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Maven-scala-plugin - Example. Running You can start a console with a classpath set with the project dependencies (compile, test, runtime) and compiler classes (main and test): compile your code (running the console doesn't force to compile: mvn test-compile #or mvn testrun the console : when the scala prompt is shown, play : ... [INFO] [scala:console] Welcome to Scala version 2.6.0-final. Type in expressions to have them evaluated. Type :help for more information. scala> print("hello") hello scala> new bootstrap.liftweb.Boot().boot ... pre/post action If you want to always run some code before use the console or after use it, and don't want to type it at every startup. I'll show an example with the LiftConsole. Running with JavaRebel If you want to run the console with JavaRebel, you need : The Scala Option class and how lift uses it - David Pollak' Comet and JS in lift from DPP. Keeping the meaning with the bytes - David Pollak's Blog.

How lift uses Scala actors - David Pollak's Blog. Dynamic web applications with lift and Scala. This is a tutorial introduction to building dynamic web applications with lift and Scala. We'll be building a linksharing site, much like Digg or reddit. However, lift's advanced support for Comet-enabled web applications will allow our site to update live as new links get submitted or old links get voted up or down, without our visitors having to refresh the page.

This is a short (50 seconds) screencast of what we're trying to build. The quality on the YouTube version isn't great, so you can also download the full-quality QuickTime version (~800K). I'll assume that you have the most recent versions of Scala, Eclipse, the Scala Plugin for Eclipse, and Maven installed. (I've you have used lift before the 0.3.0 release on Dec. 7, there is a bug in our repository that might cause you to use a pre-release version of the lift libraries. From Eclipse's workspace directory, lets create a new project called "linkshare" in the "com.test" package by typing the following into the command line: Emailing and Texting with Scala & lift. This blog post will walk you through the process of configuring and using lift's Mailer, a utility for sending email from your web application. By the end of it, your webapp will be able to Send email account activations on user signupsSupport forgotten password resetsSend plain text emailsBroadcast emails to users Getting Started: Setting Up a New lift Project As a prerequisite, you must have JDK 1.5 or greater along with Maven2 installed on your computer. lift uses Maven to manage dependencies (like scala and lift itself), generate new projects, run and deploy your web app, and, in general, make your life easier.

To generate your lift project, you can use one of lift's "archetypes. " The archetype we will be using is the "basic" archetype. Mvn archetype:create -U \ -DarchetypeGroupId=net.liftweb \ -DarchetypeArtifactId=lift-archetype-basic \ -DarchetypeVersion=0.9 \ -DremoteRepositories= \ -DgroupId=org.example.mailer -DartifactId=mailer-example to: Response file consolidation - Lift. Lift WebKit 0.10-SNAPSHOT API : Overview. *Breaking Change* Failure - Lift. Folks, Failure(String, Can[Exception], List[Failure]) has become: Failure(String, Can[Exception], Can[Failure]) It makes more sense to chain to a single failure rather than flattening out the failure list.

Also, I've added: case class ParamFailure[T](String, Can[Exception], Can[Failure], param: T) extends Failure(msg, excp, failure) That way, you can bubble parameters along with your Failures and because it's a subclass of Failure, the pattern matching against Failure (without the param) works just fine. Thanks, David. Sitemap oddity - Lift. Understanding Lift routing and SiteMap - Lift. SiteMap, URL Rewriting, and Dispatching - Lift. Lift Documentation Search Engine Plugins - Fire.