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Other Android Languages. I’ve been hav­ing this same con­ver­sa­tion with a va­ri­ety of pro­gram­mers in re­cent days, and so I ought to share it with the world. I think it would be nice if you could build An­droid apps in oth­er lan­guages. The lead­ing can­di­dates seem to be Ru­by and Python. Peo­ple are work­ing on it. This is my take on the state of play. [Side­bar:] As it says in the side­bar, I don’t speak for Google, which is es­pe­cial­ly true here. Why · I like the An­droid plat­form a whole lot, with its Ac­tiv­i­ties and Ser­vices and In­tents and Lis­ten­ers and Con­tentSources and so on; it seems to have pret­ty well ev­ery­thing you need to write in­ter­est­ing app­s, and there’s very lit­tle about it that gets in the way or re­quires un­nec­es­sary work. On the oth­er hand, I do not par­tic­u­lar­ly like the Ja­va pro­gram­ming lan­guage.

On the oth­er hand, I can get more work done faster in a dynamically-typed lan­guage like Python or Ruby. This view is not shared uni­ver­sal­ly. Virtual machine - VirtualBox: extend partition. @@@ YouTube to MP3 converter. 50 New Resources and Tools for Web Developers. In this web developer round-up we have chosen 50 recently released resources and tools that offer time-saving solutions to many of the development issues you may come across. So, if you are looking for a tool that will check your Javascript, validate your CSS, help you create an image sprite, or a new HTML5 Canvas library, a new CSS dev framework, or even a parallax scrolling library you will find them all here, and much, much more. As per usual, and due to its huge popularity, we purposely didn’t include any jQuery-related resources in this post. jQuery needs and deserves its own post, so you should check out last months 40 Recently Released jQuery Plugins if that is what you are looking for.

Responsive Grid System The Responsive Grid System is a fluid grid CSS framework for fast, intuitive development of responsive websites. Available in 12, 16 and 24 columns with media queries for all standard devices, clearfix, and optional reset. Responsive Grid System → Box CSS Framework Css2Less CanJS. Codeanywhere. APL ASP.NET Asterisk C C# C++ Clojure Cobol CoffeeScript Common Lisp CSS Cython D diff ECL Embedded Javascript Erlang Gas GitHub Flavored Markdown GO Groovy Haskell Haxe HTML HTTP Jade Java JavaScript JavaServer Pages Jinja2 JSON LaTeX LESS LiveScript Lua MariaDB Markdown (GitHub-flavour) mIRC Nginx NTriples OCaml Pascal Perl PHP PHP(HTML) Pig Plain Text Properties files Python R reStructuredText Ruby Rust Sass Scala Scheme SCSS Shell Sieve Smalltalk Smarty SmartyMixed SPARQL SQL sTeX Tcl TiddlyWiki Tiki wiki TypeScript VB.NET VBScript Velocity Verilog XML XQuery YAML Z80 Theme Font Family Font size Tabsize Sounds Autosave File Revisions Auto-Indent Auto-Highlight More options. Ridings overlay using PostGIS, Mapnik, and Mapstraction. Ridings overlay using PostGIS, Mapnik, and Mapstraction July 4, 2010 Last month I finally got around to adding a ridings overlay to the "Find your MP" tool for How'd They Vote. Here is an overview and source code for the tiles generated. Taking the existing PostGIS ridings polygons in my database (in EPSG:4326 aka lat-long), I chose to use Mapnik to generate a set of tiles to present on top of a Google Maps base layer (conveniently presented through Mapstraction). For a primer on tile addressing and the relevant projections, see Coordinates, Tile Bounds, and Projection.

Please note that the ridings polygons are based on the GeoGratis Federal Electoral Districts of Canada Shapefile. After some experimentation, I decided on the following map definition: (ridings-simple.xml) <? My initial attempt included styling the whole riding polygon with the colour of the winning party, but it looked silly as one zoomed well into the riding itself (why does the whole map have a red tinge?). The Result. #1 ruby eo b8 xx. Ruby MRI/test/ruby/test_transcode.rb. GeoMOOSE users - [Geomoose-users] WMS not working. It is possible to re-project your data on the fly using MapServer. Assuming Dakota County coordinates are similar to Ramsey County coordinates, it will take editing a few configuration files so MapServer, and GDAL know about the country projection.

For one, I wouldn't do anything new based on Yahoo tiles. Yahoo has repeatedly said they are going to turn off the service and as such the latest OpenLayers release (which will be in the next GeoMoose release) removed support for Yahoo. That doesn't leave you with much of an upgrade path. There are other commercial options, and OpenStreetMaps that use the same projection if you want to stay that route. Which projection kind of depends on your audience. Clearly, the Web Mercator tile sets impose the projection, but the other bit they impose is the zoom level you can use to a fixed set of 20 zoom levels. Jim On Jul 3, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Dennis Tumberg wrote: Dl/tools/CD_toolbox_tutorial.pdf. Android-mirah-restful/android-mirah-restful/src/ca/sleroux/mirah/restful/AndroidMirahRestful.mirah at master · sleroux/android-mirah-restful.

Mirah on Android Example. Larroy/Hello-Mirah--Android. Compile ant ERROR. Ant - Users - building ant from source and junit build error. Installing jRuby for Centos | Tech Diary. Is not available. How to Create an Android App and APK on Android with Python | Ben Rousch's Cluster of Bleep. Root & Install CWM Recovery on Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900. Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is the latest member of Galaxy Note family. The Exynos 5 Octa 5420 chipset powered international Galaxy Note 3 model SM-N900 users will be happy to know that, you can now root Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900 as well as install ClockworkMod Recovery (CWM) v6.0.3.8 on it easily.

While root offer you access on system files and tweak it the way you want, the CWM Recovery offer you opportunity to flash custom ROMs, MODs and Themes easily. The root file is shared by famous developer Chainfire, who is also our Galaxy device rooting hero. CF-Auto-Root method always easy to perform. In this tutorial we also show you how to flash CWM recovery v6.0.3.8 on Galaxy Note 3 SM-N900 which is similarly easy. Though performing rooting don’t usually corrupt internal data but it’s always good idea to backup your data when possible. Recommended Reading: Warning: This tutorial is educational purpose only, we are not liable if you brick your device after following this tutorial. Pre Requisites: 1. 2. TakeControl - Control Android Device from PC Mouse/Keyboard.

OEM USB Drivers. If you are developing on Windows and would like to connect an Android-powered device to test your applications, then you need to install the appropriate USB driver. This document provides links to the web sites for several original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), where you can download the appropriate USB driver for your device. However, this list is not exhaustive for all available Android-powered devices. If you're developing on Mac OS X or Linux, then you probably don't need to install a USB driver. To start developing with your device, read Using Hardware Devices. The Google USB Driver is required for Windows only in order to perform adb debugging with any of the Google Nexus devices.

The one exception is the Galaxy Nexus: the driver for Galaxy Nexus is distributed by Samsung (listed as model GT-I9250TSGGEN). Installing a USB Driver First, find the appropriate driver for your device from the OEM drivers table below. Windows 7 Windows Vista OEM Drivers. Android - Manually install Google USB drivers. Download android emulator all version in windows. Lockscreen. Prevent Folder To Be Scanned or Indexed By Android Gallery (Hide) - CodeMink | CodeMink. We know you just bought an Android device with almost around 32GB SD Card support and it feels good to scroll pictures in the gallery. But, what happens when you have tons of other files saved inside your SD Card, Ohh! It got slow after some day you bought it. isn’t it? After a day you bought this new device you start filling it up with songs, movies, pictures, applications and blaah blaah. And in this process of filling up the device creates a thumbnail and icon images of everything which indirectly slows up your device by indexing these unwanted files because now number of files increased that means scanning time will also increases.

Some Android users wants to hide some personal pictures in their Android device and even MIUI and Sense (The native gallery apps) do offers to hide but somehow one can get access to these hidden files within the app itself in either way and so there is no such privacy. Hey! Don’t You want to see what we have for you? #1. . #2. . #3. Download Super Manager Lite.

Nokia@here. Authenticate : ThinkBuzan. Need to hide Left panel in google maps. Image Resizer for Windows - Download Release File.