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Semaine du 20 au 27 juin

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AMNESTY - EARTH CANDLE. Presenting Trip Your Face - A Produc - Flash Player Installation. Trip Your Face | SocialTechPop. What do Dennis Rodman and Vanilla Ice have in common? They are both white...or black. I don't know. But more recently, both helped out to rep and their new brand, Trip Your Face takes users on a virtual adventure, encouraging people to cast themselves in their own hotel party by putting their faces and their friends' faces on the bodies of actors in the videos. Winning, duh. The video scenarios utilize technology to create 3D photo imaging in a video for a consumer-integrated experience. I think this can be something really cool. Tesco: Homeplus Subway Virtual Store (Movie)‬‏ Video game console for $0.99! Prêtez votre profile Facebook ou Twitter à MSF - International. Mardi 21 juin 2011 à 15h45 Médecins Sans Frontières lance une nouvelle campagne de sensibilisation en ce premier jour de l’été.

Elle durera toute la saison. Le principe est simple, à travers son action "I like MSF", l'organisation demande aux utilisateurs des réseaux sociaux Facebook et Twitter de leur prêter leur profile durant une journée pour y diffuser du contenu et toucher ainsi un maximum de personnes. Les profiles seront utilisés pour publier au maximum cinq actualités, photos ou vidéos prises sur le terrain. Pour participer, il suffet de se rendre sur le site de MSF et de vous inscrire. MSF ajoute son slogan à votre photo de profil et ajoute du contenu. Cependant, c’est l’utilisateur qui devra rétablir sa photo de profile lui-même, MSF n’ayant pas les moyens de le faire. Avec cette action MSF veut notamment sensibiliser les jeunes à son travail humanitaire. Le, avec Belga. Offrez votre profil pendant une journée.

How Nike Stepped Up Its Social Media Game for the NBA Playoffs. Nike has added another layer of competition to the NBA Playoffs with a social media data visualization tool that shows which players and teams got the most tweets per hour. During the Playoffs, Nike turned its Nike Basketball webpage over to a data viz app called Epic that calculated which Nike-sponsored player was getting the most tweets per hour.

Not surprisingly, Dallas Mavericks power forward and NBA Finals MVP Dirk Nowitzki (pictured) was ahead in that ranking on Monday afternoon, which gave him the largest picture on the page. The app also measures which teams were getting the most tweets per hour, a stat in which the Mavericks trounced the Miami Heat. Nike worked with digital agency R/GA on the program, which began at the start of the NBA Playoffs. A link for “kicks” also details what shoes players were wearing during the games. Consumers visiting the site can click through to some of the sneakers to buy them.

Halfhill says the immediacy of social media also helps spur sales. Coca-Cola - The Recycling King, Facebook Places‬‏ Orange Sound Charge T-Shirt for Glastonbury 2011‬‏ Orange newsroom | Turn it up to 11… Orange unveils the ‘Sound Charge’ 2011. * The Orange ‘Sound Charge’ t-shirt provides a revolutionary charging solution using sound to power your mobile phone * 2011 prototype follows Orange’s successful heritage in producing eco charging devices * Live testing to be conducted on site at the Glastonbury Festival * Orange leading the way in innovative mobile technology Orange, Official Communications Partner for the Glastonbury Festival, today announced the latest invention in the world of mobile charging technology with an innovative gadget that powers mobile phones using sound.

Following months of planning and development, the prototype, named the Orange ‘Sound Charge’ has been produced in conjunction with renewable energy experts at GotWind. The eco charging device uses an existing technology in a revolutionary way; by reversing the use of a product called Piezoelectric film, allowing people to charge their mobile phones whilst enjoying their favourite headline act at Glastonbury. - ends - Notes to editors About Orange UK.

Europcar's #myextrahour campaign brings Twitter into the real world - Social Media. We seen many great examples of social media in the real world, and now we have a truly great campaign to share with you – this time coming from Europcar. The company has just launched a live digital outdoor campaign, to raise awareness of its new FreeDeliver service, which offers customers free delivery and pickup of hired cars. To celebrate the fact that this essentially gives people an hour of their time back, they’ve introduced a digital billboard that features a livestream of tweets using the hashtag #myextrahour, where people share what they are going to do with the extra hour they got back, thanks to Europcar. It’s a pretty impressive campaign and is a brave attempt at bringing social media into the real world in real time: Of course, a campaign like this doesn’t come without its risks, and there are some people that are abusing this somewhat.

You would expect that there is a level of pre-moderation that would prevent tweets like this from appearing: ExcellBook - Diesel - be stupid at work‬‏ Inteltheescape's Channel‬‏ Intel® the Escape 30s Trailer‬‏ The Chase Film‬‏ WHOPPERLUST‬‏