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PseudoToda : #french women for #ronpaul... Les idées de Ron Paul expliquées simplement. Ron Paul vient de prendre sa retraite du Congrès américain, en rappelant ses principes.

Les idées de Ron Paul expliquées simplement

L’occasion de présenter rapidement ses idées. Par Damien Theillier. Ron Paul, représentant du Texas à la Chambre, vient de prendre sa retraite. Dans un discours de 48 minutes au Congrès, il a réaffirmé les principes qui ont guidé son action au cours de sa carrière. Ce qui est remarquable c’est que Paul n’est pas un homme de pouvoir, c’est un homme d’idées, chose rare pour un homme politique, bien que ses idées soient non-conventionnelles. Mais si vous voulez un simple aperçu de ses idées, on en trouve une bonne présentation dans un article d’Alex Altman dans le Time magazine du 5 Septembre 2011, (traduction Benoît Malbranque) : YouTube. Ron Paul Ad - THE ONE. " + soundfiledesc + " Paul’s audit-the-Fed bill up for House vote.

By Robert Schroeder and Greg Robb, MarketWatch WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) — A bill authored by Rep. Ron Paul that would open up previously secret Federal Reserve deliberations to scrutiny by members of Congress is set to pass the House of Representatives on Wednesday, but it faces an uphill climb in the Senate. Ron Paul Wins, Bernanke Loses As 'Audit The Fed' Bill Is Approved Overwhelmingly. The vote was 327-98...

Ron Paul Wins, Bernanke Loses As 'Audit The Fed' Bill Is Approved Overwhelmingly

In a rare bipartisan consensus, and definitely without the expressed, written consent of The Bernank, the House today overwhelmingly approved Ron Paul's bill (H.R. 459) to provide for a complete audit of the Federal Reserve. All attention turns now to the Senate and the sister bill (S.202), where two years ago H.R. 1207 was weakened significantly. Dr. Paul explains the differences between the various Fed audits... Audit the Fed? Bernanke fights back against Ron Paul - Jul. 18.

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke (right) called Ron Paul's 'Audit the Fed' bill a 'nightmare scenario' Wednesday. NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- In what is likely to be the last showdown between Ron Paul and Ben Bernanke, the Federal Reserve Chairman once again fought back against the Congressman's calls to audit the Federal Reserve. Rep. Paul, a Republican from Texas and author of "End the Fed", has been trying for years to pass a law that would give Congress the ability to examine the central bank's decision-making process.

Now, he's closer than ever before, after his colleagues voted last month to finally take up his bill on the House floor. The vote is expected to happen next week. It's important though not to confuse the aim of the bill with a financial audit. Instead, what Paul is aiming for is a full investigation of the way the Fed determines monetary policy. Those deliberations currently take place behind closed doors. Who Is Ron Paul? Our central bankers are intellectually bankrupt. SURPRISE! Ron Paul Destroyed Mitt Romney In Massachusetts This Weekend. La France pour Ron Paul 2012 - Lew Rockwell Interviews Ron Paul Before Maine Caucuses: 'The Youth Revolution' COME ON LADIES! Uxz8b. Tv. Time to Concede Home "Ownership" is a Fraud; Fixing the "Un-Real Estate Mess" Every week someone sends me an idea on how to fix various housing problems.

Time to Concede Home "Ownership" is a Fraud; Fixing the "Un-Real Estate Mess"

Many want home prices to stop falling and many others want to bail out homeowners because banks were bailed out (as if two wrongs make a right). Others want to stop foreclosures even though the very best thing for most of the people in trouble would be to shed the albatross by walking away. The one thing they all have in common is a misguided proposal to bailout someone at the expense of someone else (typically the government but few figure out the government means taxpayers). I have long-stated the best thing to do is nothing. Indeed if nothing is done, home prices will drop low enough that investors will want to buy them. Fixing the "Un-Real Estate Mess" Last week I received a different kind of proposal that merits a much closer look than all of the various bailout proposals I have seen to date.

My friend "BC" writes ... My friend "HB" replied to "BC" ... Libertarian Approach. Primaires républicaines : Ron Paul dit être le seul candidat à se distinguer. The Ron Paul I Know by Carol Paul. By Carol Paul The story of our family would have to start with the man Ron Paul, who saw the American Dream and decided that it could be his – and now he wants it to be yours if you so choose.

The Ron Paul I Know by Carol Paul

Ron's grandfather came from Germany at the age of 14 with his father. After just six months in this country, his father died and he had to make his way in a new country with a new language. He became a truck farmer in a small town in Pennsylvania. He eventually married, and had four sons and one daughter. Howard Paul, along with two of his brothers, continued to run the dairy that his father started from the basement garage of their home. Ron was the third son of Howard and Margaret Paul, and was brought up with the ethic that you worked six days a week and went to church on the seventh. Ron delivered newspapers in grade school early in the morning.

Ron Paul's 2002 Predictions All Come True - Incredible Video! Iowa: le moment Ron Paul? Ron Paul devient, de manière inattendue, le centre de l’attention des médias. Rattrapé par certains de ses écrits, il continue néanmoins de croire en sa victoire au premier caucus de élections présidentielles, le 3 janvier 2012 dans l’Iowa. Par Estelle DevismeUn article du Bulletin d’Amérique, publié en collaboration avec l’Institut Coppet.

Ron Paul, la revanche du libéralisme classique. Ron Paul en tête dans les sondages pour la primaire républicaine dans l’Iowa, voilà qui oblige les médias à enfin parler du libertarien texan.

Ron Paul, la revanche du libéralisme classique

Le programme "anti-système" de Ron Paul séduit les Américains. Ron Paul wins yet another straw poll. So why are the media ignoring him? Ron Paul won another Republican straw poll this weekend, in Illinois this time.

Ron Paul wins yet another straw poll. So why are the media ignoring him?

Skip to next paragraph Subscribe Today to the Monitor Click Here for your FREE 30 DAYS ofThe Christian Science MonitorWeekly Digital Edition It’s starting to become routine for Mr. Paul, points out The State Column, an online source of state political news: “Paul has consistently demonstrated his ability to rally his supporters to straw polls throughout the nation. Ron Paul Ad - Consistent. The Constitution Is on Life-Support. By Gary North “This is a republic, not a democracy.

The Constitution Is on Life-Support

Let’s keep it that way!” When I was a teenager, that was a popular saying in conservative circles. Conservative circles in 1958 were very few and very far between. The movement lacked slogans. That slogan was misleading then, and it is misleading today. New Ron Paul Ad - Consistent. TWO Great New Ron Paul 2012 Ads! Discours étage 4 mai 2011. Ron Paul´s Debate Day Money Bomb - 5/5/11 Reject the Same Sh1t diff party Agenda.

Le Père Refonder - 2012 Ron Paul! Ron Paul 2012 "Ne dis à personne" Il a signé! 4409 - Première Ron Paul 2012 panneaux d'affichage ... La révolution se poursuit. Ron Paul 2012: En défense de la liberté. Ron Paul France - La biographie. Ron Paul Supporters for Open Borders. Ron Paul - What If? Gagner ou perdre ... Ron Paul gagne toujours!Liberty gagne!Rappelez-vous toujours!Ron Paul 2012. This is something most of us know, but I still tend to forget when things seem to go wrong (marginalizing Dr.

Gagner ou perdre ... Ron Paul gagne toujours!Liberty gagne!Rappelez-vous toujours!Ron Paul 2012

Paul, fixing polls, media fixing, etc.). However, I am going to make it a point to ALWAYS remember, and I encourage all of you to do it as well! This campaign for the Presidency is ALREADY WON! I learned in the '08 cycle that the real objective is to enlighten and educate the PEOPLE, not to just occupy one office (the Presidency). In order for the things we need to come true, and the restoration of our Republic to be maintained, it will require an enlightenment and understanding by our population in general. So, with Ron's presidential run imminent, all we need to keep us going is the truth and reality that as long as this movement is active, it is WINNING! Even when Ron Paul is President, the awareness has to continue to grow!

Remember, we win as long as we care and participate! Good luck to everyone! Sound Money, Peace and Liberty. Ron Paul France - Campagne pour la liberté. Ron Paul 2012: Ne pas faire la guerre si imprudemment. MTV's Aimee Allen, Ron Paul Anthem Music Video MUST SEE!! This Video Changed My Life: 'Ron Paul: Stop Dreaming' Avons-nous perdu la raison ?" - Ron Paul - une vidéo Actu et Politique.

Obama’s Libyan Operations are Unconstitutional. By Rob Natelson You can sympathize with the humanitarian motives of our Libyan intervention while still doubting its constitutionality.

Obama’s Libyan Operations are Unconstitutional

The Constitution prescribes the rules about how the United States is to enter a war, and the Obama administration has violated those rules. The administration argues that the hostilities, because limited, do not rise to the level of “war,” as the Constitution uses that word. But that position is almost surely wrong: Founding-Era dictionaries and other sources, both legal and lay, tell us that when the Constitution was approved, “war” consisted of any hostilities initiated by a sovereign over opposition. A very typical dictionary definition was, “the exercise of violence under sovereign command against such as oppose.” The Founders’ favorite authority on international law, Vattel, divided wars into three principal categories: defensive wars, offensive just wars, and offensive unjust wars.

A defensive war did not require a declaration. About the author. Ron Paul: Réaction Libye. Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Frédéric Bastiat - Dabou, (le) 5 Jan 11, 14:56, a écrit : Oui, au fond, j'aurais du poser la question sous cette forme.Et je vois, en vous lisant, la photo de Raymond Aron qui, disait-on, avait eu raison contre Sartre : aurait-il pu jouer ce rôle, lui-même ou en passant le flambeau ?

Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Frédéric Bastiat -

Ce que je voulais rappeler, plus globalement, c'était qu'au XIXe siècle il était, avec d'autres libéraux, au centre du débat public/politique.Quel écho, un siècle et demi après, pourrait bien recevoir tel ou tel écrit de Bastiat, ou quelle opportunité auraient des gens comme Tocqueville ou Léon Say de devenir, l'un député, l'autre ministre des finances ? Aucune, malheureusement, il me semble. Aron était marginalisé dans son époque. Le cas de Ron Paul en 2012. Maintenant ce sont les assassinats – Ron Paul - une vidéo Actu et Politique.

Ron Paul parle de révolution à venir aux USA!!! - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Ron Paul : Chômage Et Inflation [VOSTFR] - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Ron Paul Dénonce Les Méthodes De La TSA [VOSTFR] - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Ron Paul : Sanctions Iranniennes = Acte De Guerre [VOSTFR] - une vidéo Actu et Politique.

Ron Paul: A 2012 Revolution - une vidéo Expression Libre. Qui est Ron Paul ? - une vidéo Actu et Politique. Don't tread on me. WAR IS A RACKET! Ron Paul. Lying is Not Patriotic.