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Fact-checking participatif, par le service politique du Monde. Galeries Lafayette - La Mode C'est Vous. 28 Creative PowerPoint and Keynote Presentation Designs. There’s a certain art to putting together a solid presentation and PowerPoint and Keynote are the primary tools of the trade.

28 Creative PowerPoint and Keynote Presentation Designs

The “art” comes into play when you’re trying to set yourself apart; so how you use the tools is of great importance. Often it is the design of the presentation itself that does the trick. In an effort to help you put together a great-looking presentation, here are 28 examples of creative presentation designs using Powerpoint and Keynote: 1. 1 Billion Hungry Project 2.

Prezi - The Zooming Presentation Editor. The Numbers Just Keep On Getting Bigger: Social Media And The Internet 2011 [STATISTICS] Internet 2011 in numbers. So what happened with the Internet in 2011?

Internet 2011 in numbers

How many email accounts were there in the world in 2011? How many websites? How much did the most expensive domain name cost? How many photos were hosted on Facebook? How many videos were viewed to YouTube?

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Graph social. Livres à lire. Marques. Agences et autres potentiels futurs employeurs. Campagnes de communication. Techniques. Projets intéressants, étonnants... RSE. Des gens bien. A relire régulièrement.