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En kvinnes syn på GTA V. Så satt jeg i sofaen kikket ned på coveret til GTA V, og tenkte bare: "Hva har jeg gjort nå?

En kvinnes syn på GTA V

" Jeg har aldri likt denne type spill, allikevel hadde jeg gått målrettet bort i butikkhylla og plukket det. Dette er det femte spillet i rekka, jeg har aldri spilt noen av dem rett og slett på grunn av ryktet Grand Theft Auto-serien tilegnet seg – unødvendig mye vold og en 'smule' kvinnediskriminerende. Jeg har alltid trodd at GTA var et spill som kun handlet om å cruise rundt i stjålne biler, gå rundt å banke uskyldige folk på gata med balltre og plukke opp horer. Altså et spill uten noen som helst mål og mening utenom å volde andre skade. Hva gjorde at jeg kjøpte det? Hva er det da du egentlig kan gjøre i GTA V, sånn bortsett fra det åpenbare å stjele biler og kjøre over mennesker? Det er forventet at gaming generelt er noe kvinner ikke vet om eller kjenner særlig godt til.

"Sex sells. Deal with It." Yes, it's misogynistic and violent, but I still admire Grand Theft Auto. So it's been a bad week.

Yes, it's misogynistic and violent, but I still admire Grand Theft Auto

On Monday, I had to switch off Classic FM when it played Wagner, since he was an antisemite. Then I burned my copy of The Hunger Games, because it's all about children killing one another for entertainment. Finally, I threw my television out of the window because Breaking Bad's Walter White is a drug-dealing psychopath, and the show's fans love him for it.

OK, I didn't do any of that, because that would be absurd. If we rejected every creative work that is in some way "problematic", the canonical cupboard would be bare. The GTA series certainly isn't female-friendly. You can rescue one whose car has broken down, spy on another having sex with her boyfriend while she checks her phone, and, of course, visit the obligatory strip club and "make it rain" bank notes. Given all this – and the way the series has allowed you to visit a prostitute, then kill her to get your money back – perhaps the horrified reactions shouldn't be surprising. GTA V - Digital media, games & play - Digital media, games & play. Initially, GTA V mostly just annoyed me.

GTA V - Digital media, games & play - Digital media, games & play

Annoying characters, annoying gameplay, just annyoing. I don’t care much for driving around, waiting for something to happen, and I had absolutely no interest in the characters. I found the light (yes, the actual light) in the game world to be awfully pretty, though. I don’t know exactly when it happened, but at some point, I started to care. It’s not comparable to the way I cared about Walther White or Ellie or the entire cast from The Wire, but I do care. GTA is an unruly beast, a giant mess, trying to be so many things, all at once. It’s a huge open world, where you, allegedly, can do more or less what you want to. I am impressed by the scale and the attention to detail. At times, the scale allows for a wondrous sense of exploration, and some of the missions use the world really well.