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Dead Book Darling Book Reviews. So Many Books, So Little Time. My Favourite Books. About « A Striped Armchair. I’m Eva, an amateur reader and full-time library aficionado. Books allow me to transcend my chronic illnesses, and I love to read diversely, in every sense. My taste ranges across fiction and nonfiction, from the just-published to classics, includes a variety of genres, and I can name a favourite author from every (inhabited) continent.

My perfect afternoon is spent in my armchair with a fat book, my rescue mutt Thistle curled up in my lap, and huge mug of tea nearby. I began blogging on January 2, 2007, when I was 20. Like this: Like Loading... I Want To Read That. The Book Whisperer. Fantasy4eva. Empire of Books. Narratively Speaking. Fluttering Butterflies. Wondrous Reads. Once Upon a Bookcase. Love Reading X.