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Tobias Kerst


Wordpress Theming. How to Search on Encrypted Data, in Practice. With the rise of cloud computing and storage in the last decade or so, many people have raised concerns about the security issues of outsourced data.

How to Search on Encrypted Data, in Practice

And to match this, cryptographers have come up with many proposals aiming to solve all of these problems. The most well-known of these methods, Fully Homomorphic Encryption, can in theory offer a perfect solution to this, but is extremely inefficient and not currently practical for most real-world situations. Other solutions include Oblivious RAM and special forms of identity-based encryption, but these are both still pretty expensive. Symmetric Searchable Encryption (SSE), which we looked at in this week's study group, stands at the other end of the scale. It is extremely practical, capable of handling extremely large (hundreds of GB) databases, and even has performance comparable to MySQL.

Our study group focussed on the Crypto 2013 paper by Cash et al., which also describes their state-of-the-art implementation. Scenario Searching. Comparison between NTFS and FAT FileSystem. Comparing NTFS and FAT file systems. Ubuntu Linux, Day 16: EXT4 vs. NTFS. 30 Days With Ubuntu Linux: Day 16 The default file system in Windows is NTFS, and the default file system in Ubuntu Linux is EXT4.

Ubuntu Linux, Day 16: EXT4 vs. NTFS

The purpose of today's 30 Days With Ubuntu Linux post is to try and understand what the difference is, and whether or not you should care. Early on in the 30 Days With Ubuntu Linux series, there were some comments that took issue with the fact that I had installed Ubuntu over Windows using Wubi.exe. One of the primary reasons behind that complaint is that in doing so I was running Ubuntu from a drive formatted using NTFS rather than one using EXT4.

What's the big deal? There is a very complex and detailed comparison of the various file formats-including NTFS and EXT4-on Wikipedia if you are so inclined. EXT4 can support individual files up to 16 terabytes, and volumes up to one exabyte in size. Other factors include the allocate-on-flush technique used by EXT4. All that being said, I can't say I really notice any significant difference. Harris Rosen. An Impact Felt Across Generations “Epiphany might be too strong of a word … it was more of a voice.

Harris Rosen

A feeling that ‘now is the time.’ You’ve achieved more success than you ever imagined. It’s time now to recognize that you’ve been blessed … to be thankful and to share your good fortune with others.” Having had his own life so radically transformed by education, Rosen knew that this was an area he wanted to focus on, and Tangelo Park was the place.

Tangelo Park is built on land once used for orange groves. “I fell in love with the neighborhood,” says Rosen. The Tangelo Park Program, started in 1993, gives every neighborhood child age 2 to 4 access to free preschool. For a program that took just one hour and four people to develop, the impact has been wide and deep. But there’s more. Nearly 200 students have earned Rosen scholarships, and of those, 75 percent have graduated from college—the highest rate among an ethnic group in the nation. HTC: Die Geschichte (Teil 1) Das ist ein Leserbeitrag.

HTC: Die Geschichte (Teil 1)

Inhaltlich verantwortlich ist der jeweilige Autor. Es geht um ein Unternehmen, das den Begriff “Smartphone” mehrmals prägte und mehrere Innovationen durchsetzte. Einen der ersten Hersteller, die Touchscreens in Handys einbauten und auf offene Betriebssysteme setzten. Das ist das letzte überlebende Unternehmen der alten Schule mit Handy-Business als Kerngeschäft. Es geht um HTC. Ich biete Euch an, mit mir den Höhenflug und den tiefen Fall von HTC näher zu betrachten: Vom Anfang bis zum frisch vorgestellten HTC One Max. Warum will ich diesen Beitrag unbedingt schreiben? Da das Unternehmen schon über 16 Jahren existiert, passt die ganze Geschichte nicht in einen Artikel – er wird schlichtweg zu lang.
