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Un shopping fou, fou, fou

Ed Cotton: A Geo-Social Market For Things. Social Listing is an NYC based start-up that could take some business away from E-Bay and Craigslist.

Ed Cotton: A Geo-Social Market For Things

It’s an application that’s designed for Android and iPhone who’s purpose is to create a geo-social market for things. It’s all based on finding these things around where you happen to be located and one would assume to allow buyers to meet sellers to pick up items..etc. By focusing on the phone and linking it to social networks- Social Listing has found a way to be much more dynamic than any of its competitors- be they- newspapers, Craigslist or E-Bay.

Sites That Send Shoppers What They Might Like.

Shopping accompagné

Enchères. E-coupons. Médias sociaux et commerce. Communauté d'acheteurs. Crowdshopping. Avis clients. Partage. Recommandations. Conseils. Cadeaux. Achats groupés. Liste de souhait.