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13. De las cualidades indispensables para el mejor desempeño de las maestras y los maestros progresistas. Percibo cuánto tenemos aun por andar para mejorar nuestra democracia.

13. De las cualidades indispensables para el mejor desempeño de las maestras y los maestros progresistas

Es queal poner en práctica un tipo de educación que provoca críticamente la concienciadel educando, necesariamente trabajamos contra algunos mitos que nosdeorman. Start-Up Expands Free Course Offerings Online. Dozier-Libbey Medical High School Grading Changes Has Some Students Asking For Fs Back. What most students would likely consider an unsightly blemish on their report card is what some California students are asking to have back: the "F" grade.

When Dozier-Libbey Medical High School opened in Antioch, Calif. two years ago, students were graded on an A, B, C, F scale. Plan Nacional de Desarrollo 2007-2012 - Transf_edu2. SEP: evaluación a maestros seguirá pese a plantón. Ceneval. RSA Animate - Changing Education Paradigms. El diputado y la meretriz. Stop starving public universities, shrinking the middle class. Berkeley, CA - Last week Rick Santorum called the president "a snob" for wanting everyone to get a college education (in fact, Obama never actually called for universal college education but only for a year or more of training after high school).

Stop starving public universities, shrinking the middle class

Santorum needn't worry. The US is already making it harder for young people of modest means to attend college. Public higher education is being starved and the middle class will shrink even more as a result. Over just the last year, 41 states have cut spending for public higher education. That's on top of deep cuts in 2009 and 2010. The dismantling of California's schools. San Francisco, CA - I recently invited University of California-Davis sophomore Sarena Grossjan-Navarro to join my radio show focussing on the Occupy Education actions taking place across the country, and Monday's plan to descend on Sacramento to Occupy the Capitol, but she wasn't available.

The dismantling of California's schools

She's taking a heavy load this term, hoping to incur as little debt as possible. She was almost forced to drop out last term because the financial aid she receives is not enough to cover the basics. Close Read: Bad Teachers, or Bad Ratings? How useful are the city’s newly released teacher-evaluation scores?

Close Read: Bad Teachers, or Bad Ratings?

Let’s say you’re a hypothetical parent—maybe me. You go to the Times’ summation of the ratings for your child’s school, and find that they look pretty bad. In English, none of the teachers managed to score above average; only a small minority of the math teachers did. Ceneval. Admit It, American Colleges Do Indoctrinate Students - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics.

Close Read: Bad Teachers, or Bad Ratings? Paulo Freire. Conferencia. Barcelona 1994. Video. Pide Narro concretar prepa obligatoria. IP: baja calidad educativa 'pega' a la productividad - El Universal - Finanzas. Ciudad de México | Domingo 12 de febrero de 2012Notimex | El Universal12:05 La baja calidad del sistema educativo ha sido causa en gran medida del magro ritmo de crecimiento que México ha tenido en las tres últimas décadas, consideró el Centro de Estudios Económicos del Sector Privado (CEESP).

IP: baja calidad educativa 'pega' a la productividad - El Universal - Finanzas

En su publicación semanal "Análisis económico ejecutivo", subraya que la educación, además de ser un factor esencial para igualar oportunidades entre la población, es un elemento determinante para estimular la productividad y competitividad del país. Sin embargo, expone, las condiciones de bienestar de las familias y el nivel de competitividad de la economía mexicana refleja claramente la baja calidad del sistema educativo. El organismo de investigación del sector privado indica que en este entorno se ha generado la idea de que para mejorar la situación del sistema educativo del país se requieren más recursos, que si bien no dejan de ser necesarios, tampoco son la solución única. Revista 21. El Banco Mundial metido a educadori Miguel Soler Roca En 1995 el Banco Mundial publicó Priorities and Strategies for Education.

Revista 21

Amid Protesters’ Disruptions, City Board Votes to Close 18 Schools and Truncate 5 – SchoolBook. WNYC Beth Fertig's report on the school closing vote A city board voted on Thursday night to close 18 schools and eliminate the middle school grades at five others, citing poor performance.

Amid Protesters’ Disruptions, City Board Votes to Close 18 Schools and Truncate 5 – SchoolBook

The decision drew howls of opposition from hundreds of teachers’ union members, parents and students, who gathered in the auditorium of Brooklyn Technical High School along with a group that was inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Panel for Educational Policy, a board that replaced the city’s Board of Education, determined that the schools’ test scores, graduation rates and leadership failings were too severe to merit keeping them open. Among them were nine schools opened during Mayor Michael R. Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Show. It is a well-known fact that children from affluent families tend to do better in school.

Education Gap Grows Between Rich and Poor, Studies Show

Yet the income divide has received far less attention from policy makers and government officials than gaps in student accomplishment by race. Now, in analyses of long-term data published in recent months, researchers are finding that while the achievement gap between white and black students has narrowed significantly over the past few decades, the gap between rich and poor students has grown substantially during the same period.

“We have moved from a society in the 1950s and 1960s, in which race was more consequential than family income, to one today in which family income appears more determinative of educational success than race,” said Sean F. Reardon, a Stanford University sociologist. The changes are tectonic, a result of social and economic processes unfolding over many decades. Power, knowledge and the universities. New York, NY - What is the relationship between knowledge and power?

Power, knowledge and the universities

When we think about this question, we normally assume that knowledge - that which we take to be "truth" - is separate from power. The problem is when "money" or "politics" influences knowledge. “Higher Education is Not a Luxury” The fading dream of higher education in the US. New York, NY - It seems fitting that some of the activity inaugurated by the Occupy Wall Street movement migrated from city squares to college campuses, where students, from Berkeley to the City University of New York (CUNY), are protesting against the rising cost of their educations.

The fading dream of higher education in the US

Undeterred by pepper spray or police batons, they struggle to preserve the evanescent American dream of a top-flight affordable college education available to all. But, unless there are major transformations within academe and the rest of society, they may be fighting a losing battle. Just as the frontier once allowed an enterprising individual to get ahead (or so the story went), by the middle of the 20th century, higher education had become the main engine of social mobility in the United States. Dear Governor: Lobby to Save a Love of Reading – SchoolBook. On New Year’s Eve, we and another couple sat, as we have for many years, playing party games -- waiting for midnight, a final toast, and a conservative but not reactionary bedtime shortly thereafter. In past years our friends’ two girls led (and clobbered) us in rousing games of Pictionary; this year they were too old to hang out with their parents on this most festive night of the year.