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Vnaya Education

We are an online education and learning company. We have laid our foundation through implying the Porter Process in order to patch the learning style of the child to the teaching style of the teacher!

Cell - The Fundamental Unit of Life. Your child’s learning style – and why it matters. Why Family Engagement in Education is Important? 8 Reasons Making Mistakes in Math is the Good thing. 3 Stress Free Ways to Stop the ‘Summer Slide’ - 10 Ways to take the Stress Off your Child - What a Potluck Dinner Can Teach us About How Children Learn - Potluck dinners are a wonderful North American institution.

What a Potluck Dinner Can Teach us About How Children Learn -

They didn’t have them in the UK when I lived there and large dinner parties meant hard work and days of preparation for the host and hostess. At a potluck the host asks people what they would like to bring and coordinates the dishes into a three course – or kore – meal for everyone. People contribute their best dish and everyone benefits from the great food. Pot Luck dinners are less stressful, more creative and more surprising than hosting a full dinner and can lead to more enjoyment for all concerned. Don't Waste the Summer; Have a fresh start! - Will you waste the summer?

Don't Waste the Summer; Have a fresh start! -

4 Tips to Improve your Grades at School - Strategies that Leads to your Child’s Success In School and in Life! - The one most effective, efficient, easy to do, guaranteed to succeed, powerful, proven strategy that leads to your child’s success In school and in Life!

Strategies that Leads to your Child’s Success In School and in Life! -

A magic trick that any parent can do There is one question that parents always ask, “What’s the best way to help my child learn?” Parents expect me to tell them how to choose a good tutoring programs or buy the best textbooks or show them how to help with homework. That is not what I do. Instead I give them one simple answer, which is not the answer they expect.

And, despite it being the most effective way to help kids learn, many parents are just not ready to hear about it. Parents and the Education System - Parents have a special role to play in education systems and it is not always a pleasant one.

Parents and the Education System -

Parent are underdogs. Teachers may say, and believe, that parents play a vital role in helping children learn, which they do, but they rarely provide parents with the ability to make this happen. How do I know this? 3 Tips to Address the Unique Learning Needs of children - While some young individuals excel at academics, it’s just a fact that other students meet more hurdles and challenges on their educational path.

3 Tips to Address the Unique Learning Needs of children -

While it’s easy for us to blame poor performance levels on laziness, inadequate parental support in education at home or a lack of desire to succeed, but this is not always the case. Some children simply do not fit easily into the modern educational framework of tests, quizzes, due dates and deadlines, assignments and they easily end up feeling stifled and are unable to succeed in such an adamant environment. Will tutoring help your underachieving child? - It has been estimated that as many as 1 in 5 children underachieves in school. 20% of children do not perform in accordance with their age or talents.

Will tutoring help your underachieving child? -

In other words, they have unfulfilled potential. It can be difficult to realize when a child is underachieving. The teacher who has only known the child for a few months and may be unaware of the child’s potential. Doting relatives may think whatever the child does is wonderful. The best person to know if a child is underachieving is someone who has had a close relationship with the child over many years. Who could that be? Well, it doesn’t take a genius to realize that the best person to know when a child is underachieving is a parent – usually a mother because, even in this day of gender equality, it is often the mothers who are the ones helping with homework, talking to the child’s teacher, watching a child’s self- confidence disintegrate. Get Homophones and its Meaning! -

Homophones are the words which sound same but their meanings are different.

Get Homophones and its Meaning! -

5 Tips: How you can read with your child - “Some reading each day is better than no reading at all” Reading aloud with your child is an important part of your child’s education and its important to know that how you can read with your child, but too many parents find it difficult to deal with this. many parents do ask me regarding Sometimes the parent is not ready for it and sometimes the child.

5 Tips: How you can read with your child -

12 Freaky Human Body Facts that you were Unaware of! - I have always been amazed at the ability of our body to heal itself.

12 Freaky Human Body Facts that you were Unaware of! -

Massive cuts, broken bones and nasty bruises to almost fatal viruses happen all the time, but we seem to usually get better. We shed over forty pounds of skin during our lifetime. (That’s nasty y’all!) We’re almost like snakes, except we don’t shed it all at once. I’m sure back before the human race figured out many of the things about modern science, healing wounds seemed a bit like magic. Have you always known or presumed the fact that your bones might just be as strong as, well, four times stronger than concrete? Now, before you get all ‘wonderstruck’ by a list of interesting human body facts you must read the below points- The human body is made of 11 important organ systems, including the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, excretory, nervous and endocrine systems.

5 Easy Tips to Get your Child Ready for School - Many parents face the daily challenge of getting their children ready for school, trust me even I use to had so much of trouble while my kids were in school.

5 Easy Tips to Get your Child Ready for School -

Lately I started doing few things that had helped me in prevent those stressful mornings; so here are those 5 tips that I used to follow and I am sharing them with all of you so that you too could use these easy tips to get your child ready for school on time. 1. Establish a bed time routine Have a set time your child gives to bed and wakes up. Now you need to ensure your child is getting enough sleep as pupils in pre-primary needs around 12 hours of sleep and pupils in primary school need anywhere between 10 to 11 hours of sleep.

5 Essential Tips to help your Child Succeed in School - At Vnaya, we want the very best for the students and as parents, we‘re sure you want the same. A school is a foundation for every child, where they learn everything. It’s an institution designed for the teaching of students under the direction of teachers. But this doesn’t end here, Parents play the pivotal role too. Top 3 Tricks to get your Kids Listen to You - So today, I am going to talk about the most asked question, i.e. How do I get my kids to listen? Now that’s a common question that most of us have in our minds right? We seem like broken records that keep on saying the same thing over and over again and getting nowhere with it. So I want to give you all few tips and strategies for dealing with this problem because I know this can be very frustrating.

So the first thing I want to talk about is the idea of listening, you know a lot of parents say to me my kids just don’t listen, I can’t get them to listen. Vnaya Education — 5 Steps to Unlock the Secret of Concentration for... 4 Effective Tips to Discipline your child - Many methods work and different works for different situations. Get the short and best ways to Enhance Memory. Alright, this time, I have come up with a new idea, one of the most prevailing issues, of learning, i.e. FORGETTING things you have already learned.

To check the level of forgetting in a child, give him a simple grocery list containing 15 items, ask him to read it and memorize it next you hide that list, ask him to recall the words and see how many words he can remember. Every child spends a lot of time in studying and memorizing the topics they are given in school.Academic demands are rising and it has become tough for some children to memorize everything they come across, especially sometimes when they sit for the test, they tend to forget whatever they prepare.