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Mental Health. Spel och pyssel - FÄRGLÄGGNINGSBILDER - Målarboksbilder och andra pysselsidor för att skriva ut. FREELANCe. Fair Trial for Julian Assange? - Sweden vs. Assange. Contents Criticism of Swedish justice system Fair trial as a ground for challenging the EAW - February Hearing In the February Hearing, Julian Assange’s lawyers argued that the UK should not extradite him because he would not face a fair trial in Sweden.

Fair Trial for Julian Assange? - Sweden vs. Assange

If extradited, Assange will be: Held in prison in solitary confinement when he is returned, despite not having been charged (likely to spend up to a year in custody). Experts say that he will remain in pre-trial detention indefinitely. If there is a charge and a trial, it will be held in secret. He will not be judged by an ’independent and impartial tribunal’, a fundamental requirement under the European Convention of Human Rights (article 6.1).

The Swedish prosecutor, Marianne Ny, has not given Julian Assange or his lawyers information on the allegations against him in writing, which violates the Swedish Code of Procedure (RB 23:18) and the European Convention of Human Rights (article 5), and the EU Fundamental Charter on Human Rights. News. Ideas worth spreading. Social Media Management Tools.


Skapligt Enkelt. Skapande. Tema: Psyket. Addiction. GASLIGHTING ABUSE. Art therapy. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rape Survivors. Dealing with the after effects of rape is a nightmare.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rape Survivors

The physical hurts can often soon be mended, but it's the inner pain that people can't see that takes longest. It's also the hardest to deal with because it's not like healing after surgery, there is no set time limit. The emotional scars can stay with us a lifetime. What is PTSD? PTSD is a reaction to being exposed to an event which is outside the range of normal human experience. PTSD affects hundreds of thousands of people who have been exposed to violent events such as rape, domestic violence, child abuse, war, accidents, natural disasters and political torture.

Traumatic experiences bring to the fore survival skills which are valuable and useful at the time of the trauma, but which usually become less valuable, less useful and less effective with time. Symptoms may come on soon after the trauma or fifty years later. Society has it's own way of dealing with trauma which can both be belittling or denying. Hyperarousal Symptoms. Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. After a traumatic event, it is typical to have feelings of anxiety, stress, or fear, making it difficult to adjust or cope for some time afterwards.

Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network

In particular, survivors of sexual violence may experience severe feelings of anxiety, stress, or fear, known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). While it is natural to have some of these symptoms after a traumatic event, if they last more than a few weeks and become an ongoing problem, it might be PTSD. If left untreated, the symptoms of PTSD can grow worse and last for months or even years.i Symptoms As classified by the National Institute of Mental Health, symptoms of PTSD can be grouped into three main categoriesii: Re-Experiencing This is a repeated reliving of the event, and interferes with daily activity.

Children and teens may experience different symptoms from adults, which may includeiii: Bedwetting Inability to talk Acting out the assault during playtime Being unusually clingy with a parent or other trusted adult Mayo Clinic. Förstasidan.