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Dan Wahlin - Getting Started with ES6 – Transpiling ES6 to ES5. In the first post in this series I introduced key features in ECMAScript 6 (ES6), discussed tools that can be used today to transpile code to ES5 so that it can work in today’s browsers, and listed several resources that will help get you started.

Dan Wahlin - Getting Started with ES6 – Transpiling ES6 to ES5

Before jumping into the first official ES6 feature (that’s coming in the next post) I wanted to write a step-by-step walkthrough that covers how to get the Traceur and 6To5 transpilers working with Gulp (a JavaScript task runner). I’m also going to sneak in a little TypeScript as well since it’s another option. By getting these tools in place you can start writing ES6 code, convert/transpile it to ES5, and then use the generated code in older browsers.

ECMAScript 5 compatibility table. Annotated ES5. Awaiting within an arrow function · Issue #7 · lukehoban-ecmascript-asyncawait. GettingStarted · google/traceur-compiler Wiki. How to try out Traceur Traceur is a compiler that takes ECMAScript Edition 6 (ES6) (including classes, generators, destructuring and much more) and compiles it down to regular Javascript (ECMAScript Edition 5 [ES5]) that runs in your browser.

GettingStarted · google/traceur-compiler Wiki

You can try Traceur in several ways: Typing or pasting ES6 code into the Read-eval-print-loop page.Include Traceur in a Web page and compile ES6 script content on the fly (see below)Use node to compile ES6 to ES5 offline and include the result in Web pages or just run the result in node. Support async functions and the await keyword, pending standardization by benjamn · Pull Request #234 · ariya-esprima.