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Reference. Algorithms. Design. Python. Lisp. Engineering tradeoffs from google chrome dev. A lesson I've learned from working on Chrome is how core tradeoffs are to engineering. Working on it as a public project has made me especially aware of how non-obvious that is. This thread serves as a nice example. Few would dispute that showing a preview of a feed would be nice; but to do so means you need a feed parser, itself an enormous task, and in the Chromium world parsing complicated document formats means you need to do the parsing a sandboxed subprocess.

It's not unimaginable to implement (one of the boring things about this sort of project is that you can see the end from the start, and the journey is just a bunch of typing), but in doing so you haven't implemented any number of other things. Another way to phrase that is to say that to warrant implementing extra feature X, it would be reasonable to state feature Y that will not be implemented because of the time spent on X.