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Continents imaginaires. Mu. Mysteries. Sinkhole in Guatemala, Argentina, South America. Sinkhole Opens up in Guatemala Street - And Swallows Whole Building After the recent floods and Tropical Storm Agatha, suddenly a sinkhole has opened up in a Guatemala Street and it's swallowed a whole high-rise building and a house.

Sinkhole in Guatemala, Argentina, South America

The sinkhole first appeared overnight in May/June 2010. There was a previous sinkhole elsewhere in the city in 2007, which killed three people when several houses were swallowed up. Sinkholes can be naturally occurring phenomena, or they can be the result of old mining shafts, or even over-working of a sewage system. It's quite rare for such large sinkholes to open up and swallow whole buildings though, or houses. There has been a previous sinkhole in Guatemala, in 2007, which killed three people. The trigger for this sinkhole is most likely the water caused by Storm Agatha sweeping away the underlying rock too. Sinkholes such as this one in Guatemala are known around the world.

Is The Sinkhole Natural or is it a Manmade Sinkhole? 12 Amazing Holes In The Earth. Here we have 12 most spectacular natural and manmade holes in the face of the earth.

12 Amazing Holes In The Earth.

Some of these are the result of man's search for mineral wealth, while some are nature's work creating some astounding holes. Darvaza - The Burning Gates: In 1971, geologists discovered a huge underground deposit of natural gas on this site. And while excavating, a whole drilling rig fell into an underground cavern. Natural gas started coming up from the hole. Image credit: JohnHBradley. Kimberley Diamond Mine (Big Hole) - South Africa: The Kimberley Diamond Mine (also known as the Big Hole) is an open-pit mine in Kimberley, South Africa and is claimed to be the largest hole excavated by hand. Monticello Dam - California: Located in northern California, the Monticello Dam's is the largest in the world.

Image credit: fogonazos. Mysteries, Ancient Civilizations, and Forbidden Archaeology. Greece, Atlantis, Minoa, Crete. The Epic of gilgamesh. Tablet Fragments. Atlantis. Bimini Road. Scott Stones The Bimini Road, sometimes called the Bimini Wall, is an underwater rock formation near North Bimini island in the Bahamas.

Bimini Road

The Road consists of a 0.8 km (0.5 mile) long northeast-southwest linear feature composed of roughly rectangular to subrectangular limestone blocks. History On September 2, 1968, while diving in three fathoms (5.5 meters) of water off the northwest coast of North Bimini island, J. Manson Valentine encountered an extensive pavement of what later was found to be noticeably rounded stones of varying size and thickness.

Philip Graham Hancock, BBC Atlantis Reborn Again (3) (FORBIDDEN HISTORY, LOST CIVILIZATIONS SERIES) Graham Hancock, BBC Atlantis Reborn Again (5) (FORBIDDEN HISTORY, LOST CIVILIZATIONS) Graham Hancock, BBC Atlantis Reborn Again (1) (FORBIDDEN HISTORY, LOST CIVILIZATIONS SERIES) Graham Hancock, BBC Atlantis Reborn Again (4) (FORBIDDEN HISTORY, LOST CIVILIZATIONS) BBC Atlantis Reborn Again (2) (FORBIDDEN HISTORY, LOST CIVILIZATIONS SERIES) Atlantis. Ahriman-Atlantis. Atlantis. Stargate: Atlantis. SS - 12 - The Rise of Atlantis‬‏ Atlantis Legend Μystery / Full Documentary (Gr Subs) Ancient Discoveries: Machines of the Gods 1/4.

Ancient Discoveries: Machines of the Gods 2/4. Ancient Discoveries: Machines of the Gods 3/4. Ancient Discoveries: Machines of the Gods 4/4. Atlantida. Atlantida descoperită de Google Ocean? VEZI FOTO. Articol de Lilia Strimbanu, publicat in data de 09-02-2011, ora 18:47 0Klass Motorul de căutare al Google Ocean a depistat în nord estul Africii ceea ce ar putea fi considerată "reţeaua de străzi" a oraşului antic Atlantida, relatează The Telegraph, citat de

Atlantida descoperită de Google Ocean? VEZI FOTO

Descoperirea a fost făcută de un inginer aeronautic, care a analizat imaginile captate de instrumentele de explorare subacvatică ale Google. Formaţiunile de pe fundul Oceanului Atlantic seamănă foarte mult cu sistemul străzilor unui oraş, tocmai din acest motiv, atenţia experţilor în problematica Atlantidei a fost atrasă de acestea. Coordonatele la care a fost identificată "reţeaua de străzi" sunt 31 15'15.53N 24 15'30.53W, undeva lângă Insulele Canare, iar specialiştii consideră că este o posibilă locaţie a oraşului antic descris de filosoful grec Platon. " Situl este unul dintre cele mai promiţătoare locaţii în care se presupune că se află Atlantida,aşa cum a fost descrisă de Platon.

Atlantida care reapare la lumină: Un oraş din Argentina iese de sub ape (GALERIE FOTO) Articol de PUBLIKA.MD, publicat in data de 19-03-2013, ora 12:41 1Klass FOTO: În anul 1985, staţiunea balneară argentiniană Villa Epecuen a fost complet inundată, după revărsarea unei lagune.

Atlantida care reapare la lumină: Un oraş din Argentina iese de sub ape (GALERIE FOTO)

Oraşul a ajuns la zece metri sub apă, iar ruinele localităţii abia acum încep să iasă la lumină, scrie Cei 1.500 de locuitori abia au avut timp să fugă din calea apelor care s-au revărsat, în staţiunea care primea anual în jur de 20.000 de turişti. Atlantis Google Earth Coordinates. Did Google find Atlantis?

Atlantis Google Earth Coordinates

It’s being reported around the web today that Google Earth has found Atlantis :) Here’s the co-ordinates to find Atlantis with Google Earth; coordinates: 31 15’15.53N, 24 15’30.53W (600 miles west of Morocco, deep in the Atlantic Ocean) The man from the sun says yes but the man from Google says no, though: “Bathymetric (or seafloor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the seafloor.

It’s sonar trails, if you believe everything Google says of course ;) Atlantida Coordonatele, Populatia, Civilizatia Atlantidei. Etimologia cuvantului "Atlantida" Pentru a stabili etimologia acestui cuvant pornim de la Antilia care reprezinta ultimul vestigiu al Atlantidei.

Atlantida Coordonatele, Populatia, Civilizatia Atlantidei

Exista motive temeinice pentru a se crede ca aceasta mai exista la inceputul secolului al XIV-lea, situandu-se in mijlocul "Marii occidentale" la paralela 28.Antilia e o portiune a Atlantidei, scapata ca printr-un miracol de cataclismul de acum douasprezece milenii, ca sa dispara si ea pentru totdeauna pe la anul 1550.Etimologia insulei Antilia este inca si mai curioasa. BBC Timewatch 2010 Atlantis The Evidence 1. BBC Timewatch 2010 Atlantis The Evidence2. BBC Timewatch 2010 Atlantis The Evidence3. BBC Timewatch 2010 Atlantis The Evidence4. BBC Timewatch 2010 Atlantis The Evidence5. BBC Timewatch 2010 Atlantis The Evidence6. Finding Atlantis - March 2011 - 1/4 - National Geographic. Finding Atlantis - March 2011 - 2/4 - National Geographic. Finding Atlantis - March 2011 - 3/4 - National Geographic. Finding Atlantis - March 2011 - 4/4 - National Geographic. Lemuria. Lemuria.

Ancient civilisations. AncientWorlds. Pre 10500 b.C. Lost Civilization.