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How to Maximize Facebook for Local Business. Andrea Vahl – who has written 16 posts on . Andrea Vahl is a Social Media Coach, Speaker and Strategist. She is a co-author of Facebook Marketing All-in-One for Dummies. She also sometimes likes to wear wigs. This was part of a series of webinars I am doing for the Business Lunch Series at the Vernon Area Public Library. Lots of great information in this and we had some great Q&A at the end. Some of the highlights we discussed were: How to between a Place and a Page and a Place Merged with a Page. How to access How to use and target locally How to connect with other local pages and That last tip is too good not to share here!

You can also find other Local Pages by looking at the and connect with their Page. Finally, if you liked this information, and are looking for ways to use Facebook to get leads for your business, take a look at my new product: How to Use Facebook To Get Leads for Your Business ! Did you enjoy this article? 101 examples of f-commerce. I’ve previously ranted a bit about how Facebook is driving forward a large element of social commerce, but I’ve always found that it helps to provide evidence for any argument. Consequently, I’ve compiled a rather large list of companies who are using Facebook to sell products... Some were pop-up stores, PR stunts or specific campaigns and not all of them involve direct transactions through Facebook.

Some use the API to pull through stock inventories on their Brand Pages, with others taking this further by allowing sign-ins to their checkout, following this. I imagine that some people will argue that this isn’t pure f-commerce, but it should be acknowledged that these examples were actively trying to make commercial sales using Facebook’s platform... which in my opinion, falls firmly into the commerce-through-Facebook camp.

Notably though, as a general rule, the examples I've selected don't have static pages which redirects the user to a separate e-commerce website. But onto the examples! 15 Case Studies to Get Your Client On Board With Social Media. Jonathan Rick is a social media strategist in Arlington, VA. You can follow him on Twitter @jrick and read his blog at In business, definitions are everywhere. They’re your first line of defense in mission statements, job descriptions, expense accounts, statements of work, accounting principles and the like. If you fail to define the parameters and jurisdiction of a tool or concept, you’ll be left with U.S.

Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart’s famous but ultimately vague application: "I know it when I see it. " Understandably, the plague of ambiguous definitions is why a plethora of pundits have sought to corner the elusive term “social media” within the scope of the dictionary. In order to sell the field that everyone is talking about, but on which few can illuminate, we first need to reframe the conversation. In these contexts, “social media” refers not to platforms, but to what those applications enable: social interaction.

Consumers More Likely to Use Businesses Active on Social Media. Seven out of 10 consumers are more likely to use a local business if it has information available on a social media site, says a new study. The annual study, called Local Search Usage Study: Bridging The Caps, From Search to Sales, is a joint effort of comScore and TMP Directional Marketing, a local search marketing firm. It includes an online survey of some 4,000 consumers, plus data gleaned from observing one million consumers who agreed to have their online searches monitored anonymously. Having a page on Facebook is a start, but it's not a one-time effort: 81 percent of consumers using social media say it's important for businesses to respond to questions and complaints. And for the record, you do need to worry about reviews and ratings – 78 percent said they're important when deciding what to buy.

What else do you need to be doing with social media? Where are consumers looking first for local business information? How Social Media Impacts Brand Marketing. Consumers are spending more time than ever using social media, as demonstrated in the Social Media Report recently published by Nielsen and NM Incite, a Nielsen/McKinsey company. Building on this report, research by NM Incite helps uncover what impacts social media may have for marketers trying to build their brands and connect with their audience more directly. Social media plays an important role in how consumers discover, research, and share information about brands and products. In fact 60 percent of consumers researching products through multiple online sources learned about a specific brand or retailer through social networking sites. Active social media users are more likely to read product reviews online, and 3 out of 5 create their own reviews of products and services.

Women are more likely than men to tell others about products that they like (81% of females vs. 72% of males). Top 10 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Need Social Media. In this latest instalment of my Expert Series I am delighted to welcome Jason Ramsey as a guest with his thoughts on why small business owners should be actively involved in social media. You can find out more about Jason, a man with a passion for business and social media, by connecting with him on Twitter, Google+, Linkedin and Facebook. Top 10 Reasons Why Small Business Owners Need Social Media Many people know that there are many benefits to using social media, but most people don’t.

Statistics of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and now Google + users continue to grow daily. Most of these people are individuals though, not businesses. New ways to establish your brand as an authority in your niche don’t come along very often. It all boils down to making the decision to do it. 1. Social media can be accessed from anywhere. Give customers fresh insight on what happens behind the scenes on the product they are buying from you. 2.

These two words are music to a business owners ears. 3. 4. 5. How To Use Social Media To Promote Your Small Business. 8 Small Business Social Media Tips From the Pros. Are you looking for some social media tips to grow your small business? We asked eight small business pros for their hottest social media tips. Here’s their advice for you to . #1: Show Them the “Real You” Ed Gandia Use Facebook to show prospects, clients and customers the “real you.” Sure, provide the occasional business tip. Or link to your new blog post. I love to cook, so I’ve been known to post pictures of my grilled masterpieces. Oh, and I know I’m going to ruffle a lot of feathers by saying this, I get more engagement by updating five times per week than five times per day. Ed occasionally shares personal stories on Facebook.

Ed Gandia , founding partner, International Freelancers Academy. #2: Pick One Thing and Do It Really Well Nichole Kelly Small businesses are faced with having to prioritize their resources toward the activities that deliver the most impact. Being on 5 social networks and giving all of them half-effort will not generate results. Amy Porterfield Cliff Ravenscraft . . Social Media: A Must-Have for Small Business Owners. Social media platforms allow us to connect quickly with people and brands. We are forming relationships faster than ever before, with people and brands alike. Additionally, many studies are emerging to show that social media interactions have a direct impact on consumer-buying choices, which is transforming the retail market, advertising and global business overall. As a small business owner, breaking into social media can be a scary and daunting task. Resources are often limited, but in this day and age… Can your small business really afford not to be using social media?

Most small businesses understand the importance of social media, but do not how to leverage it to produce real results such as acquiring new business, gaining customer feedback, and most importantly, boosting sales and profitability. Small businesses need a roadmap to proceed in social media. Of course, it is important to remember that content is king.

The power of social media for your small business is infinite. Connect:


30 Useful Social Media Monitoring Tools. If you work in online marketing or social media, you know how difficult it can be to try and be everywhere at once. Social media monitoring tools can be extremely useful to help brands, companies and individuals keep up with all relevant social media activity. Social Media Monitoring Tools not only helps you to check what people have to say about you or your company brand but they also help you analyze the ROI (return on investment), and the steps you need to take to improve your reputation and make your customers happy. In this article, I have compiled a large list of social media monitoring tools to help you reach your social media goals. Enjoy! Keep in mind that besides tools for monitoring your social media performance it is also important to connect your sites to sites like Facebook in an intelligent way.

WordPress Facebook plugins can certainly be helpful in this case! Advertisement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. Website News and Analysis - SiteTrail.