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Bead Work

Photography. Blacksmithing. Patterns. Pottery. Chain Maille. ► Friendship Bracelet Tutorial 25 - Intermediate - The Zig Zagging Rainbow. How to make an Arrow Friendship Bracelet. Home - How to Make a Friendship Bracelet: 19 Steps. Steps Method 1 of 2: Making a Traditional Friendship Bracelet a Friendship Bracelet Step 1.360p.mp4 00:00 00:03 00:03 spaceplay / pauseescstopffullscreenshift + ←→slower / faster (latest Chrome and Safari)←→seek . seek to previous 12…6 seek to 10%, 20%, …60% 1Choose several strands of embroidery thread in a variety of colors. Choose as many strands of thread as you like, as long as you're using three or more, and pick any number of colors that would look good together in a pattern.

If you only use one color of thread, you won't be able to create a pattern. 4-6 strands will make a narrow bracelet, and 8-10 strands will make a thicker one. 16Put the bracelet on. Video Ad. Friendship Bracelets -