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4 Barriers to Big Data Analytics in Healthcare Organizations. 84% of CIOs and other C-Suite health care executives believe that the application of big data analytics in healthcare organizations is a significant challenge , according to a survey from the eHealth Initiative and the College of Health Information Management Executives . Key stakeholders from over 102 healthcare organizations participated in the survey conducted over a four week period from May 30 to June 28, 2013 examined the attitudes toward data use, trends in business use cases for data and analytics, the technological solutions employed by organizations, and associated challenges and barriers.

To adapt the growing volume of electronic data, healthcare organizations are increasing their focus on building a scalable plan to leverage data and predictive analytics that meets their organization’s strategic plans. Despite the growing focus on big data and analytics, the survey identified four major barriers: Other survey findings include: Click here for the full survey findings. A Year Makes a Big Difference for Big Data Analytics. Users of big data analytics are finally going public.

A Year Makes a Big Difference for Big Data Analytics

At the Hadoop Summit last June, many vendors were still speaking of a large retailer or a big bank as users but could not publically disclose their partnerships. Companies experimenting with big data analytics felt that their proof of concept was so innovative that once it moved into production, it would yield a competitive advantage to the early mover. Now many companies are speaking openly about what they have been up to in their business laboratories. The Top of the Big Data Stack Database Applications - EnterpriseStorageForum.

In May, Henry kicked off a collaborative effort to examine some of the details behind the Big Data push and what they really mean.

The Top of the Big Data Stack Database Applications - EnterpriseStorageForum

This article is the third in our muiltipart series and the second of three to take a high-level examination of Big Data from the top of the stack -- that is, the applications. Introduction. Hadapt Schemaless SQL – Webinar Questions Answered. A couple of weeks ago we hosted a webinar on Schemaless SQL and the ability to query all data types through one familiar interface.

Hadapt Schemaless SQL – Webinar Questions Answered

We received some great questions and far too many to answer at the end of the webinar, so within this post we’ll address those remaining. If you were unavailable to attend the webinar, a replay is available here; additionally, reviewing a primer on Schemaless SQL™ and Multi-Structured Tables™ may be worthwhile for additional context on the questions below: How is the inverted index stored?

The inverted index is stored alongside the re-serialized JSON data. Presto Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data. For ZestFinance, big data comes with big responsibility. ZestCash, the startup co-founded by former Google CIO and VP of Engineering Douglas Merrill to provide short-term loans to the underserved, has changed its name to ZestFinance and its business model, as well.

For ZestFinance, big data comes with big responsibility

As reported by Quentin Hardy Wednesday morning on the New York Times‘ Bits blog, the company is switching from being a provider of loans itself into being an underwriter that uses its analytics engine to serve existing lenders. Becoming a data analytics platform seems like a good business move, but my concern with ZestFinance is whether its new customers will live up to the company’s original high-minded goals. Merrill and former Capital One executive Shawn Budde launched ZestCash in 2006 2010 (it was founded in 2008) with the idea of using troves of personal data from the web and elsewhere to provide short-term loans to individuals underserved by traditional lenders.

The shift in business is probably a good idea — at least in theory. –Big Data 2011 Preview « @Zettaforce. During the 2011 National Football League (NFL) playoff TV broadcasts — amid commercials with Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales and auto racing driver Danica Patrick — an ad appeared with an IBM researcher talking about data analytics.

–Big Data 2011 Preview « @Zettaforce

In the IBM TV ad, Dr. David Ferrucci discusses how an IBM Watson supercomputer competes in a Jeopardy! The Future of Infrastructures in the Big Data Era. How big data analytics impose huge challenges for storage professionals and the keys for preparing for the future With contributions from David Floyer The cumulative effect of decades of IT infrastructure investment around a diverse set of technologies and processes has stifled innovation at organizations around the globe.

The Future of Infrastructures in the Big Data Era

Layer upon layer of complexity to accommodate a staggering array of applications has created hardened processes that make changes to systems difficult and cumbersome. The result has been an escalation of labor costs over the years to support this complexity. Ironically, computers are supposed to automate manual tasks, but the statistics show some alarming data that flies in the face of this industry promise. Hadoop, Business Analytics and Beyond. A Big Data Manifesto from the Wikibon Community Providing effective business analytics tools and technologies to the enterprise is a top priority of CIOs and for good reason.

Hadoop, Business Analytics and Beyond

Effective business analytics – from basic reporting to advanced data mining and predictive analytics — allows data analysts and business users alike to extract insights from corporate data that, when translated into action, deliver higher levels of efficiency and profitability to the enterprise. Big Data Database Revenue And Market Forecast 2012-2017. Contributing authors: David Floyer, Jeff Kelly, Dave Vellante, Stu Miniman Executive Summary.

