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BigMemory Go | Terracotta. Demos « Raima. SolidDB-Fastest Data Delivery. Redis & Memcached. The underlying technology of QlikView. The underlying technology of QlikView DBMS 2 DataBase Management System Services. Main Memory Object-Relational Database Management System. FastDB Main Memory Relational Database Management System Visit FastDB site at SourceForgeRead FastDB online documentation: FastDB.htmFastDB documentation in Postscript format: FAQ: fastdb_gigabase_faq.htmlComparing FastDB performance with other DBMSes: evaluation summary reportDownload most recent sources for Windows: fastdb-376.zipDownload most recent sources for Unix: fastdb-3.76.tar.gzVisual Query Builder for FastDB (Win32) implemented by Nina Gertskin: VFDB 1.0FastDB GUI browser (Win32): DBrowserBorland C++ interface to FastDB 2.89: FastDbBC-v6.zipBorland Delphi interface to FastDB 3.04: (Borland interfaces are implemented by Serge Aleynikov, just extract this archive in fastdb directory) Do you think that main memory database is something exotic ?

Well, please first answer for some questions. Is the size of your database larger than 100Mb ? Supported platforms If you port FastDB to some other platform, please inform me. One Database for Real-Time & Historical Data - Fastest SQL Database, MemSQL. MemSQL features an in-memory row store and a fully-integrated disk-based column store that eliminates the need for separate databases and enables MemSQL to achieve extremely low latency and execution times while allowing for data growth. Row Store In-memory Row Store enables mixed transactional and analytical workloads by using scalable system resources to achieve sub-second processing. Column Store The column store efficiently compresses data for long term storage and keeps it available for massively concurrent and highly parallel query execution. The row and column stores can easily transfer data and perform complex SQL queries with tables in either store, expanding far beyond an in-memory workload and making it extremely powerful in high velocity Big Data environments.

Shared Nothing Architecture By distributing data across multiple system resources with no single point of failure, MemSQL can leverage thousands of memory cores for extremely fast data loading and analytic workloads.


PostgreSQL as an In-Memory Only Database.