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25 Tech Terms Every Entrepreneur Should Know. Credit: Sergey Nivens/Shutterstock Every field has its own "lingo" that goes with the territory.

25 Tech Terms Every Entrepreneur Should Know

The tech industry is a prime example of this, with dozens of acronyms and complex software terms that may make you feel like you're reading another language. Even if you're not running a tech company, you likely use a lot of technology to help run your business. Knowing common techy terms gives you credibility, broadens your knowledge base and allows you to ask the right questions to get ahead. Here are 35 terms you should be familiar with as an entrepreneur, regardless of your product or service. Server hosting. Other businesses may lease their servers from ISPs and self-maintain them. Data center. Back end. Virtual private network (VPN). Web app. Application programming interface (API).

Technology stack. Domain name service (DNS). Open source. Machine learning. Cloud hosting. Software as a Service (SaaS). Content management systems (CMS). Pricing Experiments You Might Not Know, But Can Learn From. Lots of entrepreneurs struggle with pricing.

Pricing Experiments You Might Not Know, But Can Learn From

How much to charge? It’s clear that the right price can make all the difference – too low and you miss out on profit; too high and you miss out on sales. Don’t ask, can’t tell Asking people what they’d pay for and how much rarely works. [Tweet It!] For one thing people will tell you what they WANT to pay—which is obviously much less than what your product or service is actually WORTH. When it comes to money, people are unable to predict accurately whether they’d pay or not. Also it’s worth remembering that people really don’t know how much things are worth, what’s a fair price (which is the reason TV-shows like “The Price is Right” can actually exist). William Poundstone, the author Priceless: The Myth of Fair Value says this: “People tend to be clueless about prices. People are weird and irrational, and there’s much we don’t understand. Why does removing dollar signs from prices (24 instead of $24) increase sales? The Economist and decoy pricing. Extreme Programming Rules. Planning User stories are written.

Extreme Programming Rules

Release planning creates the release schedule. Make frequent small releases. The project is divided into iterations. Iteration planning starts each iteration. Managing Give the team a dedicated open work space. Set a sustainable pace. A stand up meeting starts each day. How I Got 2000+ StumbleUpon Visitors Using My 10 Step Strategy. One of the ways of getting initial traffic to a new blog is writing useful comments on relevant posts and discussion forums.

How I Got 2000+ StumbleUpon Visitors Using My 10 Step Strategy

The other way is to join social media networks. This article will focus on StumbleUpon and how you can use StumbleUpon to build your personal network, your online profile and initial traffic to your new site. StumbleUpon is one of the leading bookmarking and sharing sites on the web. It is a database of web pages, videos and other online content submitted by users. The primary way of getting around is the Stumble button in the StumbleUpon browser toolbar. Following are 10 simple steps you can do today to build your StumbleUpon profile, your personal network and traffic to your website. Register your account at StumbleUpon. Michael Beck - A Better Way to Find Jobs on LinkedIn. I don't think there's any doubt that LinkedIn is the king of social networking for business.

Michael Beck - A Better Way to Find Jobs on LinkedIn

It's a great platform with lots of features and high traffic. But when it comes to using it for career advancement, most people use it poorly. They dutifully establish a profile and create the compulsory network of friends and coworkers with a handful of people from their past and present. Until they lose their job. And then as "everyone" tells them to do, they begin "networking" to find a job.

The result? Let me offer a different LinkedIn strategy for advancing your career. How to Identify Your Online Target Audience and Sell More. 66inShareinShare What’s more important, traffic or conversions?

How to Identify Your Online Target Audience and Sell More

If you send me 50k people from a classic tractor repair website and 500 from a prominent marketing site, which one is going to be better for my business? Unless you’re in the pageview business, what you should first and foremost care about is conversions. Conversions take place when targeted traffic meets relevant offer.

It all starts with knowing who is your target audience and what they need or want. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself. - Peter Drucker, influential business thinker of the 20th century If you want to increase conversions, you have to figure out who exactly is your primary target audience, what they want, what matters to them and what are the sources of friction for them. If you say your target audience is “pretty much everybody” or “anyone interested in my services”, you don’t have much of a chance to boost conversions.