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Labs » DIY Arduino Water Meter. Arduino LEDs controlled by iPhone over WiFi. Ejercicios. Libros de Arduino en PDF [Español] Arduino Dc Motor Control. Ar­duino - Con­trol 2 DC Mo­tors Via Blue­tooth (Tu­to­ri­al) Full Tu­to­ri­al here: You can down­load on my web­site "BlueArd" an­droid app, ar­duino sketch, schemat­ics, etc... Make sure you go there and grab ev­ery­thing! Like my page on Face­book: Add me on Google+: Fol­low me on twit­ter: Parts Re­quired: 1x Ar­duino Uno 1x Blue­tooth Mod­ule (for ex­am­ple: HC-05) 1x Smart­phone (any An­droid will work, I've only test­ed with Sam­sung Galaxy Ace) BlueArd Ap­pli­ca­tion (you can down­load it below) 1x L293D IC x DC motor 1x Bread­board Jumper Ca­bles pub­lished: 25 Sep 2013 views: 16. Cómo leer las revoluciones de un ventilador con Arduino. Extrae - Physics (and science in general) experimentation with Arduino. Two flash projects that communicate with eXtrae have been uploaded. eXtrae is an open source initiative to help improve the education of science in schools and universities.

extrae - Physics (and science in general) experimentation with Arduino

The main idea is to be able to extract different kind of data and perform some basic analysis on it using Arduino as the main hardware.