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Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services. Achieving Rapid Response Times in Large Online Services Jeffrey Dean Abstract Today’s large-scale web services provide rapid responses to interactive requests by applying large amounts of computational resources to massive datasets. They typically operate in warehouse-sized datacenters and run on clusters of machines that are shared across many kinds of interactive and batch jobs. As these systems distribute work to ever larger numbers of machines and sub-systems in order to provide interactive response times, it becomes increasingly difficult to tightly control latency variability across these machines, and often the 95%ile and 99%ile response times suffer in an effort to improve average response times. Joint work with Luiz Barroso and many others at Google.

What are all the Jeff Dean facts. NLP at Google.


Closure-tools. Paxos. The flow of information at the Googleplex. Google Taps Employees to Crowdsource Its Venture Capital Arm | E. Google unveiled its strategy for its year-old venture-capital-funding arm Monday: Follow the tips from Google employees to find companies worth investing in that also need help from Google’s immense computing power in the hopes of making billions down the road. Google Ventures plans to invest $100 million a year in startups, following on nine initial investments in 2009, ranging from an electric vehicle manufacturer to a company finding ways to bring product-placement ads to online images. At a briefing Monday with reporters, Google Ventures partners David Krane and Bill Maris struggled to explain the scattershot strategy, until CEO Eric Schmidt dropped in to explain. “This is not a stalking horse for acquiring companies — if people want to get bought, they are going to talk us,” Schmidt said.

“What we have found, with Bill’s leadership, is that Googlers know a lot of people and the employee and knowledge base we can tap are literally thousands of people. See Also: Google I/O 2010 - BigQuery and Prediction APIs.