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Video + canvas = magic. You’ve already learned about the <video> and <canvas> elements, but did you know that they were designed to be used together? In fact, the two elements are absolutely wondrous when you combine them! I’m going to show off a few super-simple demos using these two elements, which I hope will prompt cool future projects from you fellow web authors. (All of these demos work in every modern browser except Internet Explorer.) First, the basics If you’re just starting with HTML5, you may not be familiar with the <video> element and how to use it. Here’s a simple example that we’ll be using in the later demos: The <video> element contains two attributes: @controls and @loop. Then, inside the <video> element, we have three child <source> elements, each pointing to a different encoding of the same video. See this code in action, playing the intro to one of the greatest cartoon series of all time.

Now, a simple example Now that we know how to play a video, let’s mix in some <canvas> shenanigans. Done? What happened to all those smart programmers Google hired? - TDWTF Forums. The WebM (VP8) FAQ: "The VP8 and WebM specifications as released on May 19th, 2010 are final. We believe that the code and tools can evolve and improve for many years without requiring changes to the core specifications. " Technical analysis of VP8 "The spec consists largely of C code copy-pasted from the VP8 source code — up to and including TODOs, “optimizations”, and even C-specific hacks, such as workarounds for the undefined behavior of signed right shift on negative numbers.

In many places it is simply outright opaque. Some parts even explicitly refuse to fully explain a particular feature, pointing to highly-optimized, nigh-impossible-to-understand reference code for an explanation. There’s no way in hell anyone could write a decoder solely with this spec alone. " "The encoder and decoder share a staggering amount of code. " While the C code isn’t half bad, the assembly is clearly written by retarded monkeys. " I am incoherent in several languages. Diary Of An x264 Developer » Flash, Google, VP8, and the future of internet video. This is going to be a much longer post than usual, as it’s going to cover a lot of ground.

The internet has been filled for quite some time with an enormous number of blog posts complaining about how Flash sucks–so much that it’s sounding as if the entire internet is crying wolf. But, of course, despite the incessant complaining, they’re right: Flash has terrible performance on anything other than Windows x86 and Adobe doesn’t seem to care at all. But rather than repeat this ad nauseum, let’s be a bit more intellectual and try to figure out what happened. Flash became popular because of its power and flexibility. At the time it was the only option for animated vector graphics and interactive content (stuff like VRML hardly counts).

Thus, Adobe (actually, at the time, Macromedia) got their 98% install base. In short, they drank their own Kool-aid. The first mistake was assuming that Linux and OS X didn’t matter. The second mistake was attacking free software. So, what now? 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. Video in HTML5: Still an Unresolved Issue. It only took 3 years to go from HTML2 to HTML4, but the HTML4.01 specifications were published 10 years ago and even though today's web looks very different, we are still waiting for HTML5. The Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group started preliminary work on what is now known as HTML5 in 2004 and the W3C HTML Working Group was adopted this draft as the basis for the HTML5 specs in 2007. Some modern browsers already offer partial support for HTML5, but there are still quite a few issues that need to be resolved before we will see the finalized version of the HTML5 specifications. One area where there is still a lot of discussion is support for video in HTML5.

What Codec? Philippe Le Hegaret, the interaction domain leader for the W3C, talked about this issue in an interview with WebMonkey's Michael Calore. According to Le Hegaret, video support is still one of the main issues surrounding the development of HTML5. Transition from Plugins What About Microsoft?