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Face Recognition

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Seeing Machines. Track and understand faces like never before with faceAPI from Seeing Machines – now available for license. faceAPI allows you to incorporate Seeing Machines world class face tracking technology into your own product or application. faceAPI provides a suite of image-processing modules created specifically for tracking and understanding faces and facial features.

Seeing Machines

These powerful tracking modules are combined into a complete API toolkit that delivers a rich stream of information that you can incorporate into your own products or services. Seeing Machines faceAPI is the only comprehensive, integrated solution for developing products that leverage real-time face tracking. All image-processing for face tracking is handled internally, removing the need for any computer vision experience. Version 3.2.6 now available. SERVOMagazine Series, Seeing with OpenCV. Ehci - Project Hosting on Google Code. Ehci can also be used as an open source head tracking library IdeAs - Please Contribute 07/20/10 - New release 0.7.

ehci - Project Hosting on Google Code

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