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Tim Clarke & Co Lawyers

Property Conveyancing Adelaide. Adelaide Personal Injury Claims. If you have suffered an injury or illness, whether it be physically or mentally, because of someone else’s wrongful act you could be entitled to damages to compensate you for your loss.

Adelaide Personal Injury Claims

Here at Tim Clarke and Co Lawyers, we have been providing help, support and legal assistance to Australian’s seeking compensation for many years. We understand the difficult time people go through, the impact it has on lives and the need for feedback and support. We are highly experienced in personal injury law and continue to assist individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents, injuries suffered at work, medical negligence claims and accidents suffered on public or private property.

Our personal approach to each individual matter assures our clients that we care about them and their matter and that we will assist in every step of the process to obtain the best result possible. Personal injury claims can cover the following situations: Tim Clarke Testimonials. Estate Lawyers Adelaide. Take Care of Your Inheritance.

So, why contact wills lawyers Adelaide?

Take Care of Your Inheritance

Long story short—everyone needs a will. If you have passed before writing a will, it’s classified as an “intestate” death. This ultimately means that what happens with your possessions and assets will be determined by your state’s intestacy laws. That doesn’t necessarily mean that the government takes ownership of your possessions, but your assets may be distributed among relatives you have little affiliation with. At Tim Clarke & Co Lawyers, we want everything to be managed exactly how you’d like it.

All about wills After writing your will, you should have it regularly reviewed by wills lawyers Adelaide to ensure the information is still relevant. Having childrenStarting a new career pathMaking large purchases/increasing your assets (i.e. buying a house)Changing your marital statusRetiringA chosen beneficiary passes away. Adelaide Criminal Lawyers. Conveyancing in Adelaide. Buying or selling a residential or commercial property is a significate life decision.

Conveyancing in Adelaide

We offer many years of experience with property law and have represented both buyers and sellers of property for all legal matters. We at Tim Clarke and Co Lawyers can help with property law in the following ways: Information about the costs involvedReviewing a contract for the sale of land, Negotiating real estate contract terms and conditionsAdvice in regard to sale or purchase of vacant land, units, strata and community title, rural land and purchases ‘off the plan’Arrange searches and land enquiriesPreparing documents for settlementArranging for the discharge of a mortgageChecking that you can obtain a clear titleArranging settlementDealing with utilities and services in relation to a property To find out more, please contact our office on (08) 8277 8355 or click here to email us to arrange an appointment.

Alternatively, you can click here to get an instant conveyancing quote. Personal injury lawyers Adelaide (1) The Leading Adelaide Criminal Lawyers. What Our Adelaide Criminal Lawyers Can Do For You If you’ve been charged with a traffic or criminal offence, it’s best to seek legal advice from professional and reliable Adelaide criminal lawyers.

The Leading Adelaide Criminal Lawyers

You can trust Tim Clarke & Co Lawyers to create a strong foundation to increase your prospects. We make sure you’re fully aware of all your rights and obligations and educate you on how the system works. We also take care of all the tedious tasks like lodging applications and arranging paperwork to keep things progressing. When it comes to our clients, we offer friendly, educated advice to help through what can be a really tough time for you and your family. Areas of criminal law we specialise in Our Adelaide criminal lawyers cover the full-scope of criminal law. Traffic and vehicle offencesTheftProperty damageSexual offencesDangerous or negligent behaviourBreach of privacyHomicideAssault and violence offence and more.

The advantages of choosing Tim Clarke & Co Lawyers. Adelaide Wills Lawyer. Everyone needs a will.

Adelaide Wills Lawyer

It is one of the most important documents you will ever sign and goes a long way toward avoiding family conflict surrounding your estate. A will can save your loved ones a great deal of distress. A clearly written Will allows you to take control and publicly declare your values and wishes by: Choosing who will receive your assets and belongings after you dieChoosing who will be responsible for your estate (your executor)Deciding who will be appointed guardian of your children until they reach the age of 18.Excluding a person who may otherwise inherit from your estate, in the event, you do not have a Will.

We understand people may find themselves in situations where a Will is required immediately. You may already have a will, but it should be reviewed regularly. Your will needs to be kept in a safe place. When making a Will, give some thought to the following: Welcome to our new website and blog! - Tim Clarke & Co Lawyers. Personal Injury Lawyers Adelaide. Adelaide Lawyer News.