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Pitching a Startup

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10 Things to Include in Your Startup Pitch Presentation. Bill Clark is the CEO of MicroAngel Capital Partners, a venture firm that gives more investors access to alternative investments.

10 Things to Include in Your Startup Pitch Presentation

He also gives investors the ability to invest in startups online through crowdfunding. You can follow him on Twitter @austinbillc. When you pitch to investors or venture capitalists, assume that you are not going to have a lot of time. Investors constantly get pitched, so it's important to catch their attention quickly and engage them by keeping it simple. SEE ALSO: Mashable's Startup Investment Tips Series Have a presentation (a "pitch deck") prepared with which you can pitch your entire idea and business plan in less than 20 minutes. 1.

The cover page should have your logo, business name and a tagline. 2. Summarize all of the information before you present it, and use this opportunity to get your audience interested in your company. 3. Investors are not only putting money toward your idea, they’re investing in your team. Preparing Elevator Pitches.pdf. Making the Pitch: 100 hours of preparation for a 30 minute investor presentation. « Finding Capital for Growth. Yes, one hundred hours.

Making the Pitch: 100 hours of preparation for a 30 minute investor presentation. « Finding Capital for Growth

You only get one chance to make a first impression. Make it count. If you are planning to raise significant capital – more than $100,000, you (or some combination of you and your management team) should plan to spend 50-100 hours preparing the information that you will summarize in your presentation. This includes market research, competitive analysis, financial projections, and all of the crucial brainstorming and prioritizing that I describe in “Angel Investors: Is an “Angel” the right solution for your business?”.

Once you have prepared the presentation (typically a slide deck using Microsoft powerpoint), you should rehearse it four or five times, and at least once with an audience. My partners and I have spent up to two days just helping seasoned executives to rehearse their pitch – don’t bank on “beginner’s luck”. Know the material, believe in your plan, and be passionate. Here is a simple outline for the key information to include in your presentation. In the Hunt - In Pitching to Angel Investors, Preparation Outweighs Zeal.

(4) David S. Rose's Answers on Venture and Investor Pitches. Presentation Hacks. Naval here.

Presentation Hacks

Adeo Ressi recently invited me to speak at the Silicon Valley Founder Institute. The topic was how to present to investors. [Nivi: There's a lot of new stuff in this presentation — I learned a lot that goes far beyond the topic of pitching VCs. I bolded my favorite parts in the transcript below.] SlideShare: Presentation hacks Audio: Interview with chapters (for iPod, iPhone, iTunes) Audio: Interview without chapters (MP3, play anywhere) Transcript: See below Outline Here’s an outline and transcript of the presentation. Does the presentation matter? Transcript Naval: So, Rashmi mentioned the information asymmetry that exists between investors and entrepreneurs, and at this point I’ve been lucky enough to have been involved with a large number of startups as a founder, advisor, and investor. Recently we even launched a list, an open directory of angels, and we connect the startups with the angels directly so they don’t have to pound the pavement all the time.

There we go.