Big Data Database Revenue And Market Forecast 2012-2017

Big Data Vendor Revenue And Market Forecast 2013-2017. Introduction The Big Data market as measured by vendor revenue derived from sales of related hardware, software and services reached $18.6 billion in calendar year 2013.

Big Data Vendor Revenue And Market Forecast 2013-2017

That represents a growth rate of 58% over the previous year. Broken down by type, Big Data-related services revenue made up 40% of the total market, followed by hardware at 38% and software at 22%. 6 companies doing big data in the cloud. Cloud computing and big data analytics are a match made in heaven.

6 companies doing big data in the cloud

I’ve explained why before, but essentially it’s because the cloud model lets users leverage a service provider’s infrastructure investment and subject-matter expertise without having to build them in-house. Done right, big data in the cloud is like a marriage of managed services and Software-as-a-Service, only using very powerful software. Thankfully, big data and the cloud have already found each other. Although it’s still very early in the evolution of this combination — experts predict major investment in this area going forward — several companies have already melded the two into a variety of unique services.

Quantivo. The Big Data Insight Group. Infographics.

Infographics Surveys

Analyzing some ‘Big’ Data Using C#, Azure And Apache Hadoop – A Stack Overflow .NET Namespace Popularity Finder. Time to do something meaningful with C#, Azure and Apache Hadoop. In this post, we’ll explore how to create a Mapper and Reducer in C#, to analyze the popularity of namespaces in the Stack overflow posts. Before we begin, let us explore Hadoop and Map Reduce concepts shortly. A Quick Introduction To Map Reduce Map/Reduce is a programming model to process insanely large data sets, initially implemented by Google . The Map and Reduce functions are pretty simple to understand.

Map(list) –> List of Key, Value The Map function will process a data set and splits the same to multiple key/value pairs Aggregate, Group The Map/Reduce framework may perform operations like group,sort etc on the output of Map function. The interesting aspect is, you can use a Map/Reduce framework like Apache Hadoop, to hierarchically parallelize Map/Reduce operations on a Big Data set. There is an excellent visual explanation from Ayende @ Rahien if you are new to the concept. Apache Hadoop and Hadoop Streaming . Big Data. Big Data Analytics Use Cases. Are you data-flooded, data-driven, data informed?

Are you insight driven or hindsight driven? Are you a firm where executives claim – “Data is our competitive advantage.” Or sprout analogies like, “data is the new oil”. The challenge I found in companies is not about having a 100,000 ft view of the importance or value of data. The challenge is the next step….so, how are you going to create new data products? Big Data Use-Cases in Telecom, Media and Entertainment industry. Big Data use-cases in Telecommunications In recent decade, telecom industry has seen data explosion due to increase in subscription, voice data record, wireless information, geo-location details, social media and data usages. Telecom companies who used legacy systems to gain insights from internally generated data often face issues of high storage costs, long data loading time, long administration process, complex queries, outdated compression techniques, and high support costs.

Telecommunications. In my research about Big Data, I came across an interesting fact: if you do a search in Google for ‘Big data’, you will get about 1,060,000,000 results in fraction of seconds. Really? The amount of noise and hype about Big Data created in business world from board room to conference meetings is unwarranted and most often created by vendors than the domain industry experts. I have been meeting with few of the industry business leaders and after my few meetings with customers and prospects about big data initiatives, I am seeing lot of What, Why, When, Where and How type questions. Among the few industry leaders in Telecommunications, Hi/Tech, Manufacturing, Utilities, very few are planning to work on Big Data POC/POV projects this year using Hadoop and mostly relying on 2013 plan and budget. Big Data Beyond MapReduce: Google's Big Data Papers. ACID vs. BASE: The Shifting pH of Database Transaction Processing.

By Charles Roe In Chemistry, pH measures the relative basicity and acidity of an aqueous (solvent in water) solution. The pH scale extends from 0 (highly acidic substances such as battery acid) to 14 (highly alkaline substances like lie); pure water at 77° F (25° C) has a pH of 7 and is neutral. Eventually Consistent - Revisited. I wrote a first version of this posting on consistency models about a year ago, but I was never happy with it as it was written in haste and the topic is important enough to receive a more thorough treatment. ACM Queue asked me to revise it for use in their magazine and I took the opportunity to improve the article.

This is that new version. The data store: on big data. Sort Benchmark Home Page. Bursting the Big Data Bubble. This guest post comes from Stefan Groschupf, CEO of Datameer. The opinions expressed here are his, not mine. Big Data Innovation Summit, San Francisco. Research, Articles, Media. Big Data Simplified – Part 2. Big Data review – The Language of Discovery. IBM Big Data Hub - Presentations. Big Data: Mined + Refined + Delivered = Value. Big Data, Big Opportunities: Telecommunications. DeveloperWorks : Big data : Overview.