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CAQDAS and Qualitative Syllogism Logic—NVivo 8 and MAXQDA 10 Compared. Volume 12, No. 1, Art. 21 – January 2011 CAQDAS and Qualitative Syllogism Logic—NVivo 8 and MAXQDA 10 Compared Walter Schönfelder Abstract: Qualitative research is a heterogeneous field comprised of different and sometimes competing analytical strategies.

CAQDAS and Qualitative Syllogism Logic—NVivo 8 and MAXQDA 10 Compared

A growing number of researchers use computer programs to assist in the analysis of qualitative data. Some analytical tasks are common ground and will be performed by most researchers regardless of their methodological approach. Software vendors try to accommodate an increasing demand for common and specific analytical needs and include an ever growing number of features in their products. Getting started with Qualitative Data Analysis Software. Below are links to materials that tell you how to undertake some of the basic activities in qualitative data analysis software such as importing documents and starting projects, coding and its organisation, creating memos, text and code searching, reporting and retrieving information.

Getting started with Qualitative Data Analysis Software

Many software developers now produce their own teaching materials that cover the basics of the software use. Where this is so the links below are to their materials. In other cases there are links to materials on this site that cover older versions of the software to help those who are still using these versions. Atlas.ti 7. NVivo Training To Support Qualitative Research in Higher Education « Educational Vignettes. In my hand I hold a ‘Certificate of Attendance’ for attending an ‘Induction to NVivo Training’.

NVivo Training To Support Qualitative Research in Higher Education « Educational Vignettes

This is significant because I am now able to use a computer aided qualitative data analysis software to analyse a number of interview transcripts I have from a current education technology research project. The latest version of NVivo Bryman (2009) points out that one of the most significant developments in qualitative research in the last 20 years is the appearance of computer software that can assist in qualitative data analysis. NVivo is one such tool that attempts to support the analysis of word rich text by removing many of the clerical tasks associated with the manual coding and retrieving of data. Special Collections & Archives. Бизнес кейсы использования Data Mining. Часть 1. Привет, хабр.

Бизнес кейсы использования Data Mining. Часть 1

Очень рад, что тема Data Mining интересна сообществу. В данном топике (а если понравится, — в серии топиков) расскажу, какие примеры использования Data Mining есть в Российском и не только бизнесе. Почему я пишу об этом? Я работаю в компании, которая тесно связана с ВЦ РАН (Вычислительный центр Российской академии наук), что позволяет нам иметь отличный научно-исследовательский отдел и разрабатывать новые проекты, применяя отечественные достижения в математике.

В данном топике будет больше бизнеса, чем науки, но если последняя все же вас интересует, тогда вам сюда: или сюда: Итак, поехали: Сегодня почти в любом большом бизнесе есть огромная туча данных, которые собираются и хранятся на протяжении многих лет. Пример1. Data Mining: что внутри. Уровни информации Я не думаю, что открою Америку, если скажу, что не вся информация одинаково полезна.

Data Mining: что внутри

Иногда для объяснения какого-то понятия необходимо написать много текста, а иногда для объяснения сложнейших вопросов достаточно посмотреть на простую диаграмму. Для сокращения избыточности информации были придуманы математические формулы, чертежи, условные обозначения, программный код и т.д. Кроме того, важным является не только сама информация, но и ее представление. Понятно, что котировки акций более наглядно можно продемонстрировать с помощью графика, а математические формулы опишут законы Ньютона в более компактном виде.

NVivo Training, Consultancy and Support. Printer-friendly version I responded to a query on the LinkedIn NVivo user group today from someone asking for general ideas and interesting ways of using relationship nodes in NVivo.

NVivo Training, Consultancy and Support

He said: I've finished coding & analysing my pilot data. I've realised that the content of a Parent Node A broadly comes before Parent Node B. 11-1-21_1.jpg (изображение «JPEG», 1066 × 770 пикселов) Numerical Analytics India. VisuaLinks® is a platform-independent, graphical analysis tool used to discover patterns, trends, associations and hidden networks in any number and type of data sources.

Numerical Analytics India

VisuaLinks presents data graphically uncovering underlying relationships and patterns. VisuaLinks addresses the entire analytical process from access and integration to presentation and reporting providing a single and complete solution to a broad range of data analysis needs. VisuaLinks provides an advanced set of analysis tools that allows you to: VisuaLinks operates in a networked environment using client/server architecture to allow any number of users to analyze and collaborate on any type of information in an endless number of applications. Use our Capability Comparison to find out why VisuaLinks is the most powerful analytical solution available anywhere.

Numerical Analytics India. PolyAnalyst is the world's most comprehensive and versatile suite of advanced data mining tools.

Numerical Analytics India

PolyAnalyst incorporates the latest achievements in automated knowledge discovery to analyze both structured and unstructured data. PolyAnalyst implements a revolutionary Text Analysis engine for semantic text mining. This engine performs semantic analysis by extracting key concepts and relations from unstructured textual notes. When used in combination with newly added Link Analysis capabilities for determining and visualizing relations between investigated objects and Decision Forest for categorizing records to multiple classes, Text Analysis engine turns PolyAnalyst into a powerful text mining application. PolyAnalyst Knowledge Server A DCOM-based data mining solution for the whole enterprise. PolyAnalyst COM Objects Advanced Data Mining algorithms toolkits for COM development environment that can be integrated into various decision support system.

Numerical Analytics India. EViews 7 for Windows 98, Me, NT 4.0, 2000,XP, vista and windows 7.

Numerical Analytics India

For estimation, forecasting, statistical analysis, graphics, simulation, data management, all in a powerful, graphical object-oriented interface. Views 7 offers academic researchers, corporations, government agencies, and students access to powerful statistical, forecasting, and modeling tools through an innovative, easy-to-use object-oriented interface. Which License to Get? Multimethodology. Multimethodology, mixed methods research, compatibility thesis or pragmatist paradigm is an approach to professional research that combines the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data.[1] The term 'multimethodology' appears to be more widely used in operations research than in other branches of social science.

This approach has been gaining in popularity since the 1980s.[2] Mixed methods research[edit] There are two broad classes of research studies that are currently being labeled “mixed methods research”: single approach designs (SADs) in which additional qualitative and/or quantitative strategies are employed to enhance research quality; andmixed approach designs (MADs).

One major similarity between mixed methodologies and qualitative and quantitative taken separately is that researchers need to maintain focus on the original purpose behind their methodological choices. In a single approach design (SAD) only one analytic interest is pursued. Desirability[edit]