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Friday Favorites–Harry Potter. Today is the end of an era for me. Ten years ago, when the first Harry Potter movie came out, I started reading the books aloud to my two kids. They were 7 and 5 at the time. We all wanted to read it before we saw the movie, so we sat together for hours on the couch, pronouncing Hermione wrong the entire time, until we reached the end.

After that we watched the DVD, which had been sitting next to the t.v. waiting for us to finish. We went through several books until, somewhere around The Order of the Phoenix, we caught up to J.K. Circa 2003. We haven’t been as faithful about watching the movies together. One of the interesting aspects of the Harry Potter world is the way they treat the various illnesses and maladies that befall the characters. Simple Simon & Co shares a couple of Harry Potter party ideas here, but my favorite is this t-shirt. I think my son’s main reason for wanting to be Harry for Halloween years ago was so that he could carry a wand. I have a sudden urge to go read… Nuno life. Male pattern boldness. Another Day in Paradise... Stop Paying Attention by Lucy Knisley. Videos and Blog | Patty & Emily | Comedy and Opinions from Two Broadway Fans! When any new show is set to open, we immediately get questions from all of you as to when our review will be coming out.

Which is why we wanted to let you know that we will not be seeing or reviewing Bullets Over Broadway. We’ve discussed it and given it a lot of thought, and while we will always support new theatre and theatre professionals, we do not feel comfortable promoting something that will, in part, benefit Woody Allen. Idina Menzel is back on Broadway! In a show with Anthony Rapp! But more importantly, LaChanze is back on Broadway! We went to the newest Disney musical, Aladdin! Yes, we went to see 50 Shades! The success of the show has everything to do with the fantastic cast and creative team (a bunch of awesome people from Second City and Baby Wants Candy). Over all, if you want a fun, fast-paced night with some great belting, lots of (different kinds of) BODY, and laughs, go see 50 Shades!

Website: Twitter: @Musical50Shades. Pudge and Biggs. Little Kiwi's Word Museum of Wonder and Terror.