideurs, influenceurs, partenaires, prestataires, fournisseurs, presse, syndicats professionnels, … Dès que l’on crée une entreprise qui est censée grossir, il est primordial d’être bien connecté. Voilà quelques pistes à suivre… Pensez en termes d’écosystème.

Et vous, que faites-vous pour connaître et être connu de votre écosystème ? 6 Ways to Constantly Produce Quality Blog Content. Are you suffering from blogger’s block? Is it hard to find time to create content for your blog? If so, look no further. This article lists some easy-to-implement tips to help you get over the hump. But first, there’s a big myth (and it may be your roadblock) that needs attention. The Myth: I Have No Time to Blog Every now and then I poll my blog readers and ask about their challenges with blogging. I suggest reframing the challenge from “I don’t have time to write on my blog” to “I make time to market my business.” A business blog is one of the best tools you can use for extending your online visibility because it’s the dynamic hub of your business on the web. I propose you devote a minimum of 30 minutes per day focusing on your blog marketing activities.

It’s not really that much time when you think about it, especially for the return you can get from consistent effort. So how do you make time? #1: Create an Editorial Calendar There are two steps to creating an editorial calendar. 13 Ideas to Inspire Your Blog Content. As a blogger have you ever thought, “I don’t know what to write about!” Or “How am I going to come up with fresh content for my blog three times a week?” This article will provide you unique ideas that will help you keep pumping out great content. The following 13 content ideas are designed to help save you time and stimulate some new ideas. By the way, if you’re following the blogging basics outlined here, you’re well on your way to creating and maintaining the kind of content that will keep readers coming back for more. And if you’ve been blogging for any length of time, you know that when you don’t post on your blog for a few days, your traffic takes a nosedive.

Here’s ideas to get you going. 1. With Google Alerts, you can set up alerts for topics and subtopics in your niche to see what’s making news and what’s being said by others. 2. In the context of blog outreach, I mentioned Technorati and Alltop in my article on The Secret to Growing Your Blog Following. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Launch a Business Blog. You’ve created a blog for your business. Now what? You’re probably asking yourself, “How do people find out about my new blog?” The simple answer is: You have to promote your blog and let people know it exists. Optimizing your blog for search engines is critical, but just like any website, product, book or service you create, you have to promote the launch of a new blog.

There are a lot of ways to promote a new blog and I’m sharing 14 tactics to help you get the word out about your new baby. Heck, you could use these tactics for an established blog as well if you want a boost in traffic and subscribers. But before you tell the world your blog exists, make sure you have completed these essential tasks first: Does your masthead (banner) make it easy for new readers to know what your blog is about and if it’s right for them (target audience)? Point #9 is important because you don’t want to send people to a blog with only one or two posts. Implement the Obvious First The Not-So-Obvious. How to Create Social Media Business Guidelines. Social media policies and guidelines provide your business a framework to carry out your social media strategy and implement your social media tactics. They can also have a direct impact on the success of your social media endeavors. In this article, I’ll introduce you to social media guidelines for all your employees and your social media management team, and for crisis management and specific platforms.

I’ll also take a look at important considerations for big and small businesses. Advantages of Social Media Guidelines Here are four major benefits: Provides a way to implement your social media strategy and improve your social media performance.Gives everyone the information they need to work well together.Makes it easier to build your social communities online.Makes it possible to respond to emergencies before they get out of hand. With the right strategy, social media guidelines can have a direct impact on your success. Models to Follow Social Media Guidelines for Employees.