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What You Can Learn From ido.el. Bill Clementson's Blog: My Clojure Emacs Setup (I'll s. Emacs package manager. The auto-install code below will download package.el and the url package (if you need it), will edit your .emacs to initialize the package manager on future invocations of Emacs, and will finally initialize the package manager in your currently running Emacs. There are two sets of instructions, depending on what version of Emacs you are using. If you are using Emacs 22, you already have the needed url package, and you can eval this code: (let ((buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously " (save-excursion (set-buffer buffer) (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward "^$" nil 'move) (eval-region (point) (point-max)) (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))) If you don't know what "eval" means, it means that you should copy this into your *scratch* buffer, move your cursor just after the final closing paren, and type C-j.

If you are running Emacs 21, you will need the external wget utility. [Trac] [ot] Python IDE recommendations? Emacs wiki. Emacs Starter Kit. The Craft of Text Editing emacs. -by- Craig A. Finseth Copyright 1999 by Craig A. Finseth. Contact the author with questions about distribution rights. This web site contains the full text of the book "The Craft of Text Editing. " That book was published in 1991 by Springer-Verlag & Co. By arrangement between the author and the publisher, the book version is now out of print and all rights have been returned to the author.

If you wish to cite this work, please use the following URL: This book is also available in print form. If you should notice typos or formatting problems, please let me know. Here is an .epub version that is pretty reasonable. Here is a .mobi version, again created using calibre. Here is a .pdf version that contains better bookmarking than the one on Lulu. Here is a gzip'd .tar file that contains the complete work.

Here is a .gz file that contains a PostScript version of the complete work. Quick Contents: Credits Trademarks Annex is a registered trademark of Xylogics. Craig A. EMACS: The Extensible, Customizable Display Editor. This paper was written by Richard Stallman in 1981 and delivered in the ACM Conference on Text Processing. EMACS(1) is a real-time display editor which can be extended by the user while it is running. Extensibility means that the user can add new editing commands or change old ones to fit his editing needs, while he is editing. EMACS is written in a modular fashion, composed of many separate and independent functions. The user extends EMACS by adding or replacing functions, writing their definitions in the same language that was used to write the original EMACS system.

Extensibility makes EMACS more flexible than any other editor. A coherent set of new and redefined functions can be bound into a library so that the user can load them together conveniently. User customization helps in another, subtler way, by making the whole user community into a breeding and testing ground for new ideas. Background: Real-Time Display Editors A real-time display editor has (primarily!) Customization. Scheme resources.