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Bluewolf Study Shows 35% Growth in Use of Outsourcing - The CIO Report. Companies are turning increasingly to IT outsourcing as a means of supplementing and, in some cases, replacing internal hires.

Bluewolf Study Shows 35% Growth in Use of Outsourcing - The CIO Report

That’s especially true of application hosting. About 35% of companies say they’ll outsource more in this area during the next year to 18 months, according to a new report from global consulting firm Bluewolf. Cloud computing is partially driving this growth, as more companies use applications from the likes of Salesforce, Google and Workday. Know and show what you got - TwentyFeet - TwentyFeet Wiki. The performance post for twitter is a cool way to recap your last week for your followers and friends. It's for free. You can do that with your "forever free" twitter account . Forget Apple, Forget Facebook: Here's The One Company That Actually Terrifies Google Execs. Complainers in the Office: 3 Ways to Deal With Them. Do you hate it when people complain?

Complainers in the Office: 3 Ways to Deal With Them

It turns out there's a good reason: Listening to too much complaining is bad for your brain in multiple ways, according to Trevor Blake, a serial entrepreneur and author of Three Simple Steps: A Map to Success in Business and Life. In the book, he describes how neuroscientists have learned to measure brain activity when faced with various stimuli, including a long gripe session.

"The brain works more like a muscle than we thought," Blake says. "So if you're pinned in a corner for too long listening to someone being negative, you're more likely to behave that way as well. " Even worse, being exposed to too much complaining can actually make you dumb